港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 A2 出口, 港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N1 出口, 港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N2 出口 繼續閱讀
來自日本的人氣串揚料理店,提供廚師發辦及單點菜式,以及別具風味的日本清酒及果酒。其和風木系裝修簡約雅致,約會及與好友聚餐也很合適。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 23:00
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食評 (55)
等級5 2023-11-20
516 瀏覽
This Japanese restaurant is specialized in kushiage, batter-dipped deep-fried skewers. Apart from its outlets in Japan, the brand has also got overseas branches in Europe, and this one in Hong Kong has opened in February 2023, in TST.We are seated at the counter to look at the chef’s preparation and cooking up close. There are also tables on the side to cater for bigger groups or those who want more privacy. The décor is neat and tidy, with a cozy ambience.We order the omakase menu, with each skewer costing $38, and the chef will continue to prepare the food until you are full and ask him to stop. To go with the kushiage I have a bottle of 山の壽 純米大吟醸 山田錦38 ($980).The starting skewer is Wagyu Sirloin with Truffle Sauce 和牛サーロイン. The chef recommends us to eat in three steps, first with its original taste, then dipping in the homemade sauce, and the last bite together with the truffle paste. Rich in flavours, the batter is thin and not oily at all. Very good.The second skewer is Angel Shrimp 天使の海老. The shrimp head has the paste inside, with the body sweet in taste and having a firm texture, apparently very fresh. While it is paired with the honey mustard sauce, I found the original taste is really the best. No wonder a signature of the restaurant.The third skewer is Grilled Eel たれ焼鰻. The eel has been grilled with tare sauce, before deep-frying with batter. The chef has added a bit of Arima sansho, with the Japanese pepper adding a bit of spicy and numbness to the sweetened taste of the eel to balance.The fourth skewer is Deep-Fried Pork Chuck Roll 豚肩ロール ゆかり揚げ. The Kagoshima pork chuck meat has nice flavours, tender and juicy, wrapping a piece of shiso for the fragrance. On the surface are some plum powders, and with a bit of salt this is another piece I like very much.The fifth skewer is Cod with Green Yuzu 鱈と青柚子. The fish is actually toothfish, different from the typical cod, less oily and firmer in texture, and far better in making kushiage. The yuzu peel on top helps to give a bit of acidity to balance, with a bit of salt it is good in taste.The sixth skewer is White Radish 大根 土佐揚げ. The radish has been braised well, soaking up the flavours of the dashi made from bonito. The chef then coats it with katsuobushi or bonito flakes before