5-min walk from Exit B3, Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (134)
Level4 2022-06-14
再次光顧主因很想吃漢堡,所以跟先生一樣點了兩份Burger。《Blue Cheese Burger》點了七成熟的漢堡, 能做到保留漢堡的Juicy,配搭的藍芝士香濃不過火,芝士味突出相對牛肉味就減低了。煙肉可煎得更脆口,令整體咬感有些微變化。最欣賞薯條提供mayonnaise,是本人最愛的配搭。《Angus Beef Burger with truffle》先生點的七成熟漢堡也是很juicy, 牛肉味比起我的漢堡較明顯,整體滿意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-05-06
今次要吸取教訓下次都係睇吓OpenRice d食評先去😭食物overpriced 味道普通都算,個侍應服務態度差到離晒譜!這間不知所謂嘅Cafe永久不幫襯😡除非想貼錢買難受就係首選🙃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友去食飯 佢落錯單 我地想要抺茶窩夫$138但佢落錯原味窩夫$128配料 雪糕 窩夫全部唔一樣👱🏻‍♀️:我 🧑🏼‍🍳:侍應👱🏻‍♀️:呢個係咪抹茶窩夫?我要個窩夫係綠色個款!係咪比錯左?🧑🏼‍🍳:我以為你要抹茶雪糕👱🏻‍♀️:但我落單個時講要抺茶窩夫!我無講過雪糕2個字🧑🏼‍🍳:咁你地會唔會要呢個?因為如果你地唔要 我地就會掉左佢重新再做一個….或者我加返個丸子比你地啦!因為呢個仲要貴啲…..咁我同朋友聽到咁 就諗住唔好浪費 咁照要啦佢都講到我地唔要就掉!之後過左一陣 見到佢加左我地張單$10👱🏻‍♀️:唔該..我想問呢10蚊係咩黎?🧑🏼‍🍳:係個丸子既差額👱🏻‍♀️:但你成個餐都唔同架喎…你個窩夫唔係綠茶味,係原味…配料都唔同🧑🏼‍🍳:咁一係我幫你取消返個10蚊成件事係 你落錯單 仲要講 你以為我要抺茶雪糕!首先你唔知客人想要咩 你唔係應該咩問清楚咩?點解會你以為???第2 你落錯單 因為大家都唔想浪費 照要個食物!你冇講要補差額既情況下收返個差額!但補差額我得到既只係幾粒丸子☺️第3 根本就我本身想要既價錢係貴過佢黎錯個款!但唔知點解佢會話黎錯個款貴啲?係咪想誤導我地?第4 你落錯我單 本身態度都唔算好! 言語上焗我地要 仲要收返我錢第5 自己員工都未搞清楚個餐牌 就唔好改一個咁似既名 而導致員工[以為]客人想食咩我想要個款係$138佢黎錯個款係$128 佢要我比$138既價錢 食一個餐牌上用$128可以買到返黎既原味窩夫???就係因為個幾粒丸子?其實我最想食唔係個丸子!我最想食係抺茶味既窩夫🧇 咁如果我都要比$138出黎 點解我唔要返 我本身都想食既抺茶窩夫? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
侍應嘅態度仲差過佢地啲嚡熠熠嘅雞肉!我地明白有啲餐廳只收現金同唔收毫子,但係佢態度真係令人卻步。以後都唔會再幫襯Their waiters’ services are even worse than their overcooked chicken breast. We understand if restaurants only accept cash and that they don’t take cents, but their service was appalling! Would never go back again and let all my friends know about this. Don’t go there unless you have a shame kink or something continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-03-03
😍😍去九龍城一定要食嘅窩夫🧇!!!講明先 呢到嘅主食係偏貴 但個甜品超級無敵好食😋😍去到建議叫窩夫✅綠茶🍵窩夫🧇配紅豆雪糕🍦驚為天人😍😍😍窩夫有淡淡綠茶味同埋烘到外脆內軟加浸住糖水嘅小丸子🍡同好濃味嘅紅豆雪糕完全係perfect match!!!!食落極有幸福嘅感覺😭😭價錢好似係$80幾蚊 食得過✅蟹肉意粉🍝超rich嘅蟹膏味 有別於平時嘅蟹膏意粉呢個嘅sauce係有加到薑所以食落有啲薑蔥蟹味🦀🦀🦀配落意粉到出奇地夾🥰不過價錢真心貴 差唔多$200一個意粉😵😵😵如果平少少會好啲.📌 Cafe Ceres (#九龍城)#九龍城美食 福佬村道21號地舖-#hkig #hkigfood #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodie #食好西 #香港美食 #香港 #相機食先 #hkiger #852 #hkfoodlover #hkfood #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodporn #米線 #홍콩맛잡 #香港打卡 #alldaybreakfasthk continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)