Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 02:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (40)
Level1 2022-06-21
Hemingways is a friendly and relaxing bar and restaurant, specialising in international vegan cuisine. A wide selection of Asian and western dishes. I'd recommend the all day English breakfast, the Mountain Burger (or sliders if you're not as hungry), Phish & chips or Penang Laksa. The only dish I'm not a fan of is the beef rendang. They also have a good selection of pizzas. There's plenty of outdoor seating to enjoy the sea view.  Advisable to book if you're going at a weekend. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
望沙灘海景素食餐廳🤍🏝CP值高高高✨中午時間去就偏曬同熱~☀️但坐返喺有瓦遮頭既地方就會feel到微風*(Ü*)*超級有渡假feel👒—————————————————————✨Ordered: • Make Your Own Pizza🍕 ($138) <5/5>(Tomato & Cheese Base / Tofu Feta / Spinach / Mushroom)以為佢係小批~點知係8塊既大批啊~๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘仲要仲要勁足料嚕~😻勁多cheeseeeee!同埋極推Tofu Feta**‼️食落好似有啲奶香既味道~主要係用豆腐整既vegan cheese !!(๑º ロ º๑)!!‪但完全係昇華左成個pizza既味道🫶🏻 • Sweet Potato Fries🍠🍟 ($68) <3/5>Ummm味道不過不失!但最驚喜到我既係真係 超 大 份 啊~~~~😱 • Grapefruit Blast🍹 ($55) <5/5>係唔會加糖既西柚&橙汁&青檸&檸檬既mix and match味道勁fresh係用真材實料整架~٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و♪唔稀又唔甜‪❤︎‬‪⸝⸝⸝岩岩好🫶🏻 Instagram| @foodinframe.hk continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
明白世事永遠不會有兩全其美,一家食肆如果景色怡人而且食物質素很高,那價錢亦會隨之而大大提升,此素食店景色令人心曠神怡,而食物卻只屬一般,但總算讓我有一個寫意的下午。點了一個Cheese Quesadilla及Spicy Buffalo "Wings",Cheese Quesadilla一碟4件,熱辣辣的Quesadilla配上芝士很香,致於Spicy Buffalo "Wings"其實是炸椰菜花球,不是很辣,兩款食品均一般西餐貨式且價錢略高,不過擁有如此景觀都算是值得的,花一個下午好好休息一樂也。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Service:Great atmosphere, the waiters and waitresses are nice but the service can be slow if you come on a weekday or quiet Saturday. It does add to the vibe of a slow paced lifestyle you'd get overseas. Environment:Make sure you have the time to sit and enjoy the magnificent sea view that DB offers. The seats can look a bit old but they're extremely comfortable. Be prepared to have flies around because you're at an open bar in an island full of nature. Price: It is a little pricy but it's the price you get around DB and also the fact that it is vegan and the portion sizes are big racks up the price. It is very worth it though.Taste: Great food though, and all vegan! It tastes even better than 'real' cheese and meat. The salsa and chips were refreshing and although we didn't order drinks, we saw that they were well decorated and so pretty. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-08-19
朋友生日,特登嚟搵一間有氣氛嘅餐廳食晚飯~好彩早到愉景灣,早左去book枱,一到預訂嘅時間現場已經full booking 咁濟,全場都係外國人,一齊happy hour 緊我哋慢慢食,先來一個Thai papaya salad 做前菜,香料同花生碎都好足,口感豐富,朋友食開泰國菜都讚呢度做得好然後我哋又嗌咗個Pizza。呢度嘅Pizza係厚批黎,仲要大大個,材料又多,兩個女仔每人食咗兩件半已經食唔落要打包喇~最後我哋嗌左個香蕉船做甜品。睇Menu話好似係純素雪糕嚟,雖然我食唔出嗰兩球雪糕係乜嘢味道,但充滿椰香,朋友話有啲杏仁嘅味道,但總括來講都好好食,口感creamy唔似sorbet~順帶一提,好似20:00會有live Band,當晚係country style, 雖然我差唔多隻隻歌都未聽過,但現場啲外國人聽到好冧豬,有人拍片,又勁興奮拍手歡呼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)