deep-frying. Dipping in the light soy sauce it is surprisingly delicious. Another must try.The seventh skewer is Chicken Tenderloin with Mapo Sauce 鶏ささみ麻婆. The chicken tenderloin is deep-fried to medium level in order to retain its tenderness, with a bit of Mapo sauce to give the spicy and numbness but not excessive. Very delicious.The eighth skewer is Chili Shrimp 海老チリ. The small chili is actually not spicy, only giving the fragrance and aromas. The shrimp is crunchy in texture, with the chili sauce on top, tasted like the Thai Sriracha sauce, giving a hint of hotness. I would prefer it to be a bit spicier though.The ninth skewer is Bacon and Cheese Wrapped Quail Eggs うずらベーコンチーズ巻き. The bacon has a nice smoky and savoury taste, adding to the rich flavours of the yolk of the quail eggs. While it might look simple, with a bit of the homemade dipping sauce this is surprisingly good. The tenth skewer is Foie Gras フォアグラ. With a few drops of lemon juice to balance the richness and heavy body of the liver, there is also a miso paste on top to enrich the flavours with some further savoury notes.The eleventh skewer is Shiitake Mushroom Stuffed with Beef 椎茸牛肉詰め. The savoury taste of the minced beef is a good match with the earthy notes of the mushroom, and with a bit of the homemade sauce to bring forward the taste of the beef it is another piece I like.The twelfth skewer is Salmon with Salmon Roe サーモンイクラ. Served on a small dish, the salmon is deep-fried beautifully, still moist and tender, with some tartar sauce on top, and then the chef adds an abundance of salmon roes to add to the umami notes. Delicious.The thirteenth skewer is Truffle Flavored Naruto Kintoki Sweet Potato 鳴門金時トリュフ風味. The famous sweet potato from Tokushima has been mixed with some truffle paste, with good sweetness and the truffle flavours integrating well, good in taste also with a bit of salt.The fourteenth skewer is Daikoku Shimeji Mushroom Pork Rolls 大黒しめじ豚肉巻き. The first bite is on the shimeji mushroom, best to dip with a bit of salt, while the pork on the second bite is a better complement with the homemade sauce.The fifteenth skewer is Scallop 帆立. The scallop has been deep-fried to medium well, so that its texture will stay soft and not rubbery. Best to match with salt to bring out the original taste, but the honey mustard can also add a different dimension to the palate.The sixteenth skewer is Lotus Root with Mentaiko 蓮根明太子. The crunchy texture of the lotus root is appealing, and while the flavours are light, the mentaiko on top helps to supplement with some spiciness, saltiness and umami. No need for any dipping sauce.The seventeenth skewer is Okra