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食評被推次數 會員推介次數 43
人氣指數 人氣指數 6721
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共有4 個在香港及鄰近地區的留言,正顯示第 1 至 4 個
  2015-02-28 21:17118.140.x.x
I am Shirley Chen, master degree student from Hong Kong Baptist University. I am now doing a research on French restaurants in Hong Kong. I noticed that you have so many fantastic experiences in Hong Kong restaurants! Could you please answer a few questions and share your own experiences to help me doing the research? It really important to me!

The questions are as following:

1. How do you know about Gaddis restaurant?

2. Why have you chosen to dine in Gaddis restaurant?

3. What do you like/dislike about Gaddis restaurant the most?

4. What elements should a good French dining restaurant has? Eg, French design, warm attitude of staffs.

5. What is your best or worst dinning experience in a French restaurant?

My contact email is
Best regards and many thanks!
And your answers will only be used on students' report and be kept confidential!
New Restaurant   2009-05-25 15:21192.193.x.x
I think you will love the new restaurant The Drawing Room at JIA Boutique Hotel. With Chef Bombana and Chef Roland, you know what to expect!!

Great reviews   2009-04-29 16:56192.193.x.x
I love reading your reviews, they are so true!! I have been to most of the restaurants you wrote about. The Linguine con Gamberi at Da Domenico it's my favourite dish too!
Have you found the best tasting Baked Chocolate Cake in HK yet? Very hard to find a good one in HK recently.
Re: Great reviews   2009-09-19 21:57
thank you!
recently my friend brought to me a chocolate cake from Awfully Chocolate. i enjoyed it, maybe you can give that a try smile
Thanks for sharing!   2009-04-13 11:2569.106.x.x

I enjoy reading your reviews since English is my 1st language and seeing all those nice photos. HK is one of my favorite cities and will always try to stop there whenever possible.

Again thanks for sharing!

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