Exit D1/ E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Spend a relaxing afternoon or evening at this vibrant watering hole, a popular spot with visitors and residents alike. There's an excellent curry buffet at lunch times and the Bar offers happy hour, and sports broadcasts in the evenings. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Others
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cumberland sausage ring with onion jam, mustard mash and gravy Pork Belly with braised cabbage, beer foam and apple chutney Guinness steak and kidney pie, pastry crust
Review (124)
Level4 2019-04-17
Even it’s closed, still wanted to add a review to memorise the great food and vibes here.Went there for a happy drink and snack, so we ordered 2 beers and a fish and chips.Master Dickens is the lager they collaborate with Young Masters, which is quite the classic Young Masters hoppy taste. Light and crisp, also clear on the palate.Another one was the Kitchen God by Moonzen, which is a rich honey porter with a fuller mouthfeel, a bit on the roasty side but still complement with the honey scent.The fish and chips is classically great, a crunchy beer batter, must ask for the malt vinegar to go with it as well. Chips are fat and hot, fantastic with the cold beer. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-09
雖然呢間餐廳已經結業但係我都好想同佢道謝一個下晝你想搵個地方冇乜人幾十蚊坐幾個鐘舒舒服服英式嘅Pub就係咁樣英國返嚟嘅朋友就會好鍾意呢個地方佢連廁所都似返英國嘅相信好多人都唔會捨得呢個地方我好鍾意佢個 Shepred pie好食過英國嘅LOL老實講知道佢要結業 都返嚟食咗四次其實之前好耐都冇過嚟呢個真係一個非常之英式嘅地方雖然 佢臨閂之前 真係好難book位服務水準同埋食物 都維持唔到之前咁好但係我都好appreciate佢嘅漢堡包可以做到medium rare我已經覺得好叻仔Starters platter 真係唔好食但係其他可以keep到水準我已經好開心知道佢要結業有啲傷心嘅感覺但係感覺到每一個員工都想喺結業前做到最好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-06
自從香港回歸之後,各方面的發展,法治、民生、民主、自由......是進步,是倒退,有目共睹,令人不禁對回歸前後的香港加以比較,撫今追昔,對這個在不少人心目中正在一步步沉淪的城市傷感,緬懷一番。屹立銅鑼灣多年的香港怡東酒店因改建關係,即將結業,連帶酒店內的各間中西餐廳,亦都即將成為絕響。當中的「雙城吧」,是城內其中一間最有質素的英式酒吧,我雖對它感情不深,去得也不多,但這間格調環境氣氛都流露著濃厚英式風情的酒吧,還是值得回味。 這兒的「自助早午餐」,逢周末及周日推出,從中午12時到下午3時,三個小時的時間,足以讓客人在這間環境舒服的酒吧餐廳裡閒坐聊天,邊吃邊喝,渡過數小時的美好漫活時光。 在這裡,有舒適的環境,有傳統地道的英式食物:炸魚薯條、約克布甸、各式別具風味的英式咖喱......而當然,凍肉、沙律、芝士、貴精不貴多的熱盤、燒牛肉和各式精緻吸引的甜品也沒有缺少。當中的一款有水果乾在裡面的芝士,鹹香中有水果的甜味,以之塗在麵包或餅乾上,我就最喜歡了。而香濃的咖喱,也是我的心頭愛。 這城中數一數二的英式酒吧即將成為歷史,但英國大文豪狄更斯的文學名著「雙城記」仍然光芒燦亮,照耀文壇。只是,香港曾經引以自豪的光輝如今還剩下多少,還是已變成了一座不折不扣的傷城? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一間多年前去過的吧,近來發現她因Excelsior 改建而快將結業,所以再次常常到訪。吧的環境清靜,除非是週末或星期五晚,一般下午黃昏去也很舒服。飲品方面,有多種draught beer 選擇。其中最喜歡Boddingtons Pub Ale Gin Tonic 也不錯 - Hendrick’s Gin食物方面, 由於去過幾多次,都試過幾款食品。Chicken Tikka Masala 醬汁香濃,微辣,雞肉不乾,炒飯非常乾身挺身,薄餅普通。Potato skins 比較乾身,略為失望,可以不叫。Spicy calamari 醬汁比較濃厚,因為偏甜,份量頗多所以一個人吃會太膩。Nachos 非常大的份量,香脆,guacamole 都幾香,如果辣些少就好了。不過我一個人食,都幾滯下。Apple crumble 非常香脆,蘋果醬甜甜酸酸,味道很好。三月底將會結業,有興趣的朋友可以去試試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-11-13
睇到新聞話銅鑼灣怡東酒店明年3月結業 ,所以想襯結業之前去多幾次,便約朋友去座落銅鑼灣怡東酒店地庫的Dickens雙城吧吹下水、聚下舊。我們坐下不久侍應就呈上爆谷及花生🥜,都是免費的,但不是無限refill。由於酒吧提供直播球場,有好多外國人在此睇波 。我們看了一會兒menus, 就點了Schoolboys Story & Tale of 2 Cities各一杯。這兩杯mocktail (Schoolboys story 似fruit punch, 而Tale of 2 Cities 有薄荷同檸檬味較易入口)傾左一段時間計,覺得有點餓就點了Dickens Burger🍔 & 🥔 Potato Skin。Burger 是medium well ,望落多肉汁及有漢堡味,滋味無窮。而薯皮又香又脆,裡面有芝士同煙肉好夾,卜卜脆, 一試難忘,想再encore。薯條🍟夠熱,香脆,美味可口。食完野都傾到意猶未盡,就叫了兩支啤酒🍻Corona & Peroni繼續聊天。啤酒唔係好識品評,對我來說全部一樣 ,苦苦地😂此酒吧是一個唔錯既吹水及睇波地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)