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Review (17)
Level4 2021-05-31
CP值:2/5價錢Price: - 芝士流心雞蛋仔Molten Cheese Egg Waffle: $20雞蛋仔一定係香港其中一樣最精彩嘅街頭小食!😍🤤當我仲讀緊大學嗰陣時,我成日都會喺呢間同佢另一個係第一城嘅鋪買雞蛋仔食😋仲好記得佢個陣啲雞蛋仔係外脆內軟👏🏻因為好想重拾美好回憶👧🏻冒住疫情,我都買左一底芝士流心雞蛋仔,搵個冇乜人嘅位開餐「啲芝士流心去左邊?😱」「誰搬走了我的乳酪?🤣」我一路食,一路心諗:頂,個店員係咪落錯單呀?😣Ok, 當啲芝士溶左落個雞蛋仔入面,我應該都會食到芝士味呀,好可惜係冇嘅😑Anyway, 我都俾2分佢係因為中間幾鬆軟,同埋少少脆嘅外層,蛋味都有嘅但應該唔會再有下次😓😓Egg waffle must be one of the signature street food in Hong Kong!😍🤤When I was studying in university, I often bought egg waffle from this shop and another branch in City One. I was impressed by its crispy surface and soft core. I would like to recall my old good time so I bought the Molten Cheese Egg Waffle and found a less crowded area to enjoy it😅"Where is the molten cheese?" "Who moved my cheese?🤣"I kept on wondering whether the shopkeeper gave me a wrong product.🙄Ok, if the cheese melted into the egg waffle, I should have tasted some cheese flavour. Sorry, nil.Anyway, it still scored 2 marks because of its soft core, slightly crispy surface and fair taste of fresh egg. However, no next time.😓😓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日去沙田市中心行下行到3點幾,有啲肚餓咪去睇下附近有咩小食食見到呢間雞蛋仔大王心諗應該幾正啦,咪去試下買左個格仔餅同雞蛋仔比完錢,拎野食熱辣辣喎,好期待一食落口,先知出事個格仔餅白雪雪,淡而無味得啲花生醬味,仲衰過面包店買果啲紙包蛋糕食左兩淡頂唔順,dum左個雞蛋仔,叫做好少少,有少少味又唔算好脆食左1半都冇再食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-06-28
經過沙田好想食芝士雞蛋仔,買咗之後發現入面完全冇芝士,好傷心。而且雞蛋仔唔係特別好食,有啲燶邊,食到有啲燶味,咬開一半再睇都係見唔到芝士,食咗一半已經唔想再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-21
今日難得放假, 特地來買辣魚蛋, 無人係度等緊排隧買野, 得我一個買, 講得好清楚要”辣魚蛋”, 加上店員冇再double confirm, 所以我assume佢應該聽得好清楚我要咩, 一食上口完全冇辣味🤬, 佢居然比左串吾辣既我, 食上口完全無味, 加上魚蛋完全是粉味, 一點魚味也沒有, 沒有口感可言, 而店內無辣油提供, 只有辣醬, 跟魚蛋完全吾夾, 最後成串掉了, 以後也不幫襯. 主要服務態度也很差, 建議如果聽不清楚應再三跟客人傾通, 免得客人給了$但得不到想要的食物. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-05-15
相信唔少人都知呢間係第一城冰站既分店,最出名既就係雞蛋仔。不過小弟好少係呢度買雞蛋仔食,多數都係食佢既魚蛋同燒賣佢d魚蛋唔係陳皮魚蛋,食落去有魚味,唔會好淋仲好彈牙tim至於佢d辣汁睇落好似平平無奇,但係小弟就無係其他小食店可以食得番呢隻味!燒賣都係有咬口,唔會好似食緊麵粉咁,正串腸係朋友既,小弟就無食到,所以唔評論喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)