Restaurant: ORO, Manhattan-Italian Restaurant

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
(着装規範 :時尚休閒   不可穿沙灘凉鞋、露趾鞋、拖鞋、無袖和短褲) (特色:浪漫情調、 慶祝紀念日)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*(截單時間 22:00)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (45)
This Italian restaurant is located on 30/F of 28 Stanley Street in Central. Stepping out of the escalator is the grand entrance, with the name of the restaurant, meaning ‘gold’ in Italian, depicted on the stone tiles on the ground, welcoming guests in.The interior décor is very nice, with soft lighting, wooden floor, and full-length windows on two sides overlooking the busy Central skyline, as well as a glimpse of Victoria Harbour between the buildings. Wrinkle-free white tablecloth, comfortable seatings, its ambience has scored a high mark.Instead of the CNY special menu, we opted to pick the normal a la carte. To start, we have Tartare Di Gamberi Di Mazzaro ($308) to share. The chef has wrapped the Sicilian red prawn tartare with tomato jelly, fresh and has nice umami flavours. Together with avocado purée and paprika sauce on the side, with some greens to decorate, it is both pleasant on appearance and taste. Good.Next, we have the soups. My wife had picked Zuppa Del Giorno ($158), the vegetarian soup of the day, which was a mushroom soup. Rich and flavourful, it had good mushroom flavours, with a bit of truffle oil to further enhance the taste. Very good.For me, I had Zuppa Di Pesce E Crostacei ($188). The mixed fish soup was just warm in temperature, and as a result was a tiny bit fishy. The mussel, clam, squid, octopus and lobster meat were decent, but not getting warmed up sufficiently also. With garlic croutons to complement, the soup could taste better if serving at the right temperature. Decent.The pasta we ordered to share was Chitarra Abruzzese Al Granchio Reale, Datterini ($438). The handmade guitar pasta was fair, but not as al dente as I would expect. The lobster sauce, together with king crab meat, was lacking in the vibrancy of acidity of the tomato while also not showing much of the delicate flavours of the crab. As a signature it was a bit disappointing. Decent.  Coming to the main course, my wife had Filetto Di Cernia Con Algae ($408). The grouper fillet was coated with a layer of herbs crumbs, pan-fried nicely to golden and crisp on the surface, while still moist inside. Paired with asparagus and a seaweed sauce, the umami notes of the sauce helped to enhance the lighter taste of the fillet. Very good.I have chosen Arrosticino Abruzzese ($548), with the New Zealand lamb loin cooked medium rare, tender and juicy. The lamb jus was delicious, full of the essences and flavours, with the deep-fried pepper on the side. The pepper was actually good in taste, but also super spicy so I could not finish all. Very good.For dessert, I picked Tiramisu ($128), with the homemade ORO tiramisu having the multiple layers of coffee-soaked ladyfinger biscuit on the bottom, the sweet mascarpone cheese cream in the middle, and the cocoa powder on top. Nicely done and not heavy. Good.My wife had Meringa al Muscovado ($128). The crunchy homemade meringue was not too sweet, very appealing on appearance, reminiscent of a flower ring, with strawberries and vanilla cream between the layers. Very good.Service is impeccable, with the staff friendly and very courteous, offering to hang our coats and checking in with us repeatedly on the taste and flavours. I would like them to also focus more on the introduction of the food though, which was a big piece in my opinion for any good restaurant. The bill on the night was $2,618. