3580 1838
It got over a century history in Kyoto. It mainly offer matcha parfait and other matcha products. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (398)
Level3 2019-10-15
回味指數 : 👅👅👅👅/5✨✨ 抹茶啫喱雪糕✨✨特制林屋抹茶餡蜜抹茶雪糕茶味甚濃,加上黑糖去食,令本身冇乜味既丸子糯米糍既味道點綴咗,加多啖抹茶雪糕,個味好夾😋😋🍡🍵抹茶啫喱雪糕👉🏻奶香濃,甘香茶味,唔會甜到漏,岩岩好👍🏼👍🏼✨抹茶控既美食天堂!店內空間唔算大,排隊需時,如假日去要有排隊既心理準備🔹🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-30
每人最少要叫一款食品,知道lee間出名抺茶,但又心多多想試其他, 結果叫左兩款有抹茶,一款焙茶雪糕夠凍,抹茶香濃細滑,食得出係用靚抹茶粉做出黎,丸子煙''un'',啫喱有Q感, 而且有淡淡綠茶味,忌廉唔會太羶軟雪糕,入口幼滑,冇苦澀味.天時熱個陣食佢真係冇得頂,透心涼! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-04-09
Nasty Service ever!!!When we walk-in to the store at 9:35p.m. on a Friday night.  The server told us that the soft green tea ice-cream was sold out. We were fine with that, but when we sat down, 2/3 of the menu was sold out. They are totally out of everything!!! Since everything was sold out (including rice). They still wanted to charge us minimum for four desserts, when we told them they did not have anything that we like. The servers said that right away that we have been "WARNED",and keep saying it is the last order; she throw me the bill after the dessert arrived and TOLD us to pay the bill first since they are closing soon. After we paid the bill, the server just playing with her cellar phone.The servers attitude were horrible. Since we walked in, it sounded like we were disturbing their closing!!!!If they don't like to work in restaurant, please don't!!!! Work in somewhere else!!!HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE IN A RESTAURANT EVER!!! PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-02-25
今日同男朋友行開hysan, 見餓餓地行完誠品就上12樓睇下有咩好野食啦,點知見到呢間專食抹茶甜品既餐廳🍴,而且仲有咸食,就入去試下啦!飲品menu熱食menu焙茶甜品芭菲由於係晚餐時間,我地又未食野,所以就叫左d熱食啦!鰻魚飯set: 份量好足夠,又少骨,對於唔係好食魚既我都覺得好好味呀燒既程度岩岩好,幾入味,再配埋酸蘿蔔,清一清味蕾另外叫左個林屋和食料理,有沙律魷魚,鯖魚,帶子,雞等等,再配埋帶點茶味既飯,味道都幾夾飲品方面,叫左焙茶沙冰,雪糕焙茶味好濃同好滑,又唔會太甜最後當然就係主菜甜品啦!由於平時都成日食抹茶甜品 今次有焙茶都想試多d, 呢個焙茶芝士蛋糕,焙茶味好濃但又不會蓋過芝士味,出面較少食到另外配埋丸子,紅豆,焙茶雪糕,好滿足由於呢到出名抹茶,當然會試下啦!呢個芭菲係香港限定,層次同口感都好豐富,一次過滿足幾個願望😂值得一讚係呢到既抹茶濃得黎又唔會澀,仲有抹茶粉係入面 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-07-20
-終於到🇯🇵日本嘢👄抹茶冰山$98好大舊!!好多冰!!好濃味!!呢d就係我食完嘅食後感,佢食到尾仲有三四舊抹茶布丁,個人覺得如果你哋唔太中意抹茶嗰種回甘味嘅話,你真係可以食呢個冰,但警告上面嘅雪球係有回甘嘅感覺,少少苦,但好好味!!滋味度:💙💙💙💙💙(5💙為滿分) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)