Japanese Shabu Shabu in all-you-can-eat style, serves imported quality beef and special broth. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (177)
(1) it takes ages for them to bring you beef and shrimp. They showed less patience on you if you order the second, the third...obviously they want to waste you 1.5 hours; (2) the quality of the beef we paid for was not the same! The first order was good beef of high quality but later ones were really not worth the price; (3) if you order more, several staffs will group together to discuss you and stare at you. (4) When we try to finish all food to enjoy the so called "discount for finishing all food", one female staff used a chopstick to find out a piece of vegetable in the leftover to ask us to eat it!!!! It is really a SHAME of this restaurant to have such bad service and attitude!!!!!!Because I actually brought several friends there. They all complained the eating experience there!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-10-05
It took a million years for them to bring you the beef as if the beef were their baby. They gathered and stared at you to put pressure on you so that u would not order anymore. The most outrageous thing was that after u finished your trash food, they used chopsticks to turn the leftovers and said “u did not finish that mushroom, eat it”. It is the single most disgusting dining experience I have ever had in twenty-five years. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-05
晚上九點半夜食時間,心思思去吃火鍋。來到盛八不用排隊已經可以入座。 之後等了一會上鍋, 牛肉質素很好 ,刺生好味新鮮。但是服務人員人手太少 ,加單也沒有人理。我只好出去收銀機旁找人幫忙。飲品雪櫃又是清空,難怪全場得兩張table 有客人。我見員工忙著收拾殘局,未能及時照顧客人需要。我只好告訴自己,算了 無下次。我之前一向是盛八火鍋的忠實粉絲,不明不白為什麼發生這種事。問了服務人員,之前好服務人員已經全部辭職,難怪生意冷清啊。希望你們有改善,生意興隆。幫助。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-30
5人行盛八75品燒肉放題,每人$298 +$1服務費 總共$1639。上網見盛八好似唔錯,於是決定一家5口去試一試水溫,即日訂左星期五7:30時段。打電話訂位既時候心諗點解接聽電話果一位既態度可以咁差......仲話只收現金,咁算啦,我地都係為左食好野,好食就得啦。當晚7:10分早到左,人未算多,即時就入座計時,成個氣氛好怪,包括服務員既語氣同埋店內既燈光昏暗,我已經feel到伏味,坐低之後服務員完全沒行過埋黎,算啦唔浪費時間我同啲屋企人就開始叫野啦,最奇怪既係當時完全沒人問過我地係食75品/90品,當我地親身行出去交完第一張張點餐紙之後就再行出去問,沒錯係行出去,因為啲人根本唔係係我地既視線範圍,咁既氣氛真係搞到大家好唔舒服。問既時候佢竟然係答''咁你地係選邊個'',好似錯既係我地,然後送第一輪野食黎既時候就話我地張紙寫既有d係90品先可以叫....其實如果我地如果沒問又真係唔小心叫到90品既野食,咁結果咪要硬食個貴價錢.....話哂比300舊水竟然點解會係咁既待遇,咁既質素真心仲差過漢陽苑。至於食物(75品),海鮮種類少得可憐,叫極都係蛤同魷魚鬚,d恰又燒十年都未開,霸哂個爐既位,牛肉就食黎食去都係差唔多味道,除左牛舌係唔同質感,所有野既味道都偏淡.....我地5個人圍住一個爐,又沒抽氣,真係焗到要拎芭蕉扇出黎吹。燒黎燒去都係幾塊肉最後我地決定丟哂落去用炒既方式😓,真係心諗不如比個鑊我地好過,個爐細到阿媽都唔認得,燒十年都回唔到本啊,仲要係5個人一齊用......我地全家都係第一次食盛八,我細佬一路食一路話仲差過喜來稀,唔會推介盛八比friend,到叫左個豆腐雪糕既時候仲好諷刺咁話成餐最正常係個雪糕,盛八燒肉應該改做盛八豆腐雪糕🙄店內全部係男侍應,個個都一係染哂髮一係紋哂身好似要去劈友咁既款,普遍態度惡劣.....食完盛八我又再一次對網上既食評失去信任,網絡世界到底仲有咩係真實🤦🏻‍♂️總結黎講,唔會再幫襯👋🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-23
唔想講太多,之前見到咁多好評我就唸住同我男朋友去試下...點知去到果度咩都唔齊全,唔明點解鴛鴦火鍋有一邊係唔滾㗎。叫左好多次服務員果黎整,佢都淨係碰兩碰,完全冇效率...跟住囉甜品嘅時候,按下雪糕機,點知噗d水出黎...唔明點解用唔到冇人發現?依家擺左好耐...跟住,食佢嘅芝士蛋糕,其實原來雪藏左好耐!食落去好硬!簡直垃圾!以後唔會再黎呢間...d刺身唔新鮮...大家千祈唔好幫襯!我食完之後立即肚痛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)