2-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (4)
Level3 2016-06-24
Conveniently located on the busy Johnston Road, just steps away from the wan chai mtr station, there hides The Blueplace Cafe on the second floor of an outdoor gear shop. The cafe has become one of my to-go places for lunch not only because of its coffee and food, but also the quietness and the cosiness which provides a mini escape from the busy district.The cafe serves simple food including cakes, scones, and pasta. They do have a daily special for $68, which features their daily pasta with a drink of your choice. I had the set, which was Mentaiko Spaghetti with cream sauce and a cappuccino. The pasta was very creamy and comforting. The tiny eggs of mentaiko blended well with the cream sauce, while the olive oil added extra flavor and smoothness to balance the thick creaminess of the pasta. Topped with egg roe, sauteed mushroom and shredded seaweed, which added extra texture to the pasta. Overall the pasta was very homey and comforting.Cappuccino was nicely done, satisfied my senses of visual, smell, and taste. The coffees (including my coworkers') were presented with beautiful swan coffeeart. The cappuccino was foamy, and strong nutty and oily espresso balanced perfectly with the milk. The proportion of milk and caffeine and foam was perfect.i love this hideout at wanchai, hence my regular go-to cafe in this area continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-01-22
灣仔返工的小妹,多次途經售賣戶外運動用品的Blue Place門口。近大門處,設有一Café小櫃台,提供咖啡、飲品和蛋糕等。惜因沒有堂食座位提供,故小妹多次過門而不入。昨日,咖啡達人相約前往午膳,始知內裏大有乾坤……素知Blue Place在西環設有地方寬敞的Café,也是第一間在香港經營Café的運動品牌連鎖店。然而,灣仔寸金尺土,想不到也開設了可供客人hea嘆的Café也。Café小櫃台設於大門當眼處,放有一個蛋糕汽水櫃,以及一開放式的吧位,懸掛著的黑板則寫有餐牌。食物的款式不多,有9款蛋糕$36、2款牛角包餐$48-$58、4款鬆餅$18、意粉餐$58等。飲品以咖啡為主$25-$40不等,也有多款朱古力$26-$35,還有樽裝汽水和有機果汁等提供。在櫃位落單及付款後,可沿著放滿運動服裝用品的通道向店內走進去,就是樓下用餐地方,放著兩張木圓枱和數張軟墊椅子。背後的一大個木架,不規則地放滿了咖啡用品、空樽,以及木雕鳥兒,蠻吸睛的。右手邊,拉開木趟門,乃一室外露天用餐區,放有數張木枱凳,透入自然光,並飾以深綠色的攀藤樹葉,營造了閒適簡樸的後花園空間。在此用餐,簡直是賞心悅目之事也﹗惜,店員表示此區域暫時封閉,指示小妹到樓上靜候食物。拾級而上,紅磚頭、鐵框玻璃和鐵柄扶手,塑造了另一番的的味道 – 既陽剛又復古。二樓也陳列了少許的運物服飾用品,部份地方則闢作貨倉之用。盡頭處,可見到漆上七彩顏色的天花板,以及一大塊玻璃窗,就是樓上雅座位置了。這兒的燈光較昏暗,不利拍照。然,頗為寧靜,私隱度甚高,用餐閒聊看書聽歌勝地也。由於時間尚早,適時,樓上位置只有小妹一人,非常寧靜舒適。店員也蠻熱情好客的,會與小妹閒聊。不久,侍應送上小妹豐富且絢麗的午餐。午市套餐每日只有一款意粉$58,配餐飲一杯。是日有松子意粉,小妹另加$20要了一杯Latte(原價$33),再加$20要了一件白朱古力抹茶蛋糕(原價$36)。Latte的奶泡綿密非常,由淡奶拉出的心形拉花美態搔人,教人心花怒放。小妹小心翼翼地呷一口,泡沫豐厚極致,咖啡口感柔滑,嘴裏充斥著咖啡的濃香甘醇,且帶點酸味,層次豐富,順喉而不澀,好好味。松子意粉混入紅黃青椒、洋蔥、黑橄欖、松子、胡椒和香草同炒,香濃惹味,口感也極為豐富。意粉咬下爽彈具嚼勁,三色椒也爽脆鮮甜,味道無可挑剔,只稍嫌意粉份量不多,大食之徒,未必飽肚也。白朱古力抹茶蛋糕質感香軟幼滑,抹茶味未夠濃烈突出,整味味道偏淡,甜度則適中。咖啡達人表示剛吃了豐富早餐不久,故只飲了一杯賣相不太討好的Cappuccino$33。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想不到在灣仔一體育用品店內,有這樣一個寫意的咖啡角落﹗店內的地下和閣樓都設有座位,我選了樓上的位置,此時只有我一人,非常寧靜舒適。點了一杯Gingerbread Latte,奶泡綿密非常,口感柔滑,加上適中的甜和薑味,令我非常喜歡,讚讚讚 : )這裡還有意粉和三文治等,下次再來試試﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-10
一間運動服裝店內居然有餐廳.  樓上被包埸, 只有樓下數張枱, 裝修得簡約, 由於太早只得我一枱客, 變成自己的小天地.今天優惠套餐是松子意粉+咖啡或茶只$58.意枌上枱時陣陣芝士香味, 芝士並不是全部溶掉, 還有一粒一粒, 有咬口.  三色椒份量不少, 輕輕的炒過但不会過火, 爽脆鮮甜.  至於松子可口, 咬落有果仁油香味.  整個意粉加入了香草, 芝士和香草是非常合拍的拍擋.咖啡嚐一口己感覺到那回甘的强, 整個口腔充塞了, 久久不散, 困倦全消! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)