HK Epicurus

HK Epicurus

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正顯示第 2140 位 (共 200 位食家)
父親節豪一豪去食蒸鍋,食物都新鮮,我諗D食物無乜調味,所以有鮮味果D就OK,有D就無味咁囉! 龍蝦、龍躉、雞都OK,魚有魚味雞有雞味,但蜆、蟶子係無味架!呢餐都埋單都3000幾,但完全無服務可言,個阿姐一堆食物放低就行開,連爐都無開,成群人係度等以為只係個爐未熱,千辛萬苦叫到另一個阿姐先知未開爐。D阿哥阿姐經常都唔...
It looked like a nice place to try while roaming around PoHo: breezy, quiet, fresh oysters, a decent selection of other menu items. The wine fridge also hinted at a better-than-ordinary restaurant experience. Service and presentation were good. Interesting bread selection. The Coffin Bay oysters...
早前收到Twelve Cupcakes邀請試食其最新推出的中秋系列,老實說我一向對cupcakes不算感冒,而她與大多數的女孩子一樣,對於色彩繽紛,望落細細件,食落唔覺油膩唔怕肥的cupcakes躍躍欲試。 Earl Grey上面是一片中國轉統圖案的朱古力裝飾,下面是幽香的伯爵茶忌廉,忌廉內裡似乎混入了些茶碟碎,一般情況而言,應該會加添其茶香,...
  最近愛上韓國料理,故此去到那裡都拎韓國餐廳,今天來到旺角新世紀,就選擇在KimChee午餐,但是失望了…相信不會再去第2次了! 海鮮炸醬麵:雖然味道和之前在尖沙咀那些韓國小餐廳吃到的味道差不多,可是材料卻差得遠,就連一條肉絲也好像沒有,而且麵條又煮得太軟身,感覺就更加快變成一團團了。 炒辣年糕:第一問題是連...
So today I was given quite an interesting opportunity to taste the revamped menu at W52. Being completely honest one of my friends is family friends with the owner Benjamin Lung (a local entrepreneur who is the man behind Va Bene, Gaia and Isola) and that is how the opportunity came about. My fr...
This is the newest hip place in Hong Kong and it is at soft opening as of this writing. They have done it. Headed by Chef Jamie, formerly of Mr. Wolf in Central. And top professionals from the leading venues in Hong Kong for the Maitre D and the bartender. Best Negroni. There is a fron...
We had a group of 30 people and took up the entire restaurant, it's good that they have flexible doors that can fold up and open the space to cater for larger crowds. The wine cellar is gorgeous, worth going there just to have a drink.The 3 cheese platter and 4 cuts of cold meats were a good way to start ...
Yes I work in Taikoo Place, and it's sad that there was absolutely no good stable espresso in the area. While the milk drinks of Epoch is almost top class in HK standard, their Espresso is never stable enough, let alone good. So, when I saw a shiny new coffee machine and grinder in this newly ope...
It's a long always has with this restaruant .... We ordered soup base: seaweed clear soup, peppered beef soup and chicken soup. I like my seaweed soup, it's quite nice esp with me putting different food in there, i like the food to be less strong taste There are lots of choices to pick f...
There’s a sign outside the restaurant stating elderly and pregnant women have priority to be seated. We are a company of 2. One is an elderly. The other guest has not arrived but the waitress has been told that she would arrive in 2 mins. It was a hot summer day. A request was made by the elderly to be s...
It's been a while since I was last in TST East. I had not noticed a pedestrianised street full of restaurants and eateries.  It was a hot day and we decided to try this new sushi takeaway as the shop front looked so attractive.  There were 4 of us and we had difficulties deciding on whether  we wa...
Came here to try their lunch sets, which I heard to be good value for money. The restaurant isn't too difficult to find, if you know how to get to Shatin Town Hall. The rooftop garden provides a nice relaxing environment, something which isn't easy to find in Hong Kong.  For their lunch menu, t...
這家朋友極力推薦的甜品店,格局現代又有個人風格,雖然地方不算細,但放了很多枱和位,所以有點壓避感! 芒芒Mountain杯, 芒果新鮮丶超甜,超多丶又大大件,真的很震撼!內𥚃有冰冰,西米和涼粉。真的透心涼!口感豐富,冰涼!喜歡芒果的朋友,一定要試啊! 三式蕉焗杏仁片片chocolate walffles......賣相靚又超超好味!walffles...
記得上次來臨AMMO時,這裡賣的還是意大利菜,吃罷了感覺平平而已,沒有留下太深刻的印象。沒想到一年時間瞬間即逝,這裡也轉型賣我最喜歡的西班牙菜,既然就腳,某晚上便帶著工作後的疲累,前來嚐嚐這裡的Tapas。 一行四人,我們點了數款Tapas 分享。 Peta Negra Ham (36 months, $188) 36個月的黑毛豬後腳...
朋友J和我一向喜歡吃日式燒肉, 我們就敲定了和牛蕃, 準備試試他們的Vanne Dinner或是9道菜的omakase。但又發現原來和牛蕃一向有做和牛燒肉放題, HK$488/人的價錢可以任食90分鐘, 價錢都幾優惠, 又不如先試試。 當然坊間也有很多日韓式的燒肉放題, 價錢會比和牛蕃更便宜。會覺得和牛蕃很優惠是因為他們所用的牛來貨至日本東...
來這兒陪Mr.G吃點東西他好再繼續OT~ 以小食為主,除了碗螺頭雞湯外,還點了葱油拌麵、龍井蝦仁、雪菜毛豆、上海冷雲吞、 雲吞是最ok的, 大大的一隻內包鮮肉和蝦子,配上三種調料吃來非常爽口 龍井蝦仁蝦子好小一隻,肉質太濕軟,茶味不明顯..... 葱油拌麵蔥油香奉欠, 麵條不彈牙, 也缺乏蝦子味! Michelin一星的上海館子竟...
街頭一角之小店,沒有豪華裝修, 沒有精美食品, 只有咖啡..........不錯, 就只是咖啡。 店主堅持什麽都沒有......只用最好的東西給客人。 近年咖啡文化漸漸在香港紮根及普及化, 但小品式的 gourmet coffee shop 並不多見。Starbuck, Pacific Coffee 滿街都是, 賣的咖啡是否好喝, 真正懂得咖啡的人自有公論。 試簡單一杯 Ameri...