Le Monde d' Ulysse mainly provide foie gras and also provide a small amount of western cuisine,customers can takeaway foie gras. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Garden Salad Smoked foie gras with Secret recipe Cassoulet
Review (48)
Level4 2014-02-11
是日星期六, 五天工作豬難得早起食個Brunch。去左一個好想去試既地方, 就係依間法國鵝肝專門店。奇怪既係去到個名完全唔同, sorry 我都唔記得叫咩; 好彩仲認得d裝修。位於街市旁的一間家庭式餐廳 (感覺係) , 裝修歐陸風味又帶點港式味道。好舒服~食物方面叫左兩個set lunch :洋蔥湯 -- 冇味水油封鴨脾飯 (推) -- 鴨油香肉質滑, 配飯一流。可惜既係...唔多熱鵝肝奄列飯 --- 蛋滑鵝肝香, 味道可口。不過冇技術可言。Latte -- 相信亦唔係強項總括: 食物對得起價錢, 唯獨份量較細。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-19
The lunch is only served Mondays to Fridays so don't dream of trying lunch on the weekends!They do not take reservations for lunch but when I was in the restaurant there were clearly some people who reserved by phone and they won't let you in unless all your guests have arrived but when I was dining there, there was someone sitting at a table waiting for friends to arrive.Nice and contradicting.I just felt that the food here was Chinese styled French food~★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Foie Gras:The Chinese French style omelette was lovely but not enough foie gras.I was hoping to photograph the foie gras bits but I only found 2-3 small pieces.In terms of the Chinese omelette, it was very well done, the texture and taste was amazing, it was half runny and cooked.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Only the girl who spoke good English was nice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-11-17
We came to experience some French food. 2 people on Saturday night. We booked in advance so that we wouldn't need to wait. In fact the place was half empty.First problem: the menu. From the front door you could see an "A la Carte" menu with quite some choice.Once seated, there was only ONE set: 400$/person.+10% charge+ most items were charged as extra -shrimps + 70$, drinks +20$, foie gras +70$, etc.)That was way higher than the budget stated here (150-300$ per person).Well, anyway, we decided to give it a try.The food came in very little quantity and with very basic dressing: nothing special about it.The salad was very simple, the panned goose liver was SO oily and came without any bread, the "pot au feu" was so basic that there was only one slice of each vegetable, etc.We waited for the dessert for 25 minutes.The place is very small but the