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米芝蓮及亞洲50最佳餐廳推介的高質餐廳,其精緻拉丁美洲菜餚糅合傳統及創意風味,配合富藝術氣息的時尚裝修,聚會及招待商務客戶均大方得體。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2022-24)
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金
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食評 (57)
❀ MONO #中環 ❀❗近期最喜愛嘅米芝蓮餐廳 每道菜式都有驚喜❗——————————————————生日嚟到一星米芝連、亞洲五十大Mono慶祝非常興奮😆主廚Ricardo Chaneton 主打拉丁美洲菜式,對於香港人嚟講相對新穎獨特,當晚絕對係味蕾嘅大享受,說真的係近期最愛嘅米芝蓮餐廳💖雖然餐廳唔大冇靚景,但味道高質,仲用咗唔少獨特嘅來自南美洲嘅食材,真係必試✨.侍應先會籃子裝住當晚嘅食材逐一介紹,先打卡一輪,便開始上菜。.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ Journey $2280♥ Mexican blue corn infladita先有昇華版墨西哥街頭小食Infladita,用粟米脆空殼裝住帶子、佛手瓜,味道清新酸酸甜甜,非常開胃☺️.♥ Oven roasted Peruvian mashua接着係居然係生土豆mashua,切開一層層夾住煙燻沙甸魚粒。.♥ Brittany sea bream ceviche非常清新又滑溜嘅sea bream ceviche,配上秘魯胡椒、泡菜,有齊酸甜辣味仲有啲香脆蕎麥,口感豐富😚.♥ Artisanal Bolivian kiwicha sourdough 超級好食嘅自家製sourdough🥖佢哋會轉換唔同嘅酵母製作,今次係名為1524嘅酵母。熱辣辣呈上,非常鬆軟香脆。點上淨係新加坡、香港、沖繩有嘅Eva Aguilera’s bio-dynamic Arbequina橄欖油真係一大享受😎超開心臨走嘅時候店員仲送咗一袋sourdough,呢啲小小嘅gift真係令到成個體驗更加完滿😚.♥ Our signature pan seared imperial langoustine & expressions of Ecuadorian cacao招牌菜果然浪得虛名,點會諗到小龍蝦同可可豆係咁夾🤩小龍蝦langoustine烹調至半生熟,口感軟腍。醬汁係用上龍蝦頭及可可熬製而成嘅軟滑醬汁。 當中再夾雜可可果肉及可可皮,感覺有啲似有椰子肉,甜甜地,好好食🤤.♥ Braised South African abalone taco超大隻爽口彈牙南非鮑魚,配酸酸辣辣嘅蕃茄醬汁,充滿墨西哥特色。Taco皮係加上自家製的,不過略嫌軟身咗少少,用手食有啲麻煩🙈旁邊仲有伴以鮑魚鵝肝醬整成嘅湯,膏味香濃,一流!.♥ Charcoal grilled Brittany monkfish 呢個炭燒monkfish香口嫩滑,配上用南美蔬菜製成嘅salsa及salad。.♥ Racan pigeon唔少高級餐廳都會用上乳鴿,但大部份都欠缺特色,反而覺得中式燒乳鴿仲好味。但Mono嘅乳鴿非常嫩滑,醬汁仲係侍應即時用21種墨西哥食材打磨而成👌🏻-♥ Costa Rican soursop sorbet清新嘅番荔枝雪葩,仲加咗少少辣辣地嘅胡椒泡沫,非常特別嘅配搭,好清新可以解膩😙-♥ Our homemade Ecuadorian chocolate layers大喜愛,畢生難忘🥰層次非常豐富,用上Ecuadorian朱古力製成多種口感,包括脆餅、慕絲、朱古力醬等。仲要加埋特色阿根廷茶Mate雪糕,以及花生奶,味道喺口腔爆發超級滿足😍😍😍.♥ Petite four & Birthday cake最後仲有個小脆餅。生日仲會送上一個朱古力蛋糕,真係飽到上心口🤣——————————————————✨整體味道: 4.5/5 ✨環境裝修: 4/5✨服務態度: 4/5✨性價比: 3.9/5✨再訪興趣: 4/5.💞整體來講絕對係近期最喜愛嘅米芝蓮餐廳😍好欣賞佢哋用上多款罕見嘅南美洲食材,為香港人送上耳目一新嘅味道,係罕有地每一道菜都有驚喜,必定要試吓!仲有佢哋個朱古力花生甜品真係世界級,萬物錯過✨ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Mono連續兩年摘星,今年聖誕節又有什麼驚喜?廚師Ricardo Chaneton 擅長搜羅世界各地名食材把它變成一道道美食佳餚。頭盆 Buneulo 🐌炸麵團産於西班牙,將麵團炸成小吃。酥脆的小吃包裹着多汁的田螺及香脆肉腸,濃郁的拉丁風味,帶了我們走趟歐洲南部。頭盤 Carabinero Salad🦐 喜歡紅蝦的朋友不能錯過,紅蝦肥美,自帶點點鹹的海水味,配上頂級魚子醬,鮮甜。底更有黑粟米和綠澡打成的泡沫,上面更有西芹做的脆片,味道一絕。麵包 Homemade Sourdough🥖酸包上有個牌子列着1584,代表着酵母已發酵第1584天。包外脆,內配着巴西杏仁,點着特製橄欖油,可見廚師在研發每道菜的用心。前菜 Pan-seared Scallops 🌊 廚師把我的味蕾之路駛到阿根廷。用到當地的豬血弄成醬汁配上香料,可辟血腥味,當時昇華內臟的鮮香,配上煎得剛好的帶子,想不到的配搭和食材很搭很美味。主菜 Duck Foie Gras Taco🦆搖身一變,我們走到了墨西哥。Taco是用芫荽做的,淡淡香菜味,配上油脂分布剛好的鴨肝,上面酸甜的沙律菜,口感豐富。每吃一口,喝一口鴨精,感覺很新奇,而且帶點日式、中式風味。主菜 Chargrilled Sawara🎣這道菜,我們又回到了日本。師傅採用鰆魚,魚本身味清淡,香味獨特。加上淡淡的醬,不會太搶,旁邊則用了有薑味的薯仔,就像吃日式料理會有酸薑,呈現一道清雅的菜式。主菜 Challans Duck Breast🦆廚師煮鴨胸的做法,有點像印度菜,調味料很出,而且熟度剛好,很喜歡他們的黑椒。而意大利飯則用了鴨的內臟和燒烤醬,香口惹味。甜品🍧 甜品都有四款,有Acai Sorbet、Andean Snow、Alfajor及Chocolate Truffle。每一道都味道、甜度適中,且有驚喜,但就不多作介紹,留有驚喜讓你發掘。一個晚上,主廚帶我們走遍世界各地。他憑着對食材的專業認知,把它們互相配搭,呈現傳統和新式,甚至國際化的美食。-當晚是生日慶祝,餐廳送了一張精緻的唱片生日卡配上寶利來相片-單張的信封是有着種子,可拿回家耕種 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
