

我是 incy
正顯示第 120 位 (共 42 位食家)
自從2019年尾的 COVID-19 疫情下,我都減少行商場;事隔3年,重遊舊地的東涌東薈城! 今次,我為了影 Hello Kitty 而走到東涌,無意中經過見到有間 <Cupping Room Coffee Roasters>,當時,供應的甜品剩番4款,Tiramisu 及巴斯克芝士蛋糕等,我還考慮食哪款巴斯克芝士蛋糕?! 等到影完 Hello Kitty 才...
難得約好朋友出來聚舊,特意選擇高級潮州菜。早於今年三月知道謝四哥榮登中國金馬廚神,我們又怎能錯過品嚐廚神的美食呢? 今晚一行十人訂了一份套餐,菜單包括鵝肝拼盤,竹笙蟹肉雪燕羹,黃金脆皮豆腐,骨香蒼魚片兩食,碧綠川椒雞,蜜餞梅花骨,黃金煎伊麵,反沙芋。 最令我印象深刻的一定是鵝肝拼盤,拼盤包括有鵝肝鵝掌...
和朋友走到棉登徑一帶,這裡人流比較少,有數家餐廳,都不算滿座。我們最後在這兒吃日本菜作晚飯。 我們二人獲安排一張四人桌,地方寬闊。四周環境簇新,裝修具日本簡潔的風格。餐廳以平板電腦作餐牌,感覺新穎特別。 我們點了以下菜式: 燒活鰻 一串有三節,外皮呈銀灰色,入口香脆甘香,亦未至於燒得過燶。魚肉呈雪白,泛起油光...
今日只兩人去了三聖村, 行經新薈廷門外,部長極力招來,見她咁有誠意,於是去發記買海鮮,買了鮑魚和瀨尿蝦,發記老闆知道我們去薈廷,推介了燒鵝和乳鴿。 例牌燒鵝$155 燒鵝果然不錯,皮脆肉嫩,多謝發記推介。 椒鹽瀨尿蝦 瀨尿蝦做得相當出色,原隻上桌,這樣做法原汁原味 不會流失瀨尿蝦的肉汁。 薑蔥胡椒鮑魚煲 上桌時,熱...
Dog Gor
人都無求,品自高 .... 呢句說話認真好 ~ 已經離開飲食圈的我已經不再有任何包袱,憑著良心,想講乜就講乜,唔需要再畀面任何人,都唔需要有任何顧忌 ~ 曾經「人在江湖,身不由己」有好多大集團邀請到,人情世故,有時揞住心口,幾難食都唔可以照直講 .... 家陣已經冇呢種捆綁,可以安心做人 口水多個茶,都不如入正題, ...
Frantzen’s Kitchen is by far one of the best meals I’ve had all year. Seriously, if you haven’t tried it. Do yourselves a favor and head over there. NOW. No, this is not a paid endorsement or a tasting dinner. I’ve tried multiple times to go eat at Frantzen’s Kitchen and have always...
Gourmet KC
Harriet Hunter
Dinner at the Italian steakhouse by Dario Cecchini, butcher from Chianti, Tuscany. Greeted warmly as we stepped off the elevator, offered some cold cuts and a glass of Chianti as welcome drink. Alternatively, a very sweet tasting peach fizz for the non-alcoholics. Restaurant was divided into...
Hong Kong is full of great little Vietnamese restaurants, and the more exposure I have to this cuisine around HK, the more I actually desire to secure the travel visa, pack my backpack and hit the streets of Saigon or Hanoi in search of astonishing Vietnamese cuisine. Indeed, a glut of Vietnamese ma...
CHEF FEED ME PET FAVORE with wine pairing With their latest A La Carte menu, Pirata has certainly outdone themselves with amazing new dishes. Overlooking the stunning and open city view,  the environment of the place was laidback which was perfect for a relaxing dinner after w...
HK Epicurus
【𝙈𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙣'𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙣, 𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞 美味廚 灣仔】~ 今年 2023 秋天 Autumn fall to Winter, they are doing a Korean Beef x Hotpot 韓牛及海鮮, 餃子, 火鍋打邊爐! 🐮❤️ 今次叫了一 Set 及單點, 已經包了 Hanwoo 1+ 韓國 #江原 韓牛 , 而且有...
NEW LUNCH SERVICE I went to Zahrabel over lunch since I heard they recently launched a midday service (they used to only open for dinner). At the beginning of June 2017, the restaurant introduced an Express Lunch Set Menu (HK$140) and an Executive Lunch Set Menu (...
新年的小聚,好友相約到港大校友會一嚐主理人黎師傅的手勢。 一別十數載,餐廳翻新後故地重遊又是一番滋味。 店家招牌菜杏汁白肺湯(可以位上方便二人亦能享用)一直是老主故喜歡的名物,湯底走清新路線,淡淡的杏香下,表達出嶺南的傳統味道。 新廚出任後,多加了一些香港人喜歡的菜式。茶燻素鵝大玩煙霧效果,燻味十足,口...
浜滝,是我來過無數次的食堂,菜單及酒單上每一款都試過了。有朋友問我兩口子來有什麼好推介…嗯…原來我好像沒有真正介紹過這居酒屋… 這裡的海膽燒龍蝦早已是招牌中的招牌,好吃抵吃賣相好,所以不打算再提,就來介紹幾款我的最愛。 冷盤推介,冷製紅酒鵝肝、海螺南瓜薯仔沙律。前者是切成丁方細粒的鵝肝,蘸上以紅酒及果醬特製...
每個周末指定動作,就是去銅鑼灣的Gym!銅鑼灣距離我家要一個多小時,但我總覺得越遠反而動力越大,越近嘛(嘻!)就會更懶惰~ 雖然做完運動食太多好像浪費了?食物是basic needs(好似係,除非唔係!),因此約了好友們到銅鑼灣新開不久的 – Bistroholic。Bistro聽過很多遍,是指巴法式小餐館,名稱來自巴黎平民餐館。以歐...
Little Meg
Although there are many new openings recently, very few ones caught my eyes as my past experiences seem to be mostly disappointing (especially when they just opened). 22 Ships intrigued me because of some interesting items on the menu. Plus, I have always loved tapas so it didn't seem to hurt to try!...
Hearth Yakiniku conveys a fun concept of giving their customers a taste of glamping while enjoying Japanese BBQ. The restaurant is adorned with   camping equipment, and instead of using booth seats, some tables have canvas camping chairs pulled up with genuine camping lights over-hanging the BBQ...
[自費] 聽到90這個數字, 不期然就會想起現今香港的90後. 這些年來90後的負面新聞不絕, 尤其在職場上常聽到什麼帶媽媽上班, 惡劣工作態度, 小朋友智慧等等. 但原來踏入2019年, 其實部分90後都巳經成為了[三字頭], 作為80後的宅女有時真的覺得自己也開始老了. 早前就看到身邊常有幾位朋友前來這家名叫[NINETYs]的咖啡店打卡...
I was in the mood for a sandwich and I noticed this place had a few, so I ordered one for delivery. I got the chicken schnitzel sandwich, "chicken breast in homemade breadcrumbs, rocket salad, and tomato salsa" - $78. There was an option for sourdough or baguette and I got the baguette. I didn't orig...