Restaurant: Grand Ballroom

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

10-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
It was a Thai movie night with the Thai princess attending. It was like a palace banquet you are attending. Food is endless, the Thai food got so many varieties, four types of herbal drinks I simply love, Thai desserts, cold dishes and hot dishes, dishes you are familiar with and those you are not. It was well attended by celebrities and people in film industries.  I suspect the princess brought in her own chefs all the way from Thailand.  Awesome! You can arrange a party like that! Great idea! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-07-27
好多酒店既自助餐都有食過,不過有水準既真係無乜幾間,呢度款式唔可以話好多,但係食物質素同味道真係要讚,而且服務都唔錯,不論係侍應同廚師都有禮貌有笑容!雖然比起其他自助餐貴小小,但係物有所值,今餐好滿足!比較有果味既白酒:女侍應介紹,值得一讚個女侍應,推介得好,又有禮貌又好笑容,可惜無留意到佢個名,但係感謝你既尊業!凱撒沙律:呢度既沙律係有師傅即整,都唔洗等好耐就整好比你左上:即炸天婦羅配抹茶鹽(可選:蝦,露荀,茄子,南瓜,蕃薯)右上:蒜蓉燒帶子,本身好似仲有個芒果醬,但係我無要到,咁樣都已經夠好食冷盤海鮮:花蟹:屋企人食,我無食,都ok,小有自助餐有花蟹,驚喜!蜆:唔會有沙,淡淡地蝦:好乾淨,新鮮,蝦頭有膏,蝦肉唔會"霉霉林林"好難忘記呢度既凍蝦,10分龍蝦:不能食太多隻,因為都幾飽好多都有蝦膏上:水蜜桃鵝肝:又一驚喜,鵝肝唔會太羶,配埋個水蜜桃醬汁,好食到唔識形容,總之一定要試中:牛肉:我叫左師傅切薄啲,又嫩又有肉味,食左幾塊下:燒蝦:一般般 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-12
Just another dinner at Grand Hyatt. A no stranger to one of my favourite hotels in Hong Kong, their banquet menu is always scrumptious at any dinner or events. Cripsy pork skin and meat is seperated from each othe rand the hoi sin sauce would be pretty crucial to bring the flavour out. Shrimp Dumpling was just hot and steaming with big pieces of shrimp and pork mixture in a thin layer of skin.The crab roe soup was my favourite dish of the night, the light yet crabby, savoury, thick soup was full of seafood flavour, scrumptious and luxurious. Moving on to some chicken pieces of super crispy thin skin. It was just fried to the right point, no complain with it. A very traditional dish had been brought to us. I dipped the deep fried dumplings into the clear broth for a few seconds to create a semi-crunchy texture. The savoury fillings complimented nicely with the slightly sweetened deep fried dumpling skin. Lastly, a hot bowl of red bean sweet soup to finish the meal. A bit sweetened but full of red bean and lotus root seed in a small bowl! Absolutely lady's treasure.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-07
人生第一次去Ball, 仲要係慈善果隻, 都咪話唔驚到手騰腳震, 真係呀震到呀入呀心呀呀呀…大鄉里出省城, 去到酒店Lobby, 完全搵唔到Grand Ballroom的指示牌, 唯有去Conceige問職員… 原來係入門口右手邊…未行到入Grand Ballroom, 已經要登記… 轉個彎.. 嘩!!! 好驚!!! 全部Deep V短裙金髮美少女… 這是Dress Code 的Standard嗎? (狂冒汗中) (我穿著長袖圓領及膝One Piece行入去, 會否變成異類?)途經Dress Room 放低大衣, Keep住號碼牌, 離開時取回大衣…Grand Ballroom仍在準備中, 重門深鎖… 賓客們在門外拍照及Gathering, 不亦樂乎… 酒店職員不時奉上紅酒白酒汽水果汁…觀察了一會, 剛才的性感美少女群原來是拍賣行聘請, 為慈善活動拍賣古董籌款… 出席晚宴的人士雖不似剛才的美少女群性感, 但仍很隆重, 一看我一身打扮便知是小薯…我最關心的,並不是別人穿著的服飾是那一個品牌, 身上的首飾值多少錢… 進入Ballroom後, 我第一樣查看的是… 今晚的餐牌!!! 嘩哈哈哈…枱上放了2籃麵包, 好多款式, 雖然凍凍地, 但都幾好味喎, 牛油都好香滑… 我食完又食… 職員會不時Refill…Pan-fried Foie Gras, Poached Italian Egg,Celery Root Mousseline, Winter Truffle--鴨肝肥大肉厚, 我一叉… 成件放入口!!! 然後用牙o趙呀o趙呀… 嘩, 油份甘香到呢, 成口每一處角落都係, 好滑好幼細, 我今晚唔想刷牙…Norwegian Scampi in Broth, Organic Herb, Root Vegetables--面果隻蝦好彈牙, 食得好開心, 不防有詐, 低果隻蝦… 嘩… 霉嘅!!! 心情直插谷底… 湯底應該落咗蝦殼同蝦頭去煲, Not in my favour…Mandarin Orange Sorbet, Segments of Citrus--環境太暗, 白煙竄走得太快, 只可影到少少尾聲… 雪葩好好味, 柑橘果香好清新, 完全將剛才的慘痛經歷一洗而空, 心情又坐火箭上返雲端…Baked Herb Crusted Cod Fish, Potato Roesti,Butternut Pumpkin, Celeriac Puree, Green Asparagus,Porcini Mushrooms, Saffron Lemon Butter Sauce--等… 寂寞到夜深… 久候多時, 餐包都食咗幾個, 而家比我食龍肉都無味… 鱈魚肉質有彈性, 油份甘香, 但太多香草, 有點Over了… 我先將魚秒殺了, 才開始食伴菜, 想不到粉嫩的薯蓉才是主角!!! 粒粒粗薯同幼滑薯蓉混埋一齊, 2種口感加起來令人好滿足, 香草的份量亦恰到好處, Yummy!!! 跟著紅蘿蔔粒粒亦不失色, 超甜… 呢種咪妹仔大過主人婆囉…Slow Cooked Grass Fed Beef Tenderloin in Herb,Pommery Mustard Crust, Roasted Parsnip, Butternut Pumpkin,Whipped Potato, Morel Cream Sauce--Honey的牛無得揀幾成熟, 紅噹噹的, 佢勉強試咗1啖話幾好味, 全部食晒… 由於我仲減緊肥(雖然已經影完婚紗相), 都係唔黐來食啦~ 你睇下佢D薯蓉, 仲滑過我塊面呀…Walnut Panna Cotta, Pear and Vanilla Bean Jelly,Chestnut Honey Gelato, Hazelnut Macaroon--魂魄已上床熟睡, 乜我有食過呢個雪糕咩? Macaroon就有印象, 外殼口感偏腍唔夠脆, 入面濕淋淋的, 而且甜得超級誇張, 無甜不歡的我都頂唔住…Assorted Petits Fours職員好有禮貌, 服務很週到, 席間職員會細心地先為女士們上菜, 然後才到男士們…環境當然好啦, Grand Ballroom喎, 枱面的花卉都是精心擺設, 枱與枱之間距離很遠, 座椅好大張好舒適… Ballroom中央是舞池, 席間不時有人表演跳舞及演奏樂器…今夜我總算見識過慈善舞會的衣香鬓影、歌舞昇平… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)