12月12號,我同朋友係Mono食Lunch ,簡直係狗血劇情咁唔知以為自己食緊街邊野⋯嚴重懷疑個米芝蓮同亞洲最佳50係點黎!首先,侍應介紹餐牌嗰陣好似讀書咁,中間仲唔記得咗講到邊,好尷尬。我哋點左Journey menu,食左一兩道菜,準備再上菜果陣,個女侍應突然將個熱湯淋係我身上令我條裙和外套都有漬,如图。我真係嚇一跳,好彩人無事!果個女人淋完我仲即刻走左去⋯我和我朋友都黎唔切反應。另一個女侍應睇到,重掉頭走,然後先叫個助理經理黎。但呢個助理經理態度十分唔專業,只是表面清理我條裙,仲建議我自己解決問題,然後叫我地繼續食野先,之後佢再黎跟進我條裙既進度。仲叫我諗吓我地(餐廳)可以點幫你?但呢個問題唔係因你地而起咩?仲要我諗解决方法?好彩當日著左厚的打底,無燙到大脾。但慶祝生日的氣氛完全無哂,後續安排補左一道原本要+700幾蚊既主菜比我們,但係條裙仲未有可行既解決辦法。然後另一個經理來交涉。他承諾安排洗衣服務,但當時已經2點幾,真係唔知隨街買套衫換/ 返酒店再換過衫先再出黎/ 定繼續食好⋯ 根本無可能係4點前將條裙交返比佢地洗。本身第二日離港,Plan左當日仲有地方去。但被人淋到咁,唯有取消行程。d 時間就係用黎趕返去換衫 ,好慘。餐廳只係叫我地自己返酒店梳洗和換衫,將條裙擺係酒店禮賓部,他們派人黎拎,洗好先送返比我。但係8日之後,我先才被通知快遞既號碼。乾洗衫需要八日?埋單果陣,我地發現張單無扣返訂座時已經俾咗嘅九百幾蚊留位費,好彩有Void到單,唔係比佢咁樣扣左去,搵人笨。但唔係每個人訂座既時候都要比錢留位咩?咁都無扣返出黎?最後餐廳只係打左個八折比我地,同埋用兩個麵包打發我地走⋯⋯真心建議大家唔好黎試呢間餐廳,服務0,野食都普普通通,唔值一星。大把酒店餐廳好食過佢。我係好彩無淥到大脾,唔係間野應該都係諗住就咁算⋯⋯好少寫食評,但咁差既餐廳真係要警世! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-12
430 瀏覽
—🌮 Mexican blue corn infladita, mezcal-steamed fine Cadoret oyster, Shallot cream & Chayote salad•🥒 Oven roasted Peruvian mashua with Shiitake dressing & smoked Cantabrian sardines•🦀 San Marzano tomato adorned with capers, blue crab salad, almonds and edible flowers•🍞 Artisanal Bolivian kiwicha sourdough & Eva Aguilera’s bio-dynamic Spanish arbequina olive oil•🦐 Pan seared imperial langoustine & expressions of Ecuadorian cacao•🐟 Charcoal grilled Brittany monkfish and Correze veal sweetbreads, anticucho rub, tamarillo-chipotle salsa and spiced pumpkin salad•🦆 Plouneour Menez pigeon baked & charcoal-grilled in smoked banana leaves, Venezuelan bollito, 21 ingredient mole, Argentinian chimichurri sauce and prickly-pear infused pigeon jus•🍧 Costa Rican soursop sorbet, Javanese long pepper mousseline, crispy milk with vanilla and Colombian arequipe•🍫 Homemade Ecuadorian chocolate layers, Argentinian mate ice-cream, fleur de sel, gochugaru pepper and peanut milk•🍬 Sweets—第一次食南美菜 味道上未必人人岩食😹新鮮食材加上南美煮法 偏向以香料/食材佢加乘當中較喜歡Oyster infladita🦪脆卜卜的外殻 內裡釀了生蠔很濃郁鮮美 久久的餘韻不散👍還有MONO signature Langoustine 和 Pigeon都非常不錯😋overall體驗還好 實屬個人喜好🙃 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
[ MONO | 中環 ] As a bread lover, I have been wanting to visit this restaurant and try their very famous sourdough bread forever. I have finally decided to stop procrastinating and come here to celebrate my birthday. I booked a table for 12:30 on a regular Wednesday and we were the first people in the restaurant that day but it never got too busy, only 2-3 other tables during this period which was nice as the restaurant isn’t that big and seating wise there was only the kitchen counter and a few 4 seaters. Before I discuss the food, the service here is what’s expected from a (recently awarded) Michelin 1-star restaurant but there are some inconsistencies among the staff. The higher ones (general manager and assistant GM) are more educated about the menu and cuisine and are much more attentive and interactive than the other staff which needs to be improved on. Moreover, the head chef was not present the day I went (I also hear that he does not usually come during lunch sessions unless there is VIP 😬) which was a shame but I’m glad the sous chef was friendly and allowed me to ask him questions about the dishes. We were first given a warm towel to clean out hands as the first course requires us to eat with our hands, I wished they kept the towel or even replaced it instead of taking it away afterwards as I