with Minced Pork オクラ豚メンチ. Mixing the minced pork with the finely chopped okra gives a good bite, with the chef suggesting us to use salt and homemade sauce for dipping. Delicious.The eighteenth skewer is Kisslip Cuttlefish with Flying Fish Roe 紋甲イカとびっこ. This cuttlefish has a thick body, not chewy in texture. On top is the marinated flying fish roe which brings umami and some saltiness as condiment for the cuttlefish. Very nice.The nineteenth skewer is Abalone 鮑. Tasting the original flavours, the first bite is just using salt as condiment, while the second bite is with a bit of the abalone liver paste, enhancing the flavours to another level.The twentieth skewer is Sangen Pork Tenderloin 三元豚ヒレ. Using three types of pork and mixing them together, the texture is soft and flavourful. With spring onion and grated daikon oroshi to complement, it is filling and delicious.The twenty-first skewer is Gingko Nuts 銀杏. A seasonal delicacy, the gingko nuts has less bitterness in taste, and the chef also only use batter on the first piece, leaving the rest uncoated, allowing us to experience how they taste differently.The twenty-second skewer is Pumpkin Beef Rolls 南瓜牛肉巻き. The local beef has a good fatty level, and together with the pumpkin it is rich in taste. As a result, the chef suggests us to pair with the homemade sauce to balance the flavours.The twenty-third skewer is Mushroom and Cheese with Truffle Salt マッシュルームチーズ トリュフ塩. The mushroom is meaty with a nice earthy note, and the cheese has added a bit of creamy texture, with the truffle salt wrapping up the palate by its signature flavour.The twenty-fourth skewer is Mackerel with White Sesame 胡麻鯖. The mackerel has been marinated with vinegar beforehand, and then coated with sesame to deep-fry. Dipping with honey mustard, the fragrance of the sesame is pleasant.The twenty-fifth skewer is Minced Beef 牛肉のミンチ. The taste and texture remind me of the burger patty, with the chef recommending us to use the homemade sauce to pair. Interestingly, this one is somehow not on the menu.The twenty-sixth skewer is Oyster 牡蠣. Bursting with the juice on the bite, the oyster is flavourful and is best matched with the honey mustard. A rewarding and very full meal, and a feat for us in finishing all the 26 items on the menu.Service is nice, with the staff attentive and courteous. The total bill is $3,304. Discussing with the chef we understand the difficulty in operating a kushiage restaurant in HK because people are worried about the deep-frying being unhealthy. But this restaurant has showcased how it can be done well to change that perception. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-10-26
