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Review (4)
Walked past and saw that they had peppered beef steak on the menu so decided to get it.I have never ventured into this shop because there is always too many people on this road and this restaurant is always packed with people.While I was waiting, I took photos of the handwritten menus which had nice drawings and layouts especially the fish.From the entrance you can also see the kitchen and the chef cooking.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Peppered steak:It was really nice of them to have separated the rice in a separate container and the beef in another box.The beef was lovely and tender and the pepper sauce was really nice and there was a hint of sweetness because of the onions.The only negative comment was that it was too salty.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-12-02
在附近辦事,完成要做的事已經2點半,當然要填飽肚子才回公司。沒時間慢慢歎,打算揀間舖頭仔快趣食,路過此店剛好聽倒附近花店的哥哥正在買外賣,一買三個;相信是水準還可以,附近的街坊才會幫襯吧。偷聽倒花店哥哥要A餐臘腸蒸肉餅,好,我又跟點餐後,阿姐話:「剛好賣完,要等一下啦。」也不會等太久吧,而且即叫即整,仲正!等了五~十分鐘,肉餅先上,看來肉汁豐盈,熱辣辣的樣子;上面不單有臘腸,仲有幾舊膶腸,而且一D都唔孤寒,唔會切到紙咁薄。試一口肉餅,好鬆化,又有肉汁肉香;再試雙腸,當然唔會係上乘貨色,但食起o黎起碼無油益味,又唔會塞滿肥肉無乜豬肉成份,加上份量都唔少,令人感覺良好。雖然呢個肉餅唔係傳統結實彈牙o既肉餅,但本人偏好呢類帶肥肉同肉汁的鬆化肉餅,配上熱辣辣又軟淋淋o既白飯,真係食得好開心最後o黎杯熱檸水,發覺檸檬好新鮮,絕無苦澀味,檸檬肉粒粒飽滿,小店選料應該都幾新鮮吧。$33一個午餐,新鮮熱辣,用料新鮮,實在值得支持。(因為今次完全無諗過會為呢間小店寫食評,所以完全無考慮過影相就食晒落肚,只影得一張檸檬,下次去一定要記得影相~~) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-01-28
昨日同老婆在灣仔行街買年貨, 行到又攰又餓, 諗住搵間茶餐廳醫肚o一條街起碼有六七間茶餐廳, 見到呢間好乾淨企理, 咁生面口, 一定係開左無耐, 就入去試下o叫左個午餐, 紅酒炆牛尾跟意粉, 跟餐係奶茶o 牛尾出乎意料咁好食, 而且係熱烘烘既o 奶茶有茶味, 正!!!太太叫左個下午茶餐, 係西多士佩瑞士鷄翼, 中規中矩啦!! 太太都話杯奶茶正!!!!講到地方, 係好開楊光猛, 清潔衛生, 係一般茶餐廳所無既水平o 老實講, 去茶餐廳食野, 最攞命就係去洗手間, 去完隨時無哂胃口o 但呢間就好清潔, 抵讚呢度晚飯有啲套餐, 四個人都係$158.- , 有半隻貴妃鷄, 自選三個小菜, 白飯(唔記得有無例湯), 下次會去試下o continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-10
今日光顧了他們的午餐,是海鮮炒飯,好惹味.雖然海鮮是雪過,比較淡口,但還是很多蝦和魷魚,肉質不錯,以這價錢已很好呢.他們的服務也殷勤,可能因為人不多,只有幾台. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)