wanted to clean my hands throughout the course. I went for their Soul menu priced at $888 but added a main course for $168 as I feared it would not be filling enough. Spoiler alert, I was right. The total of this meal was $1162 including the service charge. They then showcased a platter of unqiue produce and ingredients which will be used throughout the course and every single dish incorporates a new and rare product for the Hong Kong palette and I can easily say I have never tasted these flavours before so every course was delicious and educational. —— —— Mexican blue corn infladita, mezcal steamed Fine Cadoret oyster, shallot cream & chayote This first bite is probably the most memorable and dare I say delicious course from the whole menu. The inflation is crispy (however slightly stale but the thinness prevented it from being too hard), and the filling inside is extremely creamy from the smooth shallot cream as well as the briny oyster which is not blended but roughly chopped so there is still texture. The chayote also made added a crunchy and refreshing element to this bite. The oyster is sourced from France and you can taste its quality due to the sharp brine but creamy finish. I finished it in two bites and wished there were more, but the oyster flavour lingered enough for me to prolong the enjoyment. —— —— Roasted Peruvian mashua & tamarillo-chipotle salsaThis second course was presented beautifully and I was very intrigued by ‘mashua’, a root vegetable from the Andes Mountains that can be eaten raw or cooked. Here it is presented in 3 forms: pickled, raw, and roasted. The pickled one highlights it’s crisp texture and neutralises it’s herbal undertones with acidity. The raw pieces showcase the mashua’s pungent pepperiness. On the other hand, the biggest piece (the roasted mashua) is crunchy and sweet and reminds me of celeriac but less starchy. The amalgamation of these different tastes and textures allows MONO to put a spotlight on what they do best: highlighting the diversity and beauty of produce native to Latin America. The salsa on the bottom is made using tamarillo, an egg-shaped fruit that’s sweet, tangy and sour. Coupled with the chipotle chilli, this salsa has a mild heat but is overall not spicy and (to an extent) reminds me of gourmet ketchup with less sugar. —— —— Artisanal Bolivian kiwicha sourdough & Eva Aguilera’s bio-dynamic Spanish arbequina olive oilNow for the most anticipated course. The day I went the mother dough was 1432 days old. It arrived fresh from being reheated and served with an elusive olive oil. The crust is thin but crusty and crunchy, unlike the sourdough with a hard crust that hurts your teeth. The interior is extremely fluffy and dense in the best way possible and reminds me of sponge as it absorbed the olive oil and other sauces without getting soggy, maintaining its bouncy and chewy form. The taste is also extraordinary; tangy and sour but earthy from the kiwicha (Amaranth) which is a whole grain and gives the bread more flavour. I unbashfully asked for another loaf after finishing it all. Unlike regular bread, it doesn’t go stale or hard after