495 瀏覽
由東京惠比壽開店嘅串亭原來今年年初開到嚟香港~ 位置喺非常近地鐵站同K11 Art mall 嘅格蘭中心地下,主打炸串料理~ 不過午市更會提供吉列和牛或豚肉等套餐~ 👀望住個menu,搞到我心大心細,唔知揀咩好~ 最後決定食特選炸串御膳(特選揚げ串御膳),總共有7款炸串,包括:三文魚、和牛、芝麻鯖魚、天使蝦、豬柳、雞肉、南瓜~ 點單後立即睇住面前嘅師傅為每串食材上漿,然後輕輕鋪上纖纖細細嘅麵包糠,再放落油炸~炸好後,師傅就將每一款炸串加上配料,再根據食用次序排好先遞到我面前~ 侍應生亦細心講解食用次序同醬汁最佳配搭,非常細心講究❣️ 除咗炸串,御膳套餐仲有一碗珍珠米飯,味噌湯同兩款時令漬物拌菜~ 炸串全部香脆零油膩~ 其中魚子配三文魚好鮮味~ 芝麻鯖魚特別香脆,淡淡芝麻香~ 而和牛被建議分三啖:第一啖原味,第二啖沾日式燒汁,第三啖連黑松露一齊食,以享受最佳飲食體驗~ 拌菜亦出色,樫魚鬆漬秋葵原來絕配,青瓜漬保持清新爽脆~品味同文化是這樣鍊成的,全賴對製作食物嘅尊崇、細心同講究~ 創造咗日式炸串の極緻品嚐體驗~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-22
171 瀏覽
串揚在香港不常見,但在日本大阪街頭卻是街知巷聞的小吃。串揚即是沾上了炸漿油炸的串炸,再沾上醬汁享用。「串亭Kushitei」在今年年頭於尖沙咀開設首間海外分店,並設有廚師發辦menu。如仍然對上一次日本之旅意猶未盡的話,不妨試試這間日本過江龍吧!✨Okimari Course 2 這個套餐比Course 1多了兩串串揚,用上的食材也是比較高級的。先介紹一下醬汁,從左至右分別是自家製醬汁、蜜糖芥末、海藻鹽和檸檬。自家製醬汁多用來配上肉類串揚,令整體油膩感降低。蜜糖芥末則配上海鮮串揚,令海鮮鮮味提升。而沾上海藻鹽和檸檬汁,便能吃到食材的原味。🥢前菜拼盤有淮山紫菜、雞肉和蟹籽沙律,清新地打開味蕾。✨和牛串揚配黑松露醬用上了日本A4級和牛,油脂分布十分平均,入口即化。師傅分三次吃,第一啖食其原味,第二啖配上自家製醬汁,最後才配上黑松露醬。每一啖都有驚喜,竟然一小串揚有三種層次。🦀松葉蟹腳串揚日本松葉蟹腳出名啖啖肉,經過油炸後肉質仍然保持鮮甜多汁,配上蜜糖芥末使蟹味更加突出。🐮蓮藕釀免治和牛串揚蓮藕爽脆多汁,加上和牛充滿油香的肉汁,配以簡單的檸檬汁便能保留食材的原汁原味。🦆鵝肝配金山寺麵豉串揚鵝肝細膩綿密,入口即化。十分欣賞師傅配上濃郁的金山寺麵豉,為鵝肝甘香的味道提鮮。🐷肉眼豬排配上柚子胡椒醬串揚肉眼部位鮮甜多汁,肉質鬆軟,強烈的柚子胡椒醬帶來味覺的衝擊。🦪帆立貝串揚師傅有技巧地將帆立貝煎至七至八成熟,帆立貝仍然保持肉質鮮嫩,配以海藻鹽能吃得出海鮮的海水原味,第二啖再配以蜜糖芥末有另一種層次。🎌Sukiyaki 壽喜燒串揚用上了日本國產牛,再卷上壽喜燒常見的蔬菜春菊,最後配上混合了蛋黃的壽喜燒燒汁,就像將整個壽喜燒濃縮成為一串串揚。🐷大蔥豬肉卷串揚用上了北海道產的豬五花肉,油脂甘香美味。🐷水芹菜豚肉串揚原來水芹菜獨特的香味與豚肉是十分好的配搭!🐮免治和牛串揚啖啖肉超級滿足!🐟三文魚籽和三文魚配他他醬串揚就像親子丼一樣!🐥雞肉茶漬飯 雞肉肉質鮮嫩,茶味甘香,降低了整餐的油膩感。🍮焦糖雞蛋布甸用來盛載布甸的容器十分可愛,就像一顆生雞蛋般!焦糖布甸甜度適中,用來作結最合適不過 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-20
116 瀏覽
特選串揚御膳是一道日本料理。它結合了多種精選食材,包括和牛、天使蝦、芝麻鯖魚、三文魚、豬柳、雞肉和時令蔬菜。每一種食材都經過精心處理和炸製,呈現出金黃酥脆的外皮和嫩滑多汁的內部。和牛是這道料理的亮點之一。它的肉質極其嫩滑,散發著豐富的牛肉香氣,入口即化。天使蝦則是鮮甜彈牙,帶有微妙的海鮮風味。芝麻鯖魚和三文魚提供了豐富的魚肉口感,豬柳和雞肉則增添了多樣的肉質口感。除了主要的蛋白食材,時令蔬菜的加入為這道料理增添了清新的口感和色彩。炸製過程中,食材保持了鮮脆的質感,吃起來一口咬下去,能感受到外脆內嫩的完美組合。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-12-12
67 瀏覽
餐廳提供豐富多樣串揚,帶來了不同的口感和風味,享受到日本串揚的獨特魅力前菜:汁煮雞槌,口感滑嫩,帶有濃郁的雞肉風味,配上醇厚的湯汁,蟹籽沙律是一道清爽的開胃菜,蟹籽的鮮甜味道與新鮮蔬菜的清脆口感相互融合和牛西冷炸串配黑松露醬,外層酥脆,內部保持著肉質的鮮嫩與多汁。黑松露醬提供了深厚的香氣和獨特的風味天使蝦炸串,保留了蝦膏和連殼的特色,增添了豐富的口感和鮮味。外層的炸麵衣酥脆,內部的蝦肉鮮嫩多汁。炸鰻魚外皮金黃酥脆,內部的鰻魚肉質鮮嫩。配上馬山椒提供的微辣和芳香白鱈魚炸串的鱈魚肉質鮮嫩,炸至外酥內嫩。柚子皮的清香和微酸為這道菜增添了一絲清新的口感。醬汁大根炸串以大根為主,外層酥脆,內部保持了根莖的入口即溶口感。木魚絲和昆布絲的添加為這道菜增添了豐富的風味層次。蓮藕免治和牛肉炸串,外層炸至金黃酥脆,內部的蓮藕保持了一定的嚼勁,與和牛肉的口感相互融合。麻糬豆腐,配wasabi,啫喱豉油 ,麻糬豆腐口感綿密軟滑,搭配wasabi和啫喱豉油提供了一種獨特的辣味和鹹甜風味的組合。香辣蝦仁是一道辣味濃郁的炸串,蝦仁新鮮彈牙,配上西椒仔和自家辣醬汁,帶來了辛辣和香氣四溢的口感。炸豬扒炸串,外層炸至酥脆,內部豬肉保持了嫩滑的口感。柚子胡椒的酸香和微辣為這道菜增添了一絲清新風味。冬菇釀蝦滑炸串結合了鮮美的蝦滑和香氣濃郁的冬菇,外層炸至酥脆,內部的蝦滑鮮嫩多汁。鵝肝炸串外層酥脆,內部保持了鵝肝的濃郁口感。金山寺麵豉提供了豐富的醇厚味道,與鵝肝的結合令人愉悅。免治和牛肉炸串,外層炸至金黃酥脆,內部的和牛肉保持了鮮嫩多汁的口感。三文魚配三文魚子炸串是一道豐富的海鮮炸串,三文魚肉鮮嫩,搭配三文魚子提供了豐富的口感和鮮味。他他汁的醬汁為這道菜增添了一絲酸甜風味。抹茶雪糕是一道濃郁的甜點,擁有濃厚的抹茶風味和滑順的口感。作為餐後甜點,它為整餐提供了一種獨特的結尾和滿足感。 繼續閱讀
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