Exit D1, Nam Cheong MTR Station/ Exit C1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2016-01-03
西九龍中心是我中學時期經常去的shoppibg mall, 事隔一段日子, 今天跟朋友去逛街, 順便在8樓食街找好吃的。 為了吃多不同種類, 我們都是叫一份來分著吃。 第一間看中了土耳奇小店。 我們叫了一個雞肉卷, 店員是土耳奇人? 還是印度? 反正不是香港人。 等了5分鐘 ......食物出來了, 包得像粟米。 已經切好的雞肉卷, 一分為二。 其實包得滿滿的, 可以看見內有雞肉, 飽滿的生菜潘茄醬料。 薄餅皮暖暖軟軟, 加上雞肉醬料的濕潤, 感覺不會乾, 生菜潘茄也令整個卷口感顯得很fresh。一般情況, 醬汁都是重要的一角, 它不是千島的酸口感, 反而是輕輕的, 像加入了蛋黃去酸的魚柳包醬, 味道很特別。 這個雞肉卷絕對是一個輕食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-11-21
行行下深水涉黄金買電腦產品,有點肚餓去了西九樓上food court食個下午茶。行行下被這間kebab的香味吸引,就決定"今次的下午茶就食它"!裡面的店員都是南亞人,非常有風味。從外面看過去,已經有位員工在"轉轉肉"用小刀把kebab所需的小肉片切下來。我想起了以前我在澳洲時,由於澳洲的店舖很早就關門,通常只有kebab店還開門做生意,因此常常用它作宵夜。而羊肉kebab就是我的"飛佛"!所以這次我亦選擇了羊肉kebab,尋找那時的氣味。比我在澳洲吃的較細份,但適合香港人的份量。咬下去肉汁不算多,羊肉的份量亦不算多,但羊肉沒有羶味。kebab皮略硬,食下去有點油,口感不算好。幸好,kebab的菜新鮮,加了酸酸的醬汁令原本的油膩感減低。以這個價格來說,想食kebab的朋友可以一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-19
真實對白:店員:「想食乜?」(手指指向餐牌上嘅雞同羊卡巴)我:「羊卡巴啦。」店員:「有少少辣㗎。飲啲乜?」我:「要加幾錢?」店員:「見你咁靚仔,送俾你啦!」我: (唓,係唔係都送咋啩。)「咁凍檸茶啦... 咦土耳其檸茶同普通檸茶有乜分別㗎?」店員:「其實都係差唔多嘢啫。」我: 「咁土耳其檸茶駛唔駛加錢?」店員:「都係熱飲免費凍飲加兩蚊。」我: (咁餐牌上面分檸茶同土耳其檸茶做乜。) 「咁羊卡巴同凍土耳其檸茶吖唔該。」經過一輪春田花花式常餐同特餐都係差唔多之類嘅對白之後,終於有得食。結果,店員果然誠實,土耳其茶真係完全唔覺同普通茶冇分別,好彩唔駛加錢,特登分兩項唔通純屬整色整水?羊卡巴唔算辣,汁多到滴出嚟,但完全唔覺辣。羊有微羶味啱愛羊之人食。整體水準可接受,五十蚊唔算貴,正唔正宗就唔識分喇。不過以呢個美食廣場嚟講算高消費,五十蚊兩件卡巴,食晒僅僅夠飽,人哋十幾蚊有碟意粉三十蚊大大碟三餸飯... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-12
We went to Istanbul Kebab with a hankering for some wraps.  We ordered a falafel wrap, an adana kebab and a lahmacun.  After a few minutes we had both the kebab and the wrap.  We took a seat and kept our eye out for our lahmacun.  We first ate the falafel.  It was great.  The falafel was nicely seasoned and was dressed with lettuce, tomato and a yoghurt and mint tzatziki-like sauce (that was somehow bright green).  The flatbread was good and had a nice texture.  If this was where we stopped, I would be writing a rave review, but, sadly, we continued to eat.The adana kebab was presented the same way as the falafel, but was not well spiced.  It was heavy with chili powder and little else.  It wasn't spicy, but it tasted of nothing much else.The lahmacun was not good at all.  The base was a frozen pizza base and the topping was the same mince as the adana. If it was served in Asia Minor, there would be a riot.  So really it was a meal of two halves.  The first third was great (really great), the second was OK and the last was bad.  I would eat the falafel again, but that is all.   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我好鐘意食卡巴, 所以邊度有卡巴食, 夾到時間就到地方, 都會去一試!今日係位於西九龍中心美食廣埸的Istanbul Kebab. 價錢都係跟外邊卡巴價錢差不多, 一個卡巴再加罐汽水都大約$40-$50. 但難明點解尖沙咀間店會咁強差人意呢?當購買時只看到一個只顧玩手機的女人, 完全不在意有無人買野, 要走過去示意買野, 才漫不經心地問"要咩?"為左卡巴, 我就忍你這位"極品"! 在等的時侯反而裡面一位外藉人士(土耳其人?) 反而非常細心, 因為我加了炸著條, 佢問我薯條除左茄汁外, 不如加埋個酸乳酪, 好好食GA! 心諗真係你應該坐在出面收銀, 叫個"極品"入去做一些唔需要對客的工作就正確了!因為本人不太喜歡在西九FOOD COURT堂食(不論裝修前/ 後), 因為呢度經常遇上奇怪的客人. 經過15分鐘後, 就飛奔坐車返屋企, 一開炸著條, 約$20, 勁大盒, 粗身薯條, 紅白汁一齊點黎食, 好好味, 無介紹錯! 卡巴內的雞肉好多肉汁同時不失雞表面烤過的香脆, 再加上生菜蕃茄洋蔥配充分的醬汁, 真的一個完美的午飯! 2個人食這份量已經足夠有餘! 但唯一美中不足就係跟套餐的這罐汽水因為都是外藉人士拿及包外賣, 所以令到汽水表面全是油及一些生菜絲黏著....  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)