Exit G, Central MTR Station/ Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
在廚藝總監Richard Ekkebus的帶領下,米芝蓮二星及綠星殊榮的Amber一直為餐飲業的先鋒,以建基於法國烹飪技巧的精湛廚藝呈現純正風味及創新意念,滿足一眾時尚食客的需求。Amber餐單不含任何乳製品,減少使用精製糖及鹽,呈獻菜式最純正的味道。 continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Buffet Restaurant (2008), Best French Restaurant (2014-16), Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2009-24), Michelin Green Star Restaurant (2023-24), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2017-2021)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (389)
Level4 2024-04-22
《Amber》米芝蓮兩星餐廳法國菜,餐廳以金色及米色作主調簡潔優雅卻不浮誇,燈飾及配花設計剛好,沒有多餘裝飾,奢華不俗氣。餐廳搜羅世界各地優質食材設計菜式,廚師團隊運用不同配搭製作出出色佳餚,每道菜式配搭出不同味道層次,令食客味蕾充滿驚喜。加上餐廳服務專業,對食材及廚師處理都清晰講解,態度親切健談。無論環境、食物及服務都是一流水準,餐廳連續 16 年贏得米芝蓮兩星殊榮,確實至名歸。有機會務必試試 [ Full Amber experience ] ,除能夠品嚐完完整整主廚設計嘅餐單,仲可以參觀兩星餐廳嘅廚房並觀看由廚師即場炮製其中一道菜,非常難得嘅體驗。餐單會因應食材供應而作出更改,但招牌菜[Aka Uni• Cauliflower• Lobster •Royal Cristal Caviar ]必定on list ,而且食過絕對係難以忘記嗰種細緻幼滑震撼味蕾嘅味道及質感餐廳亦會因應客人對食物喜好作出即時安排,例如本人唔喜歡牛肉及羊肉,餐廳亦會有其他選擇代替,我的主菜改為鮫魚,做得亦非常出色,濃郁魚鮮又保留鮫魚特有質感。整套菜單非常豐盛,食到甜品已經撐破肚皮。當中最愛是招牌菜海膽椰菜花蓉配魚子醬,鴨肝亦非常出色。另外,餐廳接受自㩦酒品,只需要於餐廳wine list 選購其中一枝就可免自㩦酒嘅開瓶費,非常合理,是晚點選餐廳香檳Krug 再自㩦紅酒,非常滿足的一餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
相信大家都聽唔少米芝蓮二星嘅Amber。你地有無發現除咗咖啡奶茶,Amber 係無用 diary product 架~ 亦都可以做到無肉menu 😉 不訪可以打過去或去官網了解個Menu 😗 好欣賞成個menu 都有設計過,口感味道上無重覆,每樣做到好精緻。連餐具都有細心配搭 👏🏼 最緊要係食材都好sustainable 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗪𝗘 𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥Amber Exclusive 7-Course Dinner Menu 2,788✨ David Hervé Royal Oyster 。Potato 。Horseradish。Salicornia 。Menegi。Caviar Bottarga新鮮採購嘅生蠔加liquid foam potato 🥔 食落係比較soft ,生蠔本身好飽滿。蘑菇奶凍啫喱,鴨肝用紅桑子做coat,再配蕎麥、olive oil 、蘑菇嘅茶🍵鴨肝個油膩感無咁重,再飲埋個茶,成件事係balance 得好好😌✨ Aka Uni 。Cauliflower 。Lobster Royal Cristal Caviar 。Acipenser Schrenckii X Huso Dauricus魚子醬、豆奶、椰菜花奶凍、海膽等好似個server咁講係神來之筆😆好似置身於海洋中🌊之後再食呢個海帶脆餅Perfect ! ✨ Normandy Scallop。Black Winter Truffle。Scallop Beard Garum 。Bamboo Shoot 食依到菜之前會黎個Kitchen tour ❤️ 參觀完會係廚房食依到菜。令我回憶返以前讀酒店個時嘅情景😂 真係呢 🤫黎自Normandy嘅帶子,用 12hrs 將 Truffle 同自己海水味道去”焗” 出黎。成個 Contrast 係哂到!食落好脆身。再落素食牛油 🧈 加浸咗 6個月裙邊同其他帶子部分做個點綴。 ✨ Foie Gras 。Brussel Sprout 。Black GarlicAged Black Vinegar 。Malabar Black Pepper旁邊有黎自中東嘅黑胡椒,黑蒜Foie Gras 上面有小白菜,鴨肝皮做脆脆等完成食到自身嘅油脂感同個香脆係到。好彩無用我最唔鍾意嘅berry sauce 哈哈哈🤣✨ 上主菜前會有個自家製sourdough 加 豆奶油、椰子油、豉油、堅果做嘅butter 。個”牛油”真係好想pack返屋企享受😂✨ Milk Fed Lamb 。Za'atar 。Hakata 。Senryo Eggplant。Black Garlic 。Kura Goma羊仔、羊鞍、羊肚、羊架將唔同嘅部位嘅精髓突顯出嚟先慢煮後炭燒✨ Wagyu 。Crystal Pear 。Red Onion 。Red Wine Vinegar 。Shiraz 。add 500日本宮崎和牛韓國水晶梨紅酒汁加和牛汁以上配搭係無!得!輸!✨ Dekopon。Heirloom Carrot。Ginger。Orange Blossom Honey 。Coriander柑橘、芫荽sauce、蘿蔔蓉去襯返柑橘sorbert,再用Ginger 🫚 脆片,一羹到底✨ Tasmanian Cherry 。Dak Lak Chocolate 。Pistachio食完依個仲有個dessert wine 🍷 送上做個結尾~✨Hot chocolate and green tea 🍵 真係熱朱古力都無得輸!⭐️ 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥 ⭐️用 HSBC Premier Mastercard® Credit Card, 有幾間 Michelin-starred 餐廳🍴可享有 buy-1-get-1-free on set dinners!