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正顯示第 120 位 (共 42 位食家)
We booked a table for 10 and were excited to try the Peking Duck. The sliced ducks were served on duck-shaped plates. However we must say that the ducks were quite disappointing becos they were cold, the wraps were not hot at all, but they were supposed to be steamed and served. It’s also sad that th...
熱鬧旺角購物之後,和朋友一起找到一間 位於旺角登打士街的餐廳 ....部屋咖啡室 Homemade Cafe... 內裏氣氛寧靜舒適, 佈置簡約溫暖, 內裏大大的卡座, 是舒適休閒chill嘅好地方, 而且食物質素高, 價錢不貴,真正是朋友或家人一起相聚好地方👍👍 Combo For Two 二人套餐……HK$388 1. ...
Tin Tin Vegetarian: ☼ This cute little store in Tin Hau has some of the best vegan food I’ve tried in Hong Kong 😳 This specific location has no indoor seating so everything is to go (bring your own bag and container!!). - I got: 🍽 Sweet and Sour Gluten 😻 I...
油塘麵包店最多,但有質素嘅餐廳就冇乜,不過講到我成家最常幫襯嘅餐廳就係「栢檔極品海南雞飯」。佢位於大本營地下連接地鐵站嗰層,而且其實係主打外賣。 我之前最鍾意用外賣App落單買一隻雞返屋企加餸,外賣自取有八折優惠,平過喺嗰度就咁買。不過呢日阿媽直頭乜都冇煮,所以就試吓栢檔嘅二人套餐。 二人套餐($188),套餐內...
As I am quite a fan of HK-style traditional food no matter how rare or uncommon, I would also love to try them all! And this time, I chose a very HK style noodle which is called cart noodle, for those who don’t know what cart noodle is, here is the reference from Wiki:   “Cart noodle is a ...
// 𝙀𝙭𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝘾𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙖𝙩 𝙒 𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙆𝙤𝙣𝙜 - 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙚 ...
又去九龍城小曼谷食嘢喇…… 佢地嘅午餐/下午茶真係超抵食👍🏻👍🏻 午餐:泰皇咖喱軟殼蟹配薄餅 $125 軟殼蟹應該有足足兩只,炸得剛剛好,好鬆脆👍🏻👍🏻 咖喱非常濃厚,味道係帶甜味,小朋友都一定岩食😊 下午茶餐: 泰式燒牛仔骨配木瓜沙律 $49 一整塊有三件牛仔骨,再配上清新酸辣木瓜沙律 食完...
Very disappointed with the food and service here. Arrived and was given table quickly. We ordered several dishes: 1) clams spaghetti chilli flavour sauce - cold, tasteless, no sauce really, watery base, very bad dish and tiny portion. 2) tomato seafood spaghetti - tinned tomatoes sauce, se...
This is genuinely in my top worst western food experiences I've ever had in Hong Kong. I was on hiatus from reviewing for years and the meal here was so bad I had to write this review. Note: I got the dinner pasta set. I was taken in by the ambience and the hope of having a good meal while read...
心血來潮,想食高質嘅壽司!喺openrice立即search 到好評如潮嘅惠 Omakasa!入到店內已經見到兩枱日本人。已經覺得自己冇揀錯🤭 食完之後果然冇失望 最愛嘅當然係海膽壽司💞 完全冇苦澀味,鮮味得嚟仲好creamy😽 真係好想十件都係海膽壽司 不過數到第二款我最鍾意嘅,一定係魚子壽司。每一粒都好有鮮味完全唔腥。而且紫...
This may perhaps be the best Italian pizza restaurant in town. They have such a rich selection of pizzas that is guaranteed to satisfy even the most picky eater! We went with the Parma pizza and the Holland Spicy. With the Parma being authentically Italian with its fresh slices of parma ham, and t...
The Lumian handmade noodle shop is located right next to the Kelly's kimbap joint. The noodle is fairly priced, and I cannot resist handmade noodles so here we are. The decor is vibrant and the staffs are quite helpful. Octopus payment is allowed. I order an alcohol soaked pig feet (sounds so wrong in...
Knowing Sushi Raku newly opened a branch in TST I must dine-in 😋. Why’s that? My last Sushi Raku experience was in Central, dinner takeaway... surprised me with fresh good quality and reasonable price. Lunch set starts from $98 - $200x with selection of sushi 🍣and donburi ...
I just wanted to “let the buyer beware” so to speak, that this place is run poorly, mostly due to the attitude and service of a manager - not the regular waiters and waitresses. On a Friday evening it was full at 7.10 (opening hour being 7pm) and as they only have one oven, I understand it takes t...
Located at one of the most beautiful venues, Gaddi's has always been a favourite dining venue for traditional French cuisine. Upon entering the restaurant, one will be welcomed by a stunningly beautiful setting with warm hospitality. Each table is well spaced, giving privacy and a classy, elegant ambie...
近期忙於陪女溫書做功課的我間中就幫襯美團外賣,發現呢間茶餐廳只需60蚊就可以叫乾炒牛河連湯和凍檸檬茶,所以我每隔一段時間就幫襯。 今日叫埋梅菜扣肉飯俾個女食,122蚊在不用出門的情況下午餐真係好抵又方便。 外賣雖然要等,但放上門算夠熱,而且最重要係足料,一定夠飽。梅菜扣肉的肉我就覺得未算腍,但阿女覺得好食又ok...
無論年紀,身子還是要看顧的。蘭桂坊常被標簽為不健康的地方,流連酒吧、夜夜笙歌根本不符合身體的規律,但偏偏這裡新開了一家賣養生燉湯、糖水,還主打鮑魚入饌的小店。反其道而行,在蘭桂坊sell 養生,不失為一條新門路,至少能照顧到在附近工作而不是來喝酒的養生分子。開OT加上少許作病、沒什麼胃口吃大餐又懶得自煮,下班後來外...
有一個女服務員,脾氣暴躁,臉黑,態度也很不好,點菜的時候很不耐煩。絕對不會回來。這家餐廳的服務生似乎受過訓練,不會理會顧客。另外,食物不是特別好吃. The waitress serving us had a horrible attitude…. Ignored us multiple times and when we got her attention, acted like we were annoying her and taking up her time....