

Life is short. Stay sweet and happy for it.
正顯示第 16 位 (共 6 位食家)
HK Epicurus
【𝙈𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙣'𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙣, 𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞 美味廚 灣仔】~ 今年 2023 秋天 Autumn fall to Winter, they are doing a Korean Beef x Hotpot 韓牛及海鮮, 餃子, 火鍋打邊爐! 🐮❤️ 今次叫了一 Set 及單點, 已經包了 Hanwoo 1+ 韓國 #江原 韓牛 , 而且有...
Lemon Tea
好一間位於旺角的「花廳」, 出現於 Openrice 內的當然不是「真。花廳」, 說穿了其實就是另一家偽文青咖啡店, 卻想不到其食物質素比環境格局更為出色!從面對著麥花臣球場的山東街某唐樓拾級而上, 便會來到這家全新「花廳」。店內環境相當不俗, 到處都是拍照的好地方, 更有少許 1963 木十豆寸 的影子, 當然那邊的格局奢華得多。 ...
Little Meg
Although there are many new openings recently, very few ones caught my eyes as my past experiences seem to be mostly disappointing (especially when they just opened). 22 Ships intrigued me because of some interesting items on the menu. Plus, I have always loved tapas so it didn't seem to hurt to try!...
Apparently this noodle joint has quite a history behind it and I am ashamed it took me all this long to try their famed noodles. I am not a big fan of Chinese egg noodles because more often than not they contain strong alkaline flavor which I hate so much! However, the type of noodles they specialize here...
Hearth Yakiniku conveys a fun concept of giving their customers a taste of glamping while enjoying Japanese BBQ. The restaurant is adorned with   camping equipment, and instead of using booth seats, some tables have canvas camping chairs pulled up with genuine camping lights over-hanging the BBQ...
香港有不少人氣bakery shop 但一些網店需要預訂限時提取 始終不及地舖長期供應來得方便 若然價錢親民就更不愁客源 就好像搬遷到同區的bougel 能同時滿足堂座和外賣需要 難怪開門前已有客人在門前等候外賣 和舊店純白佈置相比 來到安定商場化成田園感覺 雖然座位不多 在繁忙時間可以考慮店內的露天座位 要一讚的是店員的...