5-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order: 21:30
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level2 2018-06-16
個幾月前一早book定父親節前星期六一家人去食午餐, 前一日就諗點解仲未有打呢 confirm Booking, 咁就打幾次去諗住confirm,打到去嗰日朝早先有人聽。點知佢竟然同我講大話,話有人包左場打咗電話俾我改下個禮拜😤我book得父親節食飯就唔會改父親節後先食啦!!!!! 你冇枱唔緊要,但唔可以屈過客! 聽電話個女人態度超差!!!! 仲反問我「咁你而家想點呀?」打俾經理投訴,聽完就算冇人覆。但係算數,咁嘅態度你比我都唔食!之前嚟過一次,食物係幾好,所以我先返嚟,但係sorry 從此blacklist!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-25
Best Omakase with labor of love. Always looking for new ideas to introduce new flavors and to please our palette. I have been here almost a dozen times over the last two years and they never disappoint me. This is the place I bring out of town guests and local friends if they want an authentic meal with fish they don’t get to try in other restaurants. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-05
☆附上當日影片手機版(有可能)看不到, 如要睇片可坐定定在大電腦前收看☆ 話說臨過農曆新年 (蝦子餅 )身邊的朋友飯局越來越多 ,今次就被帶去吃一間蠻為不錯的日本料理午飯, 廚師即場手握飯糰由12至18件不等、 價錢由HK$500.至HK$700.元不等, 抵食與否純屬個人化、不過味道和品質就絕對是優。。。 舖內面積實在善用,空間一開門便差不多已是座位席、 位置不算多一枱L型大約可以坐至十至十二人、 不過位置都不算太為逼夾, 席間就有兩名大廚坐陣、 分量就有12至18件不等, 隨個人食量多少、 當然吃得不夠飽時亦可以即場追加 , 廚師首先會問及客人喜好之食物,繼而挑選當日的食材上柗、 好了,係時候開始進攻我們的胃部~ 沙律及前菜當然是不可少~ 吃多了有陣時在食文上也煩厭為它一一作評述, 亦正正可以說廚娘是一個詞窮的人士、 亦不愛千字文的翻譯所以敬希原諒, 當日所吃其實每一件都有獨特的個性、新鮮度無可置疑, 就不如講下個人仍然念念不忘的幾款。。個人就對喜知次、金目鯛、和新鮮的即撈即淥即拆成之大蝦, 以及飽滿的驚人之蟹肉海膽、 倒是十分懷念~一下忘卻告訴大廚不愛吃鯖魚的我, 當被送上眼前唯大大件之鯖魚嚇窒了、唯有閉上眼睛吃下去,奇怪的沒有心想那份魚腥味 、 烹製上絕對應記一功~安康魚肝更是我們翻點的一個, 差點兒忘卻中拖羅的那份幼滑即溶的感覺~吃得更飽也不要忘卻師傅留待的蒸蛋與及特製味噌湯、 最後還問及要否芝士雪糕, 甜品那有一個少女不喜歡 ?當然無任歡迎~整體上個人給予之評價甚高, 如果硬要我挑剔、可能便是尾後之味噌湯濃得有點過火, 而芝士雪糕更可能卻比先前的食物寵壞了、 感覺上芝士味道不夠濃郁,~以午飯來說這個價錢可以食到這麼多之食材、個人覺得十分划算, 而且當日所見品質易很好。 ☆作為一個食客在飯後評述,我只能稱自己為一個食客評述員、 好味與否實屬個人取向!☆ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I have literally been eating Omekase in many Japanese restaurants on the Island side, mostly I felt fairly consistent or above average. I ran into this one with the experience badly enough that I would like to write this review to let everyone know.Food quality - not bad but slightly below average. The serving size of the fish and Uni is smaller than usual, and the sushi was not being made properly for some of them, the rice does fall apart on the plate. Not a fan of the pre-soy rice neither, it has made the rice soggy.Service - huge issue. The sushi chef felt like a cheap sushi fast food chain apprentice with out proper manner, shitty face the whole way and has made us a very unpleasant meal. This chef is not qualified at all at both skills and basic customer service as a chef! Hygiene- The chef is also not very hygienic, for a few times his hands was not dry up when making sushi, and was dripping my sushi plate! The cutting board doesn’t look clean neither.Very disappointed as I had heard some good reviews about this place. Now can cross this place out! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-08-06
好x差的壽司店,呢世人未食過一間壽司鋪好似呢一間咁收大師傅價錢,俾個洗碗的來切壽司,啲壽司飯散嘅,每件壽司大細不一,佢個師傅話可能係切左啲唔好食嘅嘢俾你,煲飯係半年來最差今次,明知有問題,但照樣俾你食,服務極差,態度惡劣!11個人食兩萬蚊食垃圾�冇Service,仲串過俾錢嗰個人,冇謙虛學習,垃圾之中嘅垃圾餐廳,一年內唔執,乜x都得!想食日本野嘅人,千祈咪去,如果唔係只會一肚氣!唔明宜家呢d服務態度仲可以生存,求其搵個人就當壽司師傅,比元氣更差,最重點係態度惡劣😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)