12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 01:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 03:00
Live Music
食记 (13)
等级4 2009-08-13
82 浏览
一坐下要求要杯暖水, 女店員說要收費. 我們說同一集團另一餐廳 Ole 都不用收費. 只是樽裝的蒸餾水才要收費. 女店員行開叫了一位外國人經理來. 我們再次表達意見. 但經理無解釋, 只說水一定要收費的. 之後我們點了set lunch, 頭盤可揀湯或沙律, 跟一個主菜. 另外有甜品同餐茶. 沒有水所以早點叫杯餐茶飲. 來了一杯後, 另一同事又想要, 所以向店員說想點杯餐茶. 但這位中國人既男店員 (沒有穿制服的) 黑起面, 沒耐性的問我們 "仲有邊個要呀 ? 一次過叫埋啦 !!!" 我們幾個本來傾緊計既都比佢既惡劣態度嚇親. 頭盤: 海鮮沙律的蝦很腥. 芝士沙律算可以. 海鮮湯沒鮮味.主菜 : 鴨胸同羊扒都是一般. 大蝦算是最好的了. 有位同事要了燒豬. 可是豬味實在太濃太蘇, 她要求店員更換. 又是那個黑面沒禮貌的男店員一行來就大聲說 "這是我們餐廳最出名的, 一定無問題" 我們說明因為真的太蘇真的吃不到所以才要求換. 但他沒了解清楚就用這樣的態度對待客人就真的太過份了. 爭吵完一輪他說 "你要我換, 咁我米換比你囉 !!! " 他還一邊行開一邊繼續同我們爭論. 我想他必定要多看電視時常播的 "今時今日咁既服務態度點得架" 最後換了大蝦. 甜品的芝士蛋糕得好少芝士味. Tiramisu 同雪糕算是最穩陣的選擇了枱上有食物碎, 我們請店員幫我們抺走, 她竟用手抓起那些食物碎, 這樣真的有欠衛生及不雅.以這樣的價錢在同區可以有好多選擇. 如果大家不怕受氣又喜歡店員無禮貌對待的, 可以考慮來這店. 我們就一定不會再來的了. 继续阅读
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等级2 2009-04-01
12 浏览
同事話做緊周年優惠, 5個course, $128去到唔係好多人, 而且環境好舒服, 枱與枱之間好闊落, 比樓下雲咸街好幾間鬼佬餐廳寬僘set lunch可以喺main menu內任揀湯或沙律, 主菜, 和甜品; 前菜係墨西哥玉米片+三款醬, 再加飲品main menu有標正價, 計吓數, 依家lunch先俾128, 好化算, 而且份量都好ok綜合各人所叫的選擇, 味道OK海鮮湯: 濃味鮮味;海鮮沙律 / 雞肉沙律: 好新鮮, 好fresh;鮮人掌沙律: 似pickles, 個人口味, 有個鐘意話特別, 有個話似食咸酸菜;大蝦: 好好味;羊扒: 份量夠, 不過不失, 但唔夠羶;牛柳: 一致讚好;燒豬: 大大舊, 要用手食, 都係廣東燒肉乳豬好D..魚: 一般甜品: 口味各有不同, 個rice pudding有人like, 有人話似mask... 雪糕好味, 唔係牛奶公司貨色; cheese cake唔夠cheese味, 嫌淡味左D...值係再去試後記: (以下唔關食評事, 純碎個人意見) 個鬼佬老闆幾好客, 走嚟幾次問我地滿唔滿意, 仲話dinner有life music.... 個鬼仔經理, 高高瘦瘦, 幾靚仔唯一要彈係, 我地每人要了杯暖水, 每人要收多$5.... 继续阅读
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(非会员) 2009-02-02
12 浏览
If you ever want to pay and being scold by the owner then this is a great place to go(FYI~same owner as Ole, Spanish Restaurant @ Ice House Street). Waitress never listen to customers question and when we tried to asked to speak to the owner because of the miscommunication and bad service from the waitress. He would first yelled at the customers and said there was nothing he could do like a bully. This is the most arrogant owner I have ever met. Attitude was extrememly BAD. Food is not real Mexican either.Spend your money wisely especially under the financial tsunami. 继续阅读
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等级4 2008-12-06
9 浏览
5.12.08 (Fri)見食評說這裡的cactus salad也ok就試,因為朋友說過想試仙人掌沙律即日(下午)book檯,8pm找LKF tower都找了一會,原來不用行上去的(不用上樓梯)環境非常好,燈光偏暗,better than expected,friday night 鬆一鬆也不錯1) lamb chop - 有八支小lamb chop,朋友說好好味,口感好,好soft,雖然欠了『羊味』。我不太喜歡羊的,也試了一支,口感真係好好,因為沒有over cooked!不過朋友說其中一支羊架比較韌。看了食評說LAMB CHOP會較咸,原本想'just little salt' 但朋友想吃它的original taste,所以沒有特別改…結果真的比較咸,但也acceptable2) taco (選了chicken, fish, beef) - 最喜歡fish,sauce跟魚很match,魚也很鮮。朋友說牛肉好味(好有牛味囉),不過beef & chicken那兩卷本身沒有sauce,我們再request dippings 自己加料,這樣好一點。另外,加上附上的mashed black beans於taco很好吃。3) heart of cactus salad - 比上次我在TST吃的遜色,差在口感過軟同埋較幼(朋友說它們很像雪菜肉絲=.=),味道OK啦,不過還是喜歡上次在TST吃的那個。這個有少辣。有點Disappointed,應該back to TST吧。聽著輕快的GUITAR也不錯,最後結他手還唱埋歌呢。Total $490食完要開工喇 還有機會一起去TST吃CACTUS SALAD嗎? 继续阅读
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Minute we stepped out of the dark lift, welcomed into the bright, orange-hued expanse of Izote. Seats were well-spaced apart. Allows for discreet conversation unlike a lot of western restaurants in the area where tables are closely situated. Overall, lunch was really good value for money. We get to select soup or salad, mains and dessert from the ala carte menu. At the ala carte prices, the soup/salad/desserts were all going at around 60, and mains between 160 and 225. And we only paid 128 for these under the lunch set. Set lunch portions are well-sized (much more generous than Zest, a neighboring restaurant on Wyndam). Both of us were really full. Food wise, very interesting. We had the heart of cactus topped with mexican cheese. Was good; unique too. I had tuna fillet, friend had beef fillet. Both were quite good - i think the beef was better than the tuna. Beef priced at 225, and tuna was 185 on the ala carte menu. They also served tortilla and nachos chips with interesting/tasty/very spicy sauces. Dessert wasn't as bad as the other reviews made out. Service was good and attentive. Overall, relatively speaking, not as exquisite as similar-priced places such as Zest/Brasserie Le Fauchon. But for the portion and taste, very very decent as part of a $128 meal. Would definitely go back to try out some of the other interesting dishes on the menu. 继续阅读
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