waited is SO agitated. He kept running back and forth behind my chair which is incredibly disturbing.To make it a perfect night, the waiter gave us a HUGE burp while we were eating our dessert, without apologizing. I know we are in HK, but this is supposed to be a french restaurant, not a noodle shop.All together, it was WAY overpriced. For 120 per person that could have been understandable. But for 500$ per person, this is SURE we will never go back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-02
這天,有新同事來,於是我們便來到這間位於結志街的法式小店。經常都經過這裡,每次都看到人龍的,但就沒有想過要來吃,既然來到,不妨一試吧。因為位於街市,所以門口看上去比較簡陋,亦不夠大體;推開門後,第一感覺就是面積頗小的,有點壓迫感;然後就可看到一個玻璃櫃,玻璃櫃內,放著不同的酒和食物。除了有視覺外,另一樣便是嗅覺,一進來,會嗅到很強烈的鵝肝味,這樣的味道好不好? 見仁見智吧,我頗喜歡的,最好立刻可以吃一件。店內有5-6張枱左右,數目不算少,但枱比較細小,所以感覺有點迫。餐牌上似乎有很多不同的選擇,但其實旁邊有tick的才有提供,大約都有十多款吧。其實有時去到一間餐廳,太多款式,我真的不知道如何是好;因為我有選擇能力缺乏症的,往往不知道選甚麼好,或者有時不是不知道要甚麼,只是太貪心,甚麼也想要;所以有一段時間我很喜歡吃buffet,可以每樣食物都放進肚;但現在年紀開始大,消化能力下降,已經不可能像從前一樣能吃,所以,要挑好的吃。這裡沒提供水,反而提供了冰茶;真的超冰,雖然味道不錯,但我不喜歡喝冰茶,只嚐了兩口就算。除了因為味道不合外,另一原因是女孩子不要喝太多冰品,這樣對肚是不好的,喝冰品後,肚子需要更多的脂肪來暖胃,那脂肪很容易會積聚,肚腩便會形成。所以,如非好喝,還是不要喝冰的。魚湯 ($20)我對湯的興趣不大,這是老闆點的,偷了一口淺嚐。魚味尚算濃郁,頗鮮甜的,但質感有點稀;蕃茄味亦濃郁;整體來說都可以接受的。法國栗子油漬鴨肉飯 ($55)因為同事有些事要處理,還未來到,所以老闆叫我幫同事點一份。自把自為下,幫同事點了這份鴨肉飯,不得不讚自己的點菜能力,同事說這份鴨肉飯味道不錯。而我亦偷了一口試試,鴨肉味道十分濃郁,而且軟稔度亦很高,還帶著微微的烤香。看上去雖然只有肉和飯,沒有汁醬,但鴨肉是油漬的,油份的滲出,所以吃時不會有乾的感覺。法國鵝肝蘑菇奄列飯 ($55)而我自己,在選擇能力缺乏症的情況下,選了這個奄列飯。飯未來前,我還以為是日式的那種,炒蛋包著鵝肝和飯;來到後,看到這個樣子,覺得很有趣。原來所謂的奄列,其實是蛋包了鵝肝,而飯則放在底層。蛋炒得十分滑溜,質感有點似scramble egg,當中帶點濕潤感,蛋味亦很濃郁,用來伴飯是一流的。鵝肝在那裡? 鵝肝就在蛋裡,大約有5-6件的一小塊,份量不算少的,特別這個飯只需$55,當中加起來的鵝肝份量應該也值$55;鵝肝味道不錯,十分濃郁,口感亦不錯,應該7成熟左右吧,雖不算超新鮮,但用來炒蛋亦很足夠;鵝肝應該先稍為煎香,再放進蛋中一起炒的;總括來說是不錯的。這裡的午餐,組合度很高,你可以選一份碟頭飯,然後加$要這個要那個;加$20便有一個湯;另外再加$20便有飲品;再加$20便有一個甜品;如果真的加完又加,那一份午餐便要$115,其實在中環吃飯,百多元是在所難免的;不過如果要百多元吃個午餐,我會選擇吃其他而不是吃碟頭飯;只吃一份$55的碟頭飯,有這個質素,雖未算很抵食,但也算經濟的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-19
二月二十日 (星期三)早前走過中環龍記旁的法國鵝肝專門店,在門外看到餐牌上寫着法式碟頭飯挺有趣的名字,大部份只售每碟五十元左右一早已有打算來一試水準,不過有這打算的大有人在,每日中午很快便滿座,所以我倆試了數次也是失敗而回皇天不負有心人,是日終於找到珍貴的二人枱說實的,店內環境只屬一般,頂多牆上掛幾幅畫作裝飾飯也有多款選擇我們就選了法國鵝肝蘑菇奄列飯和白酒燴羊腩飯,另加一碗馬賽海鮮湯加十五元便有一碗的馬賽海鮮湯,你不會要求太多雖吃不到任何海鮮,不過湯帶着挺濃的海鮮香氣,其實是不錯的了,沒投訴吃過湯,等了良久,兩碟飯終於送上法國鵝肝蘑菇奄列飯這裡最出名就是鵝肝,用來製飯當然沒令人失望鵝肝油脂豐腴,入口充滿油份加上咸香四溢,還帶着一點口感蛋從外表看以為是煎得過乾,不過切開後一切憂慮也消除內裡蛋汁豐盛,蛋香不算太濃,不過伴着味濃鵝肝,其實什麼也不重要不得不讚的,雖只是數十元的碟頭飯,但加了法式二字,賣相也頓時有了大躍進!就們這碟白酒燴羊腩飯,羊肉置底,就添了一點點神秘感覺,賣相挺美觀的醬汁中,白酒味道不算突出,相反羊的羶味則挺香濃羊腩肉吃不到筋性,入口軟腍配上醬汁,確實值得一吃以這價錢,性價比實在高,不再挑剔喇唯一真的要認真改善的地方,應是出菜的速度罷~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)