10-min walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
2513 6653
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level3 2014-12-08
一向不愛面粉焗的旦糕, 只鍾情Mousse Cake, 所以, 我要揀自己的生日旦糕, 另外散水餅都會來呢間.  愛舊店的靜, 格調.分店都仍保留, 自最原始的銅鑼灣店搬左去堅拿道, 唔太就腳, 改去西灣河.今日搵番6年前的旦糕相 (我估7吋), 再回想番今年店里面個5吋扁到飛起但又240蚊的Cheese Cake, 真係多謝晒舖租, 最低工資同埋通賬.本來打算買個生日旦糕, 但見到個咁扁的Cheese Cake, 不如用同樣價錢買多幾件西餅, 食多幾隻味.因為個個月都買生日蛋糕, 真係食到好悶.佢最出名的Napoleon, 正係我最唔愛吃, 不過鎮店之寶, 都叫一件.  水果味的Mousse Cake , 都幾多選擇, 有ROSE, 荔枝, Raspberry, Lemon , 柚子. 我都係最中意食Raspberry Mousse, 都真係那些年, 佢個Framboise, 冇變過味喎, 勁, 都係咁好食.買呢六小件當天, 同時都買左六件由另一間當紅餅店的旦糕作比較, 個人喜好就唔好講邊間好食D喇, 不過我搵到我最中意的旦糕.    continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-10-02
過左堂食時間,只好外賣買回家吃。Mud cake 面的朱古力漿最香滑,蛋糕的朱古力則較結實,整體口感不錯。焦糖燉蛋則略欠香滑,不過也是可接受。2件甜品size較細,2-3口便吃完。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-07-05
至衰出面係馬路,有d大殺氣氛因為裏面都有設計過既可能都係呢個源故,所以不用等位d cakes味道不錯,但呢個價錢咁細真係5太抵服務態度都算幾好,會推介不同cake continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-26
I love this area of Lei King Wan in Sai Wan Ho as it is a very peaceful and quiet area along the harbor - a bit like Stanley. Perfect for strolling and getting a piece of cake!  This cafe is neatly tucked around the corner from the end of Tai Hong Street, which is where most of the eateries are located. At first glance, the shop was brightly lit and neat, and the decor was cozy and romantic with a chandelier hanging from its high ceiling and drawings of the Eiffle Tower on its walls. Especially love the choice of yellow chairs paired with white round tables.  There was a variety of mini cakes displayed in a case at the counter.There were many flavors to choose from - from fruit-based to chocolate-based to cheese-based. We both wanted something light so we opted out of the chocolate ones and decided to get some fruity ones to share.Mango and Cream ($38) - mango with vanilla cream and chocolate biscuit. There were chunks of mango inside and the mango was definitely fresh and sweet! It was refreshing to eat along with the vanilla cream which was not too sweet. The surprise was the use of a chocolate biscuit as the base of the cake. The biscuit tasted good and crunchy, which provided another texture to the cake.Blood O ($38) - with blood orange from Italy. This cake did not have fruit filling inside like the Mango and Cream. Instead, the flavor of the blood orange was infused in the mousse, which was smooth and light. The mousse tasted sweet and tangy, which was refreshing as well. It also had a chocolate biscuit as base as well. I like that the cakes at Zoe are not too sweet so you end up leaving the shop feeling satisfied instead of in need of a drink. I've tried their chocolate cakes as well and the flavors in general are great and well thought-out. The only thing is that the cakes here are really expensive at $38 for the amount of cake you get. If the prices are lower, I would come back more often.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-25
今日,專程同細佬兩公婆去zoe食餅。慕名而去,敗興而歸﹗位於鯉景灣的Zoe較偏僻,裝潢簡約舒服,幾relax,適合小休傾偈。去到時,約一點,無咩客。我哋一行三人要了Fruit Crepe、Zoe signature cake 和Banana Chocolate Pie,再加一杯Cappuccino、Jasmine及Lemon Ginger Green Tea。整體黎講,Zoe的餅係傾向清清地、滑滑地、入口即溶的風格。不過,size太細,食兩啖就沒有了,唔算抵食!Fruit Crepe - 坦白講,只係一件普通的雜果切餅,味道和口感無咩特別,同坊間大型麵包店的出品相差無幾,但價錢貴一倍。Zoe signature cake - 香滑榛子慕絲、鬆軟海棉蛋糕和脆卜卜餅底,多重味覺享受,食落好有層次感。超正﹗^0^ 惜榛子味未見突出,相反,濃郁的牛奶味成為左主角,超香滑,肯定佢地用左靚的全脂牛奶。Banana Chocolate Pie - 餅底夠厚亦夠脆,配合香濃朱古力及上層略帶香蕉味的cream,幾滑溜可口。最教我哋失望的係佢哋d嘢飲﹗原以為熱Jasmine和Green Tea會係用壺上的,點知,同Cappuccino一樣,全用一個高身白瓷杯﹗ Jasmine和Green Tea味道淡淡,雖唔見有茶包,但肯定係用茶包沖的普通貨色。Cappuccino味道不過不失,但個拉花,有少少失手囉…… $30杯飲品,我哋唔期望會係精品,但至少要精緻……希望店家加多少少誠意及細心,客人消費的,唔單止係產品,仲有環境及感覺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)