2016-01-14 1482 瀏覽
Went here for a gathering before CNY so we had the bowl feast.In the bowl, there were GIANT prawns which stole the show but I liked the duck feet and braised pomelo skin.It came with a bowl of extra red beancurd sauce which I loved because I love red beancurd so I had lots of sauce and it was so nice that I drank some LOL!The bowl feast comes with vegetables and glutinous rice.This place specializes in Shunde cuisine hence they had fried milk and stuffed dace fish.For the broth, there were more
Went here for a gathering before CNY so we had the bowl feast.
In the bowl, there were GIANT prawns which stole the show but I liked the duck feet and braised pomelo skin.
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It came with a bowl of extra red beancurd sauce which I loved because I love red beancurd so I had lots of sauce and it was so nice that I drank some LOL!

The bowl feast comes with vegetables and glutinous rice.
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This place specializes in Shunde cuisine hence they had fried milk and stuffed dace fish.

For the broth, there were more ingredients than the broth itself including pork pancreas.
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The stuffed dace fish was nicely done, the fish looked intact and the skin was crispy but there were bits of grounded bones in it.
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We finished with the crispy fried milk, which turned out to be the best fried milk I have had.
When it arrived, it looked like a fried seafood roll because of the breadcrumb coating and it came with a side of salad cream.
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After taking a bite it turned out to be the best I have tried because of the coating.
Normally fried milk is coated in batter and if the oil is not fresh, I will only eat the filling in the middle.
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The breadcrumb coating here was fantastic, I could taste some coconut on the outside which gave it a really fragrant taste and the milk filling was not too sweet so you can taste the milk as well.
It definitely shouldn't be paired with salad cream because it tastes good on its own but if they really want to serve it with sauce, I think chocolate or a berry sauce would be good.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)