Entrance at Star Street, 7-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
Public Holiday
*Reservations only
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Melting Onion Duck Not-so-Shanghainese Foie Gras Wonton
Review (7)
Level1 2021-12-15
First of all, this female staff was the worst communicator ever. Never called back when she said so, messed up with all the reservation dates, providing a wrong menu... etc. And telling us at the very last minute that they can provide a place card for every guests, and making me typing all these guest names on the street.When we got there, we were brought to a private room. The room was a bit small, given that we had 20 people plus a baby with a stroller. There was also an open kitchen in the room which i thought the chef would be cooking there in front of us, but nope. And not even a meet and greet . Given that the price was 1288 plus 10% charges per person, I was actually expecting a little bit more.Now come to the food part, starting with the Amuse Bouche which we had no idea what it was since the server did not explain at all.I am not sure if it was because all stated on the menu or what, but the servers only put the dishes in front of us and just left. They did not introduce us every single dishes at all. This was a bit disappointed. The food over all were mediocre and nothing mind blowing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-24
如果你睇得耐,你應該記得我曾經寫過Maison ES,那次為了老闆生日,搞左場function,不經不覺,咁就過了四年了。 呢幾年,都未有再來過,呢幾年試過出面有名的,米芝蓮的日法dining,都係較大型的名字,同呢度較warm較家庭化嘅經營,完全唔同。 還記得上次在Maison ES都係選了Chef Esther 喜歡嘅菜式,同Ta Pantry一樣,佢都係為身邊所愛嘅人設計菜單,吃到嘅都係精心挑選和有心機研發過嘅菜式。加上head Chef Eric的加入後,今次Ta Pantry成個menu再重新出發過。 食正餐前,當然有牛油同麵包,兩樣都係不錯,配上香檳,將你自己嘅胃全開。 “Le Japonais",似曾相識,那個魷魚,只能夠說太開胃了,上次同樣吃過的感覺,剩係呢個已經有足夠的回憶了叫我回到過去。 Yellowfin Tuna Akami以黃鰭赤身呑拿魚背為主角,今次呑拿魚用上upgrade左嘅貨源,加上了Iberico ham,係品嘗呑拿背嘅時候更吃到脆脆iberico ham 嘅味道,用上橘子汁,又有甘甜馬糞海膽作伴,口感更有特色。 上次來搞老闆生日也試過呢個Maitake,今次同樣有吃,同樣的處理手法,不過味道更加昇華,黑松露味道更濃烈,那個炭烤舞茸菇的味道燒得更出色,加上那些鵝肝泡泡同傳統日式蒸蛋做法,合成一起更好吃,呢個係Chef Esther老公嘅最愛,當然會做得更加出色。 Japanese Black Abalone用上肝醬和魚子,染上了肝醬的日本黑鮑的彈性可以話係一流,味道又夠濃烈,加上海帶粉和醬汁的自家寬條麵非常迷人,彈牙而且香氣逼人,不過,最令人覺得美味的就一定係隻黑鮑,就是切左幾件上都感受到佢嘅size非常大隻。 Wagyu A3 Sirloin 2 Ways,一個係吉列,一個用上黑蒜醬汁,各有千秋的感覺,同Chef Esther 一樣,我還是愛上吉列方法,呢樣嘢叫我想起東京街頭嘅吉列牛扒店,也叫我想起那個時候想飛就飛嘅日子,喺未有旅行嘅日子,就喺呢度感受一下鹿兒島和牛嘅好吧。 Crêpe 可能你會諗起法國嘅薄餅,但係日本街頭嘅手法又會有截然不同嘅感覺,用上了栗子蓉,麻糬,焙茶雪糕同沖繩黑糖漿造成嘅班㦸叫人吃完一定不會內疚,唔會太甜卻有令人幸福滿滿的感覺。 尾聲Petit fours,是常識吧。 同上次來這裡一樣,同樣吃得非常滿足,只不過今次不是公司飯局,吃得更加無壓力,更加可以enjoy到可以重新認識Chef Esther的理念。 Ta Pantry Private Dining & Catering 灣仔電氣街1號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-23
終於可以去試呢間好華貴嘅私房菜, 主打日法菜🤩🌟黃鰭赤身吞拿魚他他伴馬糞海膽吞拿魚生用橘子汁餣漬,肉質嫩滑清新😌。配以甘甜嘅馬糞海膽,蜜糖豆及黑毛豬火腿脆脆,鹹與鮮甜嘅融合,味道更有層次🌟炭烤舞茸菇蒸蛋伴黑松露鵝肝泡泡炭烤🔥舞茸菇,及混有黑松露的鵝肝泡泡,放上蒸蛋上,混有味醂及木魚汁,味道香滑濃郁,面層上仲鋪了日本金箔,盡顯矜貴✨🌟昆布慢煮日本黑鮑配鮑魚肝汁抄自家製海帶寬條麵用昆布製嘅日本高湯,及慢煮日本黑鮑,完全將鮮味提升⏫。用鮑魚肝汁及法式奶油白汁來炒滲有昆布汁的自家製手打寬條麵,上面再加上名貴魚子醬,口感豐富。🌟香煎/脆炸鹿兒島和牛西冷和牛兩食🤩 用上頂級和牛,油脂分布平均,肉味濃郁。兩食:香煎及脆炸,肉嫩多汁 ,入口即溶😋 再伴以日本枝豆,水菜及醬汁。🌟Chef’s Tata 特製班㦸班㦸入面有香甜嘅栗子蓉,伴著Q彈麻糬,特製香濃嘅咖啡啫喱凍, 仲有沖繩黑糖漿及自行調製嘅焙茶🍵雪糕,茶味芳香,食到停唔到口🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-10-23
朋友慶祝大生日 訂了房間房間裡有一張可以坐12人的長桌還有獨立廁所這次吃的是Menu IVBlack Truffle Balsamic Portobello Tarte算特別,表面有熟的水果底下有香菇 Mediterranean Giant Red Prawn 意粉很入味 有很濃的龍蝦味Signature Melting Onion Duck 可能因為適應淋醬汁的時候淋得太多 所以太鹹 有點失望用Souffle 做結尾還不錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-20
享受很多美食的晚上今天去了灣仔這間餐廳,內裏裝修舒服,很有格調。我們先吃了一個頭盤,作為開胃菜。呑拿魚他他,吞拿魚和海膽味道新鮮,加上配搭了食用花的香氣, 10分開胃。日式蒸蛋,味道不過不失。入邊有米通食落口感豐富,但係略嫌蛋整得有啲過熟。鮑魚pasta魚子醬加上鮑魚配搭, pasta好creamie好香, 10分驚喜好想再食一啖😁😁😁rib 2食 牛肉嫩口最後crepe亦十分出色 丸子加配上黑糖雪糕 作為甜品 唔會太漏 而且層次豐富 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)