咁優惠嘅事無理由唔開心share ! 而身為MO fans , 今次就緊係試下 Amber 嘅 7 course dinner menu 👏🏼 優惠由 1 January - 31 May 2024 😗 真係快啲上 HSBC 官網睇下有咩啱心水 ❤️‍🔥𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞⭐️ Sparkling water 40/ppl continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第一次係生日嚟食Amber,覺得好食,所以第二年,同其他朋友慶祝生日都係嚟呢間食,嗰時仲keep到水準,估唔到事隔兩年,第三次嚟食,已經keep唔到個水準,而且仲要超級失望。價錢方面貴咗,唔緊要,因為我嚟食個環境同食物質素,兼且服務態度 。除咗個魚子海膽keep到(我都係主要為咗想食呢個)但其他菜式我真係覺得好一般,賣相亦都好一般 。當日仲有個小插曲,原本我哋上網望到嘅package,當日餐牌冇,然後佢話promotion過咗,我即時上網俾佢睇,佢就話網上未update,我真係體驗超差,喺呢個餐廳,呢個價錢,得到咁嘅服務。最後個侍應叫咗經理過嚟,佢Offer咗個冇酒精嘅用餐俾我男朋友,我就照食佢而家新呢個Menu。總括嚟講,唔會再嚟第四次了,就算有幾想食呢個魚子海膽,好可惜,都唔會再嚟了 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-02
Amber連續16年獲得米芝蓮既法國餐廳🇫🇷餐廳每度菜都好新穎💫用左好多平時唔會擺埋一齊既食材黎煮🥘味道出奇地夾💯而最出色既係佢地既Signature dishes 海膽魚子醬🥇每一啖都回味無窮😋食落好有層次👍至於服務方面💁‍♂️雖然用膳期間服務就到😊但係個人覺得有進步空間🥲今次Book左13:30 而餐廳未夠鐘既時候就打黎問到邊🙂好似有小小趕收工既感覺🥲加上餐廳雖然送左張生日卡比我地🎁但係寫錯左名🥹有小小影響左用膳體驗🥺Amber has been awarded the prestigious Michelin star for 16 consecutive years. The restaurant, located in France 🇫🇷, is known for its innovative and creative dishes. They use unique ingredients that are not typically found together, resulting in surprising and delightful flavors. One of their most outstanding features is their signature dish, the sea urchin caviar 🥇. Every bite of this dish is incredibly memorable and flavorful. It offers a multi-dimensional taste experience that is highly praised.💯In terms of service, although the staff is attentive during the dining experience, there is room for improvement. 🥺Personally, I found that there were some areas that could be enhanced. For instance, I had made a reservation for 13:30, but the restaurant called before the scheduled time, giving a slight impression of rushing. Additionally, although the restaurant wrote a birthday card 🎁, they misspelled the name, which slightly affected the overall dining experience negatively.Overall, Amber is a remarkable restaurant that consistently delivers innovative and exceptional dishes. While there are some areas for improvement in terms of service, the culinary experience and the restaurant's signature dishes make it a highly recommended dining destination.✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Amber位置於置地文華東方酒店7樓,香港米芝蓮二星餐廳,同時榮獲米芝蓮綠星餐廳。法國菜式以創新方法烹飪菜餚,餐廳裝潢由著名紐約設計公司Tihany Design設計,真正由內到外做到別出心裁高貴雅緻❤️最令人難忘招牌菜式 - Aka Uni, Cauliflower, Lobster Jelly, Daurenki Tsar Imperial Caviar,豐滿上層魚子醬配上龍蝦啫喱,鮮味震撼味蕾,加上北海島海膽入口即溶,再搭配上側旁海苔脆片,讓整個口感層次更為豐富齒頰留香。我與友人都選擇了Full Amber Experience,入到Kitchen Tour環節,參觀Amber廚房見到智能系統管理,有效提高工作效率與專業效能✨廚師即席下廚Oasis Grouper, Sugar Pea, Plankton, Hijiki, Kelp, Sea Lettuce, Oyster Leaf,石班魚以清酒醃味配以海藻、崑布、海洋微生物 Plankton等調製出汁醬,加上蜜糖豆提出甜味、搭以濱紫草與魚骨泡沫汁,整道菜鮮甜味美令人回味無窮。由嚴選食材到專注體現食物之純粹,可見廚師匠心獨運,追求卓越表現高水準發揮,絕不戲場!如此心思,我決定不久的將來一定會再來到訪👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)