4-min walk from Exit E3, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (88)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Eco-Friendly Details
Kid-friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level4 2024-05-03
平日真係好少食肯德基家鄉雞🐔,但係對於葡撻嚟講我就好鍾意食,基本上佢哋出好多款嘅葡撻我都會食,今次更是我至愛味道……. 榴連👍😋———————-去到舖內其實已經接近收工,員工已在清潔中.🧹🧽只知道心血來潮很想吃,其實未來之前,已經在附近的一間肯德基家鄉雞問過已經賣晒,為咗想食呢個葡撻就喺附近知道仲有一間分店,所以又即管去睇吓賣晒未,竟然比我有一個好驚喜,呢間舖頭嘅員工真係頂呱呱👍雖然已經賣晒,但我即管嘗試問一下,再問個員工叫師傅整可唔可以再整,問咗師傅話可以,我覺得佢哋啲禮貌同工作態度真係very good值得讚,因為其實好多舖頭賣晒,佢係唔會專登去幫你整,而且仲接近收工,所以我覺得呢間KFC嘅員工的工作態度認真絕對👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💯——————-新鮮熱辣辣的榴連葡撻…😋😋😋😋😋外皮香脆.. 內裏濃郁美味的榴槤餡料😋😘其實開心簡單就在你身邊❤️😋食….拍…寫.. 已經成為我生活中的一部份鍾意食..鍾意拍…鍾意寫..留下美好回憶————— continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-30
我喜歡這個 spyfamily 接近冇宣傳的這個KFC餐,可加錢spy family叉電器,但係亦都冇乜人加購。希望香港KFC繼續做否則只能食麥記。我覺得佢薯條唔係好似新聞講咁難食亦都可以好味,仲要是錯過麥記的不是新聞圖的很難吃。其實一直覺得KFC除了葡撻出名鬆餅亦都很好食,希望佢再校多一種signature食品#kfc美食 #kfc #spyfamily #hkfoodie #foodie #foodkol #foodie@hk continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-07-04
I stopped by KFC in Central for a snack with my friend.The chocolate brownie sundae was rich and decadent, with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce,brownie chunks, whipped cream, and chocolate sprinkles on top. It was smoothand creamy, with bits of chewy brownie. The chocolate sauce was thickand sweet, and the whipped cream was lightand fluffy. The chocolate sprinkles added some crunchiness.The mango passion fruit sundaewas fruityand refreshing,with vanilla ice cream,mango sauce,passion fruit pulp,whipped cream,and coconut flakes on top.It was smoothand tangy,with bits of sour passion fruit.The mango sauce was thickand sweet,and the whipped cream was lightand fluffy.The coconut flakes added some crunchiness.We enjoyed our snack very much and felt indulgent. The food quality was high and the price was cheap. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who wants a sweet treat. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-28
蒜粉請注意💥💥🇰🇷韓式蒜香系列🇰🇷精心調配韓式蒜香醬油🍯配搭出全新🍗韓式蒜香炸雞🍗及 🐥韓式蒜香巴辣香雞翼🐥再加上香脆蒜粒🧄令蒜香由內到外風味四溢香脆外皮與嫩滑多汁雞肉一同衝擊味蕾😍令味覺、口感層次提升滋味滿分😋食唔停口!一邊嘆住食雞一邊飲杯🍊柚子茶椰果梳打🍊味道酸甜清爽😙配上Q彈椰果減減膩😆爽呀!🍱A2韓式蒜香炸雞豐盛套餐🍱🍗2件韓式蒜香炸雞🍗1件家鄉雞/香辣脆雞/狂惹香燒雞🥗1客菜絲沙律 (普通) 🥧1件經典葡撻🥤1杯汽水(中)👉🏻追加$8將飲品升級為柚子茶椰果梳打👉🏻追加$15加配2隻韓式蒜香巴辣香雞翼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📣📢韓式炸雞粉絲們,你地準備好未💁🏻‍♀️ 今個春天,KFC 帶黎期待已久既「韓式蒜香系列」🎊推出兩款期間限定產品 👉🏻韓式蒜香炸雞😋及韓式蒜香巴辣香雞翼😻一向無蒜不歡既我,見到KFC全新推出新系列,即刻拉埋蒜粉同事lunch time齊齊先吃為快😬✌🏻揀咗A2 韓式蒜香炸雞豐盛套餐🔥-2件韓式蒜香炸雞-1件家鄉雞/香辣脆雞/狂惹香燒雞-1客菜絲沙律(普通)-1件經典葡撻💟韓式蒜香炸雞🍗超香濃既韓式甜辣醬味道甜甜地帶點微辣,惹味到不得了😍上層再灑滿香脆蒜粒,蒜香味濃厚,提升層次感🎉炸雞咬落去肉汁四溢,嫩滑又多汁,口感一流‼️💟狂惹香燒雞皮香肉厚既燒雞肉質細嫩,燒烤味十足,啖啖肉食得好過💟韓式蒜香巴辣香雞翼心思思仲追加咗$15/2隻韓式蒜香巴辣香雞翼大大件雞翼炸至金黃香脆,上層包住惹味香口既韓式甜辣醬,搭配埋炸蒜粒,好食到手指都啜埋❣️💟菜絲沙律椰菜絲新鮮爽脆,加埋特調沙律醬,食落清新又健康🥗💟經典葡撻熱辣辣香噴噴既葡撻酥皮香脆鬆化,牛油味十足,蛋撻餡夠哂滑順,蛋味濃郁,大大啖食得好滿足😆😆💟柚子茶椰果梳打只需加$8即可升級柚子茶椰果梳打,味道酸酸甜甜既柚子茶搭配口感Q彈煙韌既椰果粒,口感一流,再加上梳打水調制,食完炸雞歎番啖,解渴一流💦係咪睇到流哂口水呢🤤大家快啲去KFC試吓呢款全新嘅「韓式蒜香炸雞」系列啦😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)