Exit L6, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Noah Castella is well-known for its half-baked cheesecakes. The cheese paste oozing out from cake is so smooth that definitely worth a try. This shop is located inside the Eslite Bookstore, which is popular for checking in. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (183)
Level4 2016-10-05
爸爸生日,少不了要買個蛋糕賀一賀佢。平時買蛋糕成日都會幫襯美心、東海堂,但今次就決定買諾亞半熟既蛋糕慶祝。尖沙咀分店既諾亞半熟蛋糕專賣店開係誠品入面,即刻提升書卷味。大概下午6點去到,蛋糕款式已經所剩無幾,好多口味都已經賣曬,好彩一直想揀既芒果流心半熟蛋糕($139)仲有得買,所以最後就毫不猶豫咁買左返屋企。蛋糕其實幾大個,而且滿佈芒果,非常吸引。拎出室溫一陣之後就已經可以達到半熟流心效果。芝士味道非常突出,有少少蓋過左芒果既香甜,不過好彩有面頭滿佈既芒果,先不至於被搶去主角既光環。整體味道稱不上有驚喜,但價錢的確經濟實惠,呢個size黎講,其實平過美心同埋東海堂,呢個芒果半熟蛋糕亦有自家製homemade既感覺。而最重要既係,爸爸亦都好滿意呢一個蛋糕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-04
因為與朋友在奧海城慶祝生日,所以計劃在諾亞買一個蛋糕。這間蛋糕店有點難找,因為旁邊的店鋪裝份把它遮住了。沿途問了人,終於找到了。我選了一個芒果芝士半熟蛋糕,店員也很快手地幫我pack好。打開盒子,發現是滿滿的芒果上面的芒果層很厚,而且芒果也十分鮮甜。每啖也充滿芒果味而下面的半熟芝士入口即溶,芝士味很濃郁,而且不會太甜。整舊放入口,又有芒果又有芝士,十分香口滋味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-27
Had there cheesecake before and so satisfying! The competitive price was also a big plus. Unfortunately, this trial was disappointing : ( 香芒半熟芝士蛋糕$139Had the Mango Cheesecake this time...... I hope the weather could be blamed? It was quite hot indeed, but you see, very soon after taking out from the refrigerator, 2 splits were spotted on the top of cake........  I cut the cake to pieces and it was more disastrous... fillings too running already, no longer in a cake form.However, I do need to stress that the taste of cake was quite nice.  The cheese was not intense at all, and even became refreshing with the addition of mango flavour.  It would be much satisfying if the form and outlook of cake could be enhanced... maybe endured throughout the hot weather...鳳梨香橙肉桂蜂蜜特飲$22Attracted by the cute bottle and had pineapple & orange juice this time.  Very refreshing and appealing! And I guess they did not add any sugar, the sweetness came naturally from the honey and the fruits ^^ guilt-free and revitalizing drink!Maybe I should try their honey cake next time, which was the initial success product to regain my confidence to this small shop. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-24
香蕉加朱古力一向是絕配,但香蕉加芝士則比較少見,這次在諾亞專門店買了一個香蕉半熟芝士蛋糕 $89。細心的店員會問你打算甚麼時候吃,如果路程遙遠的話便會給你一包乾冰保溫。盒內居然還配即棄餐具!也太貼心了吧。$89買到這個份量的蛋糕實在不錯。盒上有指引教我們如何冷食或熱食,先試試冷食。一切開蛋糕已見流心湧出,香蕉味不算重,有點假,應該不是用新鮮蕉肉而是用香蕉油,芝士味倒是蠻濃的;蛋糕質感幼滑,入口溶化。再根據指引用微波爐加熱30秒,卻變成這個樣子。雖然賣相欠佳,但味道還是不俗,只缺口感,建議指引可寫明用甚麼火力的微波爐。冷食和熱食之間,我選擇前者。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-20
中秋節跟家人過節,傳統以來也是飯後煮湯圓吃,寓意團團圓圓。今年想要一些特別的新玩意,半熟蛋糕風摩香港多時,人氣一直不減,所以今次決定一試,愛吃又怕肥絕對是女孩子的天敵。踏入諾亞專門店,已經看到短短的人龍,幸好整個購買過程也只花約5分鐘。蛋糕選擇眾多,有些造型維肖維妙,如小鴨芝士蛋糕及小熊提拉米蘇,如果是為小孩子慶生,絕對是抵食又可愛的選擇。本身屬意買蜂蜜流心蛋糕,可惜店員說早已售罄,喜歡「甜椰椰」的我,最後買了<比利時朱古力半熟芝士蛋糕>,因為芝士及朱古力也十分邪惡,皆我所愛。我還購買了燈泡造型的玄米奶茶,看到這麼可愛的樽子,便忍不住買了! 店員也小心提醒務必在取蛋糕後3小時,帶回家冷藏,以確保蛋糕最佳食用質素。蛋糕的盒子呈貓咪型,而盒上也清晰提示了食用方法,十分貼心。當我打開盒子,蛋糕樣子雖平平無奇,但郤聞到很濃烈的朱古力香氣,令我們食指大動了。<比利時朱古力半熟芝士蛋糕>是用65度的比利時可可、澳洲忌廉芝士、鮮忌廉製成,單是聽到這個組合已經知道是非常香滑、濃甜。而約6吋大的半熟芝士蛋糕足夠5-6人享用,我們一家每人吃到2大件,非常飽噢。由於蛋糕呈流心狀態,有點困難把它完整的切分為一小塊。朱古力半熟芝士蛋糕切開後,看到內裡的芝士軟心如岩漿般流出,非常洶湧。出乎意料的蛋糕没有我想像中濃甜,其實蛋糕分開3層,分別是香甜朱古力醬、流心芝士及朱古力軟綿蛋糕。一啖吃下去,先是甜滑的朱古力醬,而第2層的流心芝士像乳酪,帶點微酸,最後便是富空氣感的海綿蛋糕。整體感覺没有想像中飽滯,因為微酸的芝士中和了朱古力的香甜,著實不錯。我也蠻喜歡一口氣吃下去有多重味覺享受。<玄米奶茶>的份量很大杯,不容忽視。有別於一般的奶茶,茶味比較淡而細滑,奶味整體較香濃,味道恰如台式奶茶。如果喜歡奶味較重的客人,應該很喜歡。總括而言,諾亞半熟蛋糕的價格和味道也相當吸引,下次真想再試下蜂蜜流心蛋糕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)