3-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2017-12-21
My friend specifically wanted a snowman cake so this was the only shop that did it.The lady at the CWB branch was so biatchy when I asked about how many days in advance to order and on the day of collection she had such a shat look on her face.Anyway, the cake itself was ok and you get given more candles than other cake shops.It was a coconut mousse and pineapple cake, it was mainly coconut mousse which seemed like the mousse was made with gelatin as it was quite firmThe pineapple in the middle tasted like it had been soaked or cooked beforehand as the colour was brown and it tasted bitter. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-11-21
來了Heyyo以重量計算yogurt, toppings 選擇多 可惜yogurt得原味 另一部壞機 但每人吃了兩杯 每杯$60 加了杏仁 盧薈粒 柑子 奇異果 原味yogurt 口感好好 不是軟的.. 如果味道選擇像以往 那就更好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-11-05
Hapi birthday!!!!!!生日當然要一個生日蛋糕才似模似樣的.HeyYo!!一直很吸引窮小姐,難得最近在團購中也有他的出現,而且是非一般的便宜(半..半...半價喔!!!).剛好窮小姐的親人快到生日了,所以立馬在網上買了個1磅雪糕蛋糕的團購(賺到了).HeyYo!!的雪糕蛋糕有多種款式及多種口味可選,訂購時窮小姐選了最喜愛的藍色熊仔款式及香蕉口味.生日牌,生日蠟燭連托及兩個冰袋也不另外收費.雖然是團購,但也是認真對待的,很感動的呢!窮小姐選的香蕉口味家人很是喜歡,除了有香濃的香蕉味,中間的朱古力餅碎很有咬感.另外藍色的忌廉很滑亦不會太甜,而且蛋糕的款式也十分可愛,家人對它只有讚冇彈(滿意). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-08-20
之前經過銅鑼灣皇室堡地庫 Hey Yo,試過佢嘅乳酪雪糕,味道都唔錯。 Hey Yo 係一個 DIY 自製乳酪同蛋糕專門店,乳酪雪糕由職員斟出嚟,再由顧客揀自己鍾意嘅配料,之後磅重收錢。今晚朋友出去銅鑼灣食飯,食完飯之後經過皇室堡,於是落去地庫買個 cheesecake 返去試下,順便氹下老婆開心。3.6牛乳軟芝士蛋糕藍莓 $65.8 - 芝士蛋糕標榜無添加防腐劑,每日新鮮製造。蛋糕切落去好軟身,食落質感軟滑,但略嫌芝士味過小,唔係想像中咁濃嘅芝士味。芝士蛋糕方面,試過一次就夠了。下次都係食返佢哋嘅乳酪雪糕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-22
一直都好中意食heyyo既乳酪,可惜分店比較少。今日經過終於可以食銅鑼灣分店有枱可以比客人用,幾方便。雪糕要左原味,夠凍又5會太甜,2個人食份量都夠。配料有粟米片同oreo碎,夠曬脆口。再加左芒果爆珠,幾香芒果味,又5會太甜,冇平時d爆珠酸既感覺。最後加左糯米糍呢個每次我都會加超多,真系太好食啦,又煙韌又好咬口,我加既系原味,配雪糕食好正,我記得沙田分店系有綠茶味,下次都要再去食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)