cooling down but does loose some of its aroma. The olive oil is good but the bread is truly the star and I enjoyed it without the oil. But I did love using it to mop up leftover sauces from my plate. A side note: every sauce here is very unique and delicious, reminds me of French cooking where sauce is the most important part of a dish. —— ——Roasted ananas tomato, Menton lemon sauce, razor clams a la plancha with an emulsion of 7 year-old Nicaraguan Rum & Venezuelan sofritoFollowing the bread is the perfect dish to eat with the bread. It was my first time seeing and trying pineapple tomato (named after its appearance but it honestly tastes like pineapple too) and wow was it tasty. Super juicy and sweet with a sight tang to round it off, paired with lemon sauce to enhance it even more and some razor clams to add texture. A really really good dish unlike anything I’ve ever had and highlights the ananas tomato really well without overpowering it despite using other more strong or expensive ingredients. —— —— Pacific seabass, tomatillo concasse with yuzu koshō, Colombian coffee oil & vegetation waterFish course was this seabass which seemed undercooked but they explained to me it was supposed to be like that. Nonetheless, the flesh is very much opaque and did not flake which is a clear sign of it being just slightly undercooked. I did not mind it but my companion sure did. Anyway, taste-wise it was very unique. The combination of yuzu kosho and coffee did not go together in my mind but I guess the slight bitterness from the coffee oil was needed to balance out the spicy kosho. I found the ‘vegetation’ water very interesting and they explained that it is made from pure leftover vegetables which explains why the flavour is so intense without being heavy.A nice and very intriguing dish that again required the bread to soak up the remaining sauce. I also recommend eating the fish with the bread because this pair goes very well together. —— ——Bone-grilled monkfish, Peruvian oca “tatin” 21 ingredient mole, chimichurri sauce & ancho chilli jus (+$168) By now I was not very full despite having eaten a loaf of bread so I was very glad I got this add-on main. This is another signature dish that I really wanted to try and I am glad I did. Monkfish is very rarely seen in HK restaurants but its texture is meaty and thick unlike other white fish such as the seabass beforehand. Here, they (weirdly) served it with a sweet oca tatin, a tuber that holds similarities to potato and apple. It’s texture is starchy yet crunchy and the sweetness actually went great with the fish and the chilli jus so I recommend eating it together and not by itself. Like the ingredients used throughout the courses, our server made the mole sauce in front of us beforehand and this interactive experience just made it all the more memorable. The mole sauce is definitely a standout, incredibly savory and rich with bitter after tones; paired with the herbaceous chimichurri sauce and the spicy ancho chilli jus, it was an explosion of flavours. It was funny how I got the chef’s signature as a sauce on my plate even though he wasn’t here 