港鐵堅尼地城站 B 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:30
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食評 (15)
等級1 2019-12-12
743 瀏覽
This place is not baby friendly at all. I went to this restaurant today with my four years old and one years old baby. Having been to the Restro, my four years old loves it there with the moving train that delivers our food. However, our visit today lead to our greatest disappointment. We were a Party of four, second set of customers that entered the store and it was literally empty, being seated in the booth seats (as usual as I have been more than five times already). It was my one years old’s third visit and we were accustomed to their routines as I asked for a baby chair for my child. Store Manager K was reluctant to provide us with the baby seat. He claims that it will block the way of their boxes being delivery by trucks outside. I have expressed that I came here on a weekly basis and sat with a baby chair without trouble. Instead of having the baby seat block the way, Manager K stood in front of us explaining he can’t provide us with a baby seat for twenty minutes. Several customers and waitresses came between us while he continued to explain, was he blocking the way himself without realizing? He even asked me to point out who gave the permission to provide us with the baby chair during my visits. I didn’t want to point fingers or get anyone fired. This really boggles my mind, all I wanted was my children to enjoy a meal here with the moving trains to entertain them but having been lectured and not allowed a baby chair was absurd. Apparently, this place has food delivered in bulks by outside trucks very frequently which the available baby chairs will block the way. Kind suggestion, must visit this place without a baby or else a long winded Manager K will conduct a lecture about no baby chairs and please leave your baby at home before visiting. Question is why have baby chairs in the first place? Placement of baby chairs are blocking their way- basically not baby friendly place. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-05-27
556 瀏覽
平常去任何一間分店光顧也會叫芝士蛋糕!昨晚去了西環分店同樣地叫了件芝士蛋糕,一叉落去蛋糕極溶,叫男店長換番件硬的,我話怕食了會肚屙,麻煩他換一件由雪櫃切出來的!他話落單時因乜不order 硬和軟?我話你們現在用app 落單,無硬軟可選!極不願意換,態度可憎!跟著他背著我們說係咁㗎啦!態度奇差!其實芝士蛋糕不應該放室溫咁耐而且仲溶哂㖭!仲要比客人食!做食市或飲食行業的應該知道這是common sense 呀! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
喺食飯繁忙嘅時間,基本上去邊度食嘢都要去排隊。好彩身為元氣壽司嘅會員, 可以利用佢自家嘅apps嚟遙距取票去等位。 一來可以節省時間, 二來又可以預測到幾時有位。為咗可以同朋友傾計耐啲,我哋決定等卡位。由取票到入座都只係等咗大約15分鐘。( 題外話: 本身應該仲可以快啲入座, 但唔想因為有位媽媽手抱住bb食飯, 所以就讓咗張枱畀佢哋先。)入座後, 只要scan QR code 就可以落order。美中不足嘅係餐廳入面冇提供免費Wi-Fi。( 印像中中環大昌大廈既分店係有提供Wi-Fi。) 所有之前落order嘅食物,都可以喺網頁睇返紀錄。首先第一樣黎到係軟殼蟹手捲。由於太肚餓嘅關係,食完先發覺唔記得咗影相。炸出嚟嘅軟殼蟹好新鮮, 食落紫菜都係乾身嘅,值得推介。等咗一陣,所有壽司都上哂喺一隻碟。基本上所有壽司嘅水準都keep得好好, 除咗炙燒澳洲肉。 塊牛肉有一半都係屬於脂肪同埋根, 就算有幾好嘅牙力, 都係趙唔爛。之後亦都試咗期間限定嘅帆立貝迷你飯, 雖然賣相冇圖擺得咁靚, 但係都有五粒帆立貝同適量嘅三文魚子。 鍾意食帆立貝一定要試呢個迷你飯。最後黎到嘅係兩樣前菜, 中華沙律同帆立貝裙邊。 兩個前菜都好好味, 不過如果可以上左前菜先到壽司就perfect啦。至於另一個期間限定嘅凱撒風乾火腿, 感覺好伏, 如果有勇者試過,不妨留言話畀我聽係咩味道。扣除所有折扣同積分,兩人埋單係$135.3, 十分抵食。( ・8・ ) ノ♡ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-02-17
226 瀏覽
I go there with a friend last week. We waited over 1 hour for the seats as there are many people. However, there was plenty of empty seats in the restaurant. Every time when customers leave, the staff would wait for 10 minutes until they clear the table, then wait for another 10 minutes until the next customer can get the seat. We got the seats after an hour, we used 3 minutes to go through the menu, then we try to place order. However, we need to wave our hands for further 10 minutes until the staff come to us, they even not asked us to wait during the time, even all of their staff including the shop manager noticed that we were seeking their help (with eye contact). I dont think this is reasonable. Also, some of their staff are chatting and laughing occasionally, but not use the time to handle their works.The food are normal, not outstanding, a point to note is the sushi rice are warm and loose. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-11-24
252 瀏覽
如果放假留屋企唔出街玩,lunch都會食元氣,肯定唔會中伏吖嘛。每次都會係食呢啲,已經變成我哋嘅固定menu。帶子裙邊,老細最like,唔鍾意食硬嘢嘅我就唔多啱喇赤貝/尢魚/左口魚/油甘魚/蝦/饅魚火炙三文魚/芥辣尢魚/北寄貝沙律/左口魚/元氣卷lunch食呢個份量,係啱啱好嘅,唔會太飽。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)