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間餐廳一向都係中環好受歡迎 超有儀式感嘅意大利餐廳🇮🇹位於30樓高層 視野廣闊 四周的玻璃眺望壯觀嘅城景同維港🏙加上華麗高貴嘅金色裝潢🌟不愧係一間出名嘅節日慶生餐廳🎂今次襯dining city期間 慕名嚟餐廳品嘗lunch menu🥰但食物水準就有少少強差人意了🫠🍴Dining City - 3-Course Lunch Set $258✨️Starter|生牛肉薄切沙律前菜點咗生牛肉沙律🥗生牛肉質感軟嫩無筋 牛味濃郁🐮連同truffle mayonnaise醬汁 更加帶上生牛肉嘅濃厚香氣☺️加上火箭菜的清香爽脆🌿前菜令人好開胃清新😊✨️Pasta|燉牛肉手工螺絲粉Fusilli嘅質感都幾煙韌有咬口 亦都相當掛汁🍝但蕃茄醬就略嫌普通 基本上都似係茄膏開出嚟嘅味道🍅而牛肉份量亦唔多 只有數粒細嘅牛肉碎🐂整體感得比較單調 無太大驚喜😗✨️Pasta|釀芝士意大利雲吞原本對Ravioli嘅期待十分大 因為平時到意大利餐廳都必點Ravioli🤩但呢道菜就同平常食開嘅有啲分別🤔Ravioli嘅皮好厚好煙韌 有啲似gnocchi嘅質感🥟有咬口得嚟 有殿粉嘅軟糯感🤏而內餡包住小小一細舊芝士 奶香味唔重🧀因此整體食落似一舊mochi 唔突出到食材嘅層次同味道🫣✨️Main|野生紅鱲魚伴菠菜忌廉汁Red Snapper表皮煎至香脆 帶微微金黃色🐟肉質鮮甜 但就比較結實🧐魚身脂肪量唔高 周邊位置甚至有啲乾🫠要配上忌廉汁中和同調味 先至可以接受🫗而菠菜翠綠清甜 稍為平衝返魚肉嘅乾柴感🥹✨️Dessert|焦糖燉蛋焦糖燉蛋整體水準不過不失🍮表層嘅焦糖有啲太厚 要大力少少先敲得碎💥而且令整體味道偏甜一啲 同有啲痾牙🍬而燉蛋嘅蛋香味濃郁而嫩滑🥚為呢個甜品挽回唔少分數😉✨️Dessert|紐約芝士餅同行嘅朋友就點咗new york cheesecake🍰但不論賣相定係口感都同new york cheesecake大相逕庭🫣睇落有啲似巴斯克蛋糕🧐表層烤得較焦香🔥而蛋糕質感唔太細嫩 有啲粒粒嘅質感 似乎太過火🫠配上旁邊酸酸甜甜嘅嘅紅莓醬味道會較好一啲🍯餐廳嘅環境的確十分典雅 高空景色亦都係其賣點之一🏙而服務都好到位 店員態度友善有禮💁‍♀️但食物質素就真係幾失望下😔接近三百蚊嘅3-course lunch set價位唔算好貴 但食物出品真係達唔到應有嘅水準🫠同區有唔少性價比高好多嘅餐廳🔖整體我同朋友們都覺得有中伏嘅感覺🥹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-12
Had an absolutely amazing experience at Oro! After our trip to Japan we craved for some incredible food. 🍽 We were lucky enough to enjoy their 2 Set Tasting Menu for two! ❤ It was an unforgettable evening, indulging in Manhattan-style Italian cuisine amidst the romantic backdrop of the 30th floor. The views were breathtaking! 🌃We started with the lobster fregola, a delightful dish featuring lobster with fregola, hardly can try this type of pasta elsewhere, and the tuna salad, which showcased the freshness and flavors of red tuna. 🦞🐟Now, onto the pasta! 🍝 We couldn’t resist trying the signature Flaming Cheese Fusilli. The presentation was a showstopper, with a giant wheel of cheese flambeed with Italian Grappa brandy, creating a mesmerizing fiery effect. The pasta itself was perfectly cooked, with the rich and creamy flavors of Parmesan cheese beautifully complementing the dish. The addition of freshly shaved black truffle took it to another level of deliciousness! 😋 We also enjoyed the Long-Legged Crab Meat Ravioli, where the delicate pasta enveloped generous amounts of crab meat in a luscious lobster tomato sauce. It was a seafood lover’s dream! 🦀For the main course, we savored the Antarctic Toothfish, a deep-sea fish known for its firm yet tender texture and delightful oiliness. 🐟 The flavors were exquisite! We also tried the lamb shank, a perfectly cooked shank with a tender and juicy center. It was certainly satisfying! 🐑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-13
見到香港餐廳周又出爐,於是約朋友到這間試意大利菜,呢間餐廳地方位於大廈30樓,樓高的關係,所以景觀比較開陽,可以遠眺部份維港景色🌇,而餐廳的入口處裝潢有點金碧輝煌的感覺。餐廳入口旁邊發現有一條樓梯可上一層飲🍻🥂,而這條樓梯也是一個極好打卡點,能吸引不少女客在這裡🤳🏼。今次食Dining City 3-course dinner $528👇🏼🍴 頭盤 👉🏼 生牛肉薄切配松露蛋黃醬生牛肉的鲜美,再加上松露蛋黃醬增添了豐富的口感層次。蛋黃醬的绵密與松露的香氣,既增添了口感的豐富性,又提升了整體的味覺體驗,再加上清爽的火箭菜🥬,更加帶出了另一種清新的口感。🍴另一頭盤 👉🏼 龍蝦🦞燴珍珠麵 (+$88)龍蝦燴珍珠麵(意大利米)的口感豐富多樣,既有龍蝦的鮮嫩口感,又有珍珠麵的滑嫩口感,這道菜品的口感細膩而豐富。🍴主菜 👉🏼 香煎鯛魚🐟拌菠菜牛油汁鯛魚的表皮煎至金黃酥脆,內部的魚肉則能保持了鮮嫩多汁的口感。牛油在加熱過程中融化,與波菜的鮮味互相結合,形成了一種濃郁而豐富的醬汁,增加了這道菜的口感。🍴另一主菜 👉🏼 燉牛肉手工螺絲粉🍝手工螺絲粉更加有筋道兼有彈性,口感更加細膩。螺絲粉充分吸收了燉牛肉的湯汁,既有螺絲粉本身的Q彈口感,又有濃郁的牛肉味。這道菜品的口感層次豐富,味道濃郁。🍴 甜品 👉🏼 提拉米蘇Tiramisu提拉米蘇的口感豐富,有濃郁的奶香和稠密的口感,又有咖啡和可可粉的苦味,這些味道相互融合,絕對是難以忘懷的甜點。🍴 另一甜品 👉🏼 蛋白霜檸檬撻🧁蛋白霜檸檬撻的口感清新、酸甜適中,同時帶有一種輕盈的綿密感。檸檬的酸味與蛋白霜的甜味相互平衡,使得口感既不會過於甜膩,也不會過於酸澀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-12
Very nice interior design right at the entrance, the very iconic photo-opp staircase.The food was ok, not as stunning as the decor. The pasta was very salty. The chicken was ok while I was expecting a more creative presentation. The tiramisu was a nice surprise as it looked like a cute face. It’s too watery though. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)