😂 shows how real it is I guess 😂😂 Also don’t forget to mop up the remaining sauce with the bread 😉 —— —— Argentinian mate cocidoTo end the meal, we were first given this mate tea which is incredibly soothing and helps digestion. But don’t drink all of it yet (or ask for more) because it is even better when paired with the chocolate course. —— ——Our homemade Ecuadorian chocolate layers & avocado leaf ice cream If you are a chocolate lover, you definitely have to check this out sine they make their own chocolate from cacao beans in-house and they said the whole process takes a minimum of 12 days. They also show the step-by-step process of processing the beans to make chocolate and knowing the origin of your food is very important. I actually saw them plating this dish when I was eating the seabass so I was pretty bummed out about the lack of freshness but it tastes good so 🫠 Our server told us to start from the lightest part which is the avocado leaf ice cream and make our way around to the most indulgent so as to not ruin the palate too soon. But I liked taking a bite out of everything and then going back for more or mixing them together. The avocado leaf ice cream surprised me the most, so soft and silky and only a bit icy. It melted very quickly and to didn’t have a strong taste of cream, instead, it was herbaceous and fresh and even a bit nutty. I also enjoyed the crispy chocolate biscuit and something similar to a brownie. The most indulgent was definitely the ganache which felt like fudge, it is not as sweet as I would have thought but definitely sweet for someone who doesn’t like desserts. Thank god I had the tea to help balance it out. I also got a complimentary birthday cake and I actually enjoyed this more than the dessert in the menu as it’s less sweet. The crunchy base is so nutty and tasty and went so well with the tonka bean mousse on top and everything is lightened by the açai berry in the middle. I unconsciously finished the whole thing myself 🤭. —— —— DulcesTo actually end the meal, we were served with two sweet bites, similar to petit four. There was a fresh cacao fruit juice gominola (jelly candy) coasted with Mexican chamoy and gochugaru which is not spicy at all and rather sweet and very sticky. The second sweet was an Alfajores which is a traditional Argentinian snack of dulce de leche sandwiched between two butter cookies. I much preferred this one as it’s creamy and not too sweet. You can even buy it on their website —— —— 推介 💁🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, a not-bad dining experience and I really enjoyed learning about Latin American cuisine since it’s so uncommon in HK. I will say their prices are expensive compared to other fine-dining restaurants but I do believe you should try it once if you like learning about food. I myself will definitely be back for their bread and if they have a new menu because I loved the flavours. I’m happy they just earned a Michelin star but I hope they don’t get too infatuated with it or increase their price just because they can now. 🗓 Revisit? ✅ ⭕️/ ❎ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)