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Review (5)
I have always wanted to get buns from this place because the pictures of these purple rose shaped buns looked good and the name Duke Big Bun sounded interesting.Missed this place on the first visit because it was so well hidden and there is no telephone number to call and no one replied me from their FB page..Anyway, finally found it one night and it was impressive there is an English menu too.I got the purple potato rose bun, green tea and red bean bun and a tub of Liangpi.The pumpkin brown sugar bun was sold out so I will try that next time and the roujiamo as well.The steamed buns were ok but the colour was different from the pictures.The sweet purple potato rose bun looked like a chocolate rose.The green tea and red bean bun was ok,As for the Liangpi, I loved it, it tastes nice without the chili oil but after adding it the spices and aromas came alive and it is not as spicy as it looks because I ended adding the whole bag!The tofu pieces were chunky and delicious because it had a spongy structure and absorbed all the flavours. ++++++++ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-01-20
想不到中式包點在平民小店中亦推陳出新。看這個美麗的玫瑰樣子配合浪漫的淺紫色,光是看,心情也大好了。真有點捨不得吃。味道更是推薦,清淡中滲出紫薯的味道。中間放了一小塊紫薯除了為外觀加分外,更是帶出整個包的紫薯味道出來。喜歡中式包點的你,真是不容錯過。照我看,買幾個來送給愛人,更是物輕情意重哦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-09-17
之前去油麻地搵friends, 途中見到一間不起眼的小吃店, 被那特別的店名吸引著就走過去。玻璃櫃裡都有樣品, 我就買左1 紫薯包+ 1 菜肉包,即場就吃菜肉包,那豬肉的味道鮮甜。看到他們也有賣黑芝麻豆漿,立刻就買來飲,包裝好方便。我個人好喜歡飲黑芝麻,因為對身體好之余還可以美顏 :)嘗了一口, 可以飲到豆的香味及黑芝麻的濃度,在想成本肯定高, 但才賣HKD 8 / 包,可以感覺到他們的百分百付出及想讓客人吃的健康。這點值得贊賞 !老板親切的笑容,禮貌的向我說謝謝。比較那些連鎖的包店,你可以在 ”大包公“ 吃到他們的用心, 他們的真誠, 及無添加食物。在香港還可以找得到這種經營的小店,實在難得。 “大包公” 加油, 加油!1 x 紫薯包 = HKD 51 x 菜肉包 = HKD 5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
跟老公行油麻地, 路過一間小店, 外面看來好平實. 無意中見到有一個牌寫住" 肉夾饃" ,於是點咗一個牛肉肉夾饃,等左約5分鐘, 眼見店員即場製, 睇落都似係用心製作嘅一間小店!(支持) " 肉夾饃"份量足夠2個人食! 熱食非常之不錯!老公話好有陝西風味~~ 仲有自家製凍豆張, 甜味岩岩好!題外話:老闆娘很友善,謝謝推介! 下次再來!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-09-07
许久想念的凉皮,肉夹馍终于在油麻地也有得买了!之前经常去深圳吃,连着带回来几个送给同样嘴馋的朋友,所以一听说有这家店,就赶紧去试试。没想到他们家的东西全都是手工制作的,这在大陆都不多见,平时见到的小店基本上都是工厂配送的。正好赶上老板娘在洗面,就多聊了两句。说实在的,我还从来没见过面是怎么洗出来的呢,可真是辛苦!尝了凉皮,味道确实比机器做出来的好吃,尤其面筋,好新鲜啊,给的分量又足,过瘾过瘾!肉夹馍我吃了孜然牛肉的,饼皮外脆内软,肉好多,好吃极了,以后再也不用特意跑深圳了,而且还便宜。这是俺们吃货的福音哦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)