Exit B1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
With a glass and silver interior, COCO Cafe Patisserie serves a large variety of petite, creative desserts. This cafe features a series of homemade chocolates, freshly baked cakes and adorably adorned cupcakes. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Wi-Fi Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Blueberry Chic COCO嶄新2013年精緻下午茶 Jivara Berry Delight Napoleon 1er Or Noir
Review (206)
中意歎法式下午茶又中意食雪糕嘅朋友注意嚕😚.置身The Mira Hong Kong嘅餅店COCO推出咗全新嘅法式下午茶, 見佢又high tea又任食雪糕, 小丸子梗係唔會放過咁抵又咁正嘅機會啦🤭 咁啱要搵地方同朋友一齊慶生, 我哋就嚟試咗啦😍🩷 Free Flow Häagen-Dazs™ x Pierre Hermé Macaron icecream今年5月尾先推出嘅HD雪糕竟然可以任食😍😍😍 有Strawberry & Raspberry Macaron, double chocolate ganache Macaron同Yuzu & lemon Macaron, 出面100ml都要$32/杯, 我哋每人頂盡淨係食到每款各一杯, 咁大杯實在係好飽呀🙈 仲要有其他甜品🩷 Homemade Preserves有兩款口味嘅scone, 分別係brown sugar同raisin scone~ 同樣可以加上奶油同Raspberry & lemon jam.🩷 甜品10款Red velvet cake with D24 durian, roll cake, popcorn with creme brulee, durian mochi, abalone pastry, octopus with mango taco, lobster witb melon, foie gras mousse with mixed berries, strawberries n kewi sandwiches老實講除咗咸點嘅鮑魚酥正常外, 其他甜品嘅配搭都好奇怪😂 鵝肝配berries食到小丸子面容委曲, 然後有啲又自己加層榴槤cream上去😅 不過呢度嘅服務都算唔差, 又可以任食雪糕, 拉上補下都ok嘅🫶.📌 The mira Coco尖沙咀彌敦道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
️ 罕有激抵五星級酒店下午茶 ☕️ 鹹甜點各有特色 有伏有唔伏 😏 自費誠實開箱 🤑拉➡️睇menu同環境🐭 米奇老豬Vol. 379 🐷呢間下午茶喺IG/openrice極少人介紹過今個暑假美麗華酒店做 sale老豬手刀喺eshop買左優惠卷可以用7⃣️折嘅價錢食佢地嘅下午茶老豬出post前發現而家已經買唔到Coco啦🥹不過仲有JAJA嘅下午茶 百幾蚊仲平😂大家快d抓緊暑假嘅尾巴啦!.🐖🐖 《喜悅頌饌下午茶》🐖🐖 💰$227.4/1 (已加一)💰➡️ 環境雖然無其他酒店咁grand而且同場仲有喺yamm食下午茶自助餐嘅客人行來行去 🤪但都唔算好嘈吵 反而幾chill任坐啱姐妹們輕鬆無壓力咁傾計 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️➡️ 服務始終店員需要同時兼顧兩邊客人所以唔會好似其他tea咁有人mon住你幾時要refill茶不過叫到佢地都會好快手!🐖🐖 雪糕 🐖🐖今次係藍莓芝士蛋糕口味cheesecake粒粒好正不過唔係好明點解上完呢個先上個三層架😂🐖🐖 英式鬆餅 🐖🐖兩款都係微溫 ♨️有牛油香但又唔會食到成手油 👍🏻提子乾果個正常 黑松露淡而清香 幾特別 😍莓醬有果籽粒粒 唔會過甜 clotted cream奶香唔錯但如果更軟滑就更好啦~🐖🐖 甜點 🐖🐖➡️開心果紅莓椰撻 紅莓味👌 但同開心果係無關係嘅😂 口感過濕、過甜 老豬食左一啖就👋🏻➡️ 抹茶泡芙泡芙皮脆 抹茶餡嘅抹茶味明顯 🍵不過口感厚重似蛋白霜 略嫌唔夠輕盈➡️ 芒果拿破崙芒果鮮甜唔假 波浪紋酥皮密度高而酥脆😍吉士正常 白色忌廉可略過😂➡️ 朱古力榛子歌劇院蛋糕超濃朱古力味 🤎雖然整體偏甜但又未至於會起痰有榛子脆脆夾層 老豬好鍾意 😍➡️ 朱古力馬卡龍馬卡龍脆而微韌朱古力夾心餡濃 口感似生巧克力🤭🐖🐖 鹹點 🐖🐖➡️ 三文魚忌廉芝士造型好似千層蛋糕 層次豐富 口感軟滑有驚喜!➡️ 肝醬酥皮鵝/鴨肝醬可以接受 但配左d酸甜嘅啫喱格格不入底層嘅酥皮係實心嘅 朋友話似紙皮🫢➡️ 芝士蘑菇撻批皮薄而酥脆 芝士、蘑菇配搭無得輸!➡️ 芝士炸吐司類似蝦多士口感 唔重油溢味 都👌➡️ 鮑魚撻鮑魚口感正常 撻皮酥化 不過如果熱食更佳🐖🐖 茶/咖啡🐖🐖有TWG茶包或者酒店自家製嘅各款咖啡發揮正常 🫖.❣️🐭總評分🐷❣️味道:8.2/10 服務:7.9/10環境:7.8/10 CP值:✴️ 中高 ✴️ENCORE:✅.自費️⭕/試食.📍Coco Cafe Patisserie 📍尖沙咀彌敦道118-130號美麗華廣場The Mira Hong Kong地舖#米奇老豬_油尖旺區#米奇老豬_雪糕刨冰#米奇老豬_下午茶#米奇老豬_茶#米奇老豬_朱古力#米奇老豬_蛋糕#米奇老豬_開心果#美麗華 #美麗華廣場 #美麗華酒店 #酒店下午茶 #香港酒店 #香港下午茶 #港女下午茶 #港女下午茶 #英式鬆餅 #抹茶泡芙 #歌劇院蛋糕 #馬卡龍 #拿破崙 #拿破崙蛋糕 #尖沙咀美食 #尖沙嘴美食 #尖沙咀好去處 #佐敦美食 #香港甜品 #甜品控 #香港蛋糕 #香港蛋糕店 #朱古力控 #抹茶控 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-23
