2-min walk from Exit A1, Po Lam MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2015-04-27
呢間米線店全是外賣店,所以要好有心機先可以買回家食,唔通真係係條街食.超大碗米線都係$3X蚊,包你食到飽飽,味道就不太懂欣賞,口味略甜,肉不多,醬汁亦單調,豆花起不到任何作用,米線亦太軟身了.欣賞的是那個苦瓜,用梅酒之類浸過,好味道!試過就算 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This is my first negative comment for this place because it is normally good and I have been here more than once, but on this visit the sauce was just sweet and made it taste horrible so I think they may have mistaken the sugar for salt.Hope they get it right next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直都聽聞豆花妹米線又平又抵食, 最重要係好食, 所以我呢個住將軍澳的人就好開心去試~ 我買左個牛肉米線黎試, 再加豆腐花, 食落真係好鬼惹味~我個人覺得真係要加豆腐花, 因為最特別就係溝埋個豆腐花黎食, 所以絕不能錯過!同埋服務員態度幾好, 都算快手~廿幾蚊食到一碗好味的米線, 你話點可能唔讚一選呢!再者, 宜家小店都好難生存, 難得佢係新都城百佳入面開檔真係想多D 人幫襯佢, 希望有得做落去, 比我地多一個平價又好味的選擇 !!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-10-23
6:30PM 埸面冷清, 有D想走.不過老遠到黎, 最後買左套餐$28見佢D野唔多熱, 驚驚地…結果米線意外地熱熱熱D豆腐 & 芛 係凍O既,豆腐有豆腐味, 不是盒裝基因改造果D芛酸酸甜甜, 好開胃脆口好味!會再食, 份量未必夠男仔!只係罐汽水超甜, made in 早國, 飲兩啖掉左 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-09-09
因為電視節目既關係 一直好想試下佢D野食係黎之前 睇過好多人既食評 好多都話佢D米線好咸 而今日 終於都親自試試我叫左個 豆花撈米線(相信係最basic既口味)先食最外面果D料先   食一啖 豆花好凍 尼啖食唔到米線  第二啖 試下食底D既米線先 嗯~好熱 D醬係面 食唔到D味tim 好 咁我撈下佢先撈~撈~撈~尼次再食 有豆花 有米線啦終於   溫度就暖暖地唔多熱 味道就 不過不失啦 有醬油 有少少辣 個辣唔係太麻有好多人話得個咸字 我唔係幾認同 其實係醬汁太多 咸味遮蓋左D辣搞到D味道冇咩層次由於我撈左D米線 令D豆花/豆腐碎曬 而個溫度唔係太熱 所以我食既時侯覺得好似食緊 食淨左俾人撩到爛曬 而且略咸既 麻婆豆腐咁見到兜野既賣相 都幾唔開胃 不過$15蚊 試下無妨 但對我黎講 尼款 我試一次就夠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)