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正顯示第 120 位 (共 42 位食家)
OpenRiceHK Editor
Tommy Yummy has been on my to go list because of the gimmick pot noodles.  Finally went and it was one of those scan to order style restaurants which is annoying.  I'd rather they had a mobile ipad or some device to let people order online because it would be more convenient and you can view it like a m...
Food Craver
Christmas Dinner on Dec 25. A chalet for unhappy customers. I will keep this precise and to the point. - restaurant is understaff, customer service is inattentive and slow response rate. - Bad value for money - traditional fondue, all u get is cheese fondue and just bread. Can’t really...
supertaster mel
I recently tried the summer lunch menu at Kashiwaya 柏屋 in Central - the only overseas branch of the 3 Michelin star kaiseki restaurant Kashiwaya in Osaka! Located on On Lan Street, the restaurant had been designed immaculately with paintings from renowned artist Shiro Tsujimura to even the...
近來天氣不穩,作為屯門人還是選就近開餐好了。Pizza Maru是霖迪回頭頻率最高的了,論到 Pizza屯市最佳,炸雞也很值得推介。 Chessy Maru Oppa($148) 這款10吋二人份份量剛好,每次都選韓式芝心今次選傳傳統經典口口味,估唔到水準同樣紥實,店家獨有的小麥餅底香脆煙靭,粉糰新鮮不死實,拉絲芝士量多很...
無論年紀,身子還是要看顧的。蘭桂坊常被標簽為不健康的地方,流連酒吧、夜夜笙歌根本不符合身體的規律,但偏偏這裡新開了一家賣養生燉湯、糖水,還主打鮑魚入饌的小店。反其道而行,在蘭桂坊sell 養生,不失為一條新門路,至少能照顧到在附近工作而不是來喝酒的養生分子。開OT加上少許作病、沒什麼胃口吃大餐又懶得自煮,下班後來外...
在香港如果說得上有少少歷史的火鍋店,應該會數到這一間。 滾得棧已經開業20週年,最近為了慶祝亦推出週年優惠活動。 這間火鍋店除了在深井、天后有店外,還有我這天去的尖沙咀店。 會營業到凌晨兩點半,能夠滿足夜生活的朋友,可以由晚餐吃到宵夜。 而且惠顧這分店只要有8位或以上就可以升級獨立房間。 另外滾得棧時不時會有新菜...
間中掛單 --- 子陵
(註:本餐含有優惠成份,內容還是如實相告,煩請大家耐心觀看!) 某次從同事口中得知,談到某餐廳的炭烤1K斧頭牛扒,如何的美味難忘,當中眉飛色舞的程度,就仿如用盡平生所有動聽的形容詞一般,心想不外是一件燒牛肉罷了,即使給我遇上的話,最多只得到一句持平的讚賞而已,直至........相對來說,台北還是一個國際化的都市,論及...
I’ve been a little obsessed with two things of late. Firstly, I’ve been trying like crazy to get back into Jean May for a second visit. The second obsession has been duck. Did you know that it’s almost impossible to get a decent duck breast through any of the home delivery services? Believe m...
當日天氣一般般,雖然Book咗位,但6點去到户外位已經滿咗。要喺室內吧枱位置邊飲邊等~好彩嘅係遇到位好好嘅調酒師,邊調酒邊同我地介紹啲Cocktail嘅特色。 🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾 本身好抗拒Gin嘅我,竟然會鍾意 METAL $208 (Tanqueray Gin, Lemon Oleo Saccharum, Italicus, L...
油塘麵包店最多,但有質素嘅餐廳就冇乜,不過講到我成家最常幫襯嘅餐廳就係「栢檔極品海南雞飯」。佢位於大本營地下連接地鐵站嗰層,而且其實係主打外賣。 我之前最鍾意用外賣App落單買一隻雞返屋企加餸,外賣自取有八折優惠,平過喺嗰度就咁買。不過呢日阿媽直頭乜都冇煮,所以就試吓栢檔嘅二人套餐。 二人套餐($188),套餐內...
慶祝結婚周年紀念沒有容許錯誤的空間,這次我們選了「今村」。 店內是典型高級廚師發辦的格局,燈光明亮,地方整潔,令人坐得舒服。 廚師發辦有兩款選擇,一款是有酒肴(おつまみ),另一款沒有。我們沒有深究便點了有酒肴那一款,亦點了一枝燒酌。 大廚就是今村先生本人,在旁有他的香港人太太協助。今村先生懂得流利廣東話...
Frantzen’s Kitchen is by far one of the best meals I’ve had all year. Seriously, if you haven’t tried it. Do yourselves a favor and head over there. NOW. No, this is not a paid endorsement or a tasting dinner. I’ve tried multiple times to go eat at Frantzen’s Kitchen and have always...
Located at one of the most beautiful venues, Gaddi's has always been a favourite dining venue for traditional French cuisine. Upon entering the restaurant, one will be welcomed by a stunningly beautiful setting with warm hospitality. Each table is well spaced, giving privacy and a classy, elegant ambie...
I just wanted to “let the buyer beware” so to speak, that this place is run poorly, mostly due to the attitude and service of a manager - not the regular waiters and waitresses. On a Friday evening it was full at 7.10 (opening hour being 7pm) and as they only have one oven, I understand it takes t...
I was in the mood for a sandwich and I noticed this place had a few, so I ordered one for delivery. I got the chicken schnitzel sandwich, "chicken breast in homemade breadcrumbs, rocket salad, and tomato salsa" - $78. There was an option for sourdough or baguette and I got the baguette. I didn't orig...
I have been away from OpenRice for so long! I have to say it’s a tough time to be opening a restaurant. This place has been around for about a month and a half. The owner/ staff were super friendly though I have to say, which made it a lovely dining experience. Visited this new burger joint a...
很久沒有與飲食界資深的朋友團長吃便飯,今次我話事作主提意到去年年初品嚐過的日本餐廳,再次嚐嚐主廚的廚藝和堅持。餐廳整體裝潢用上木系、壁畫、特色黃調吊燈等作配搭,讓人感覺氣氛溫馨且設計甚具特色。鉾杉山廃仕込み 清酒生產於日本三重縣,擁有著 15% 的酒精度,其飲用味道酒香馥郁,辛口融和,用作配搭漬物、串燒、肉類等皆...