There was another promotion and I bought their afternoon tea set (The price is around 240 to 250 per person after discount)A scoop of ice-cream was included for this afternoon tea.The afternoon tea set came in their iconic handbag afternoon tea set stand.I loved their food items but unfortunately the scones ruined it all. We already ate the scone before the other items yet it was cold. It was quite unfortunate as the other items were so good and had they used an extra few minutes to prepare the scones, I would have rated this afternoon tea as excellent.Service was good overall with a detailed introduction of the food items and also quick refill of hot water for the tea. The slight imperfection was the staff not being familiar with the use of e-coupon. When we were planning to leave, we asked since we booked through their Mira E-shop, whether we needed to show the coupon again or can we just leave. It took them almost 20 minutes to clarify this issue. Luckily, I was not in a rush but hopefully they can improve in the future. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-24
1) Saint Honore Cake (Ingredients includes: Puff pastry, Choux Paste, Vanilla Mascarpone Cream and Light Almond Sponge) 經典法式甜點「聖多諾黑泡芙」,由多個傳統甜點元素結合而成。剖析蛋糕的結構,由上層的焦糖淋醬、法式泡芙、千層酥皮、香草馬斯卡彭奶油,以及作為基底杏仁海綿蛋糕。 填充著滿滿鮮奶油餡的泡芙,加上鏡面焦糖為泡芙增添光亮。單一的泡芙,可當成獨立的小甜點。千屠酥皮內部擠上整齊劃一的半圓形奶醬,與酥皮的質感有鮮明對比,在口感層次有所提升。 海綿蛋糕口感輕盈、鬆軟。但不太品嘗到杏仁的味道。但香氣卻不是平常的海綿蛋糕,減少了牛油的厚重,為整體迎來一點清新。另外,外部裝飾的白朱古力巴黎鐵塔,以及三色旗的招牌,為法式甜點畫上完美的句號。 雖然由塔皮、鮮奶油、蛋白霜等多種甜點製作,但甜度出奇異常地合襯。若配上一杯黑咖啡,更是美不勝收。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-16
The menu at COCO Cafe Patisserie is extensive, offering a wide variety of desserts such as cakes, pastries, and ice cream. One of their standout offerings is their signature cake, which is rich and indulgent without being too heavy. Their drinks menu is equally impressive, with a range of refreshing beverages like iced tea and fruit juices.The ambiance at COCO Cafe Patisserie is cozy and inviting, making it a perfect spot to relax and indulge in some delicious treats. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, providing great recommendations to those who are unsure of what to order.Caribbean:啱啱啱啱啱出爐嘅卡里比藍莓椰漿蛋糕,味道唔錯,好香濃!Rouge Berries:啲紅色漿果加上忌廉,令呢個紅色嘅甜品好醒目,又好好食。Blueberry Chic:藍莓千層蛋糕,味道清新,蛋糕層次好豐富,一啖即知啲材料好新鮮。Mango Velvet:芒果慕絲,個芒果味濃郁,但唔會太甜,啖落好滑口。最近試咗佢地嘅墨西哥脆皮雞軟殼玉米捲,真係太正啦!醬汁配得啱啱好,酸酸甜甜好開胃。另外,佢地嘅義大利麵亦都好好食,特別係啲麵條啲彈牙度啦,配啲羅勒汁,真係好香口!係一個好值得嚟試嘅地方,不論係用餐或者攪掂下午茶,佢地嘅甜品同埋多國菜都有好高嘅水準,令人食完之後心情好好,肚子又飽飽!" continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)