Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon-Thu,Sun: 12:00-21:00 Fri-Sat: 12:00-21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (76)
I came here for afternoon tea with some fo my friends. We ordered 3 of the ice cream creations that they offered: Flower Blossoms (6 most popular flavours in mini scoops in a waffle bowl with cream and strawberries), Moon Shadow (3 large scoops of ice cream with banana and brownie bits and mini marshmallows), and finally French Roaming (summer berries ice cream block topped with 9 mini scoops of ice cream, berries, berry sauce, and lady finger biscuits and wafer biscuits)! They were delicious and the ice cream flavours were lovely, the waffles were sweet and not too soft, the ice cream was cool and creamy, the brownie bits were chocolatey and fudgy, and the presentation was superb. It would have been perfect for a birthday or a special celebration. My friend had some coupons which meant that we didn't have to pay very much for the ice creams, which was lucky, but for those who don't have coupons then the ice cream collections are quite expensive, which is why I would mainly reccomend them for a special occasion. The service was lovely, and the waitress was very kind, and the atmosphere was nice as it wasn't too loud. There wasn't very much seating but it was not very busy when we went and the seats were comfortable. They also had a large range of different ice cream flavours (many of which I hadn't seen at any other ice cream stores, and were more diverse and interesting than the standard flavours like chocolate and vanilla) that you could choose from if you were getting an ice cream cone or a scoop which looked fantastic as well. Will most definitely be going back again in the future! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-24
冬天當然要吃一個朱古力fondue才覺窩心喇今年本想買回家慢慢嘆的,但原來要預先買票再上網預訂才可以,沒辦法喇,坐低慢慢吃也好吧,好在當天希慎廣場這間沒什麼客,坐得亦很舒適聖誕版的Ice Cream Chocolate Fondue換上了雪人餅乾,朱古力熔岩還灑上了糖粉,做出飄雪的效果好有氣氛呢~~雪糕方面有16球共8款口味,分別是綠茶,藍莓,士多啤梨,Salted Caramel,雲呢拿,朱古力,朱古力曲奇和Caramel雪糕沾上朱古力醬後待幾秒就會變硬,又好吃又好玩配料有多款生果,Brownie和棉花糖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-12-12
Haagen-Dazs 每年也會推出雪糕火鍋, 今年終於和朋友一嘗滋味! 有迷你和標準餐選擇, 分別在於16球和32球而已, 而迷你餐價錢是$270, 標準餐是$332, 再加一! 雪糕球真的很迷你, 整球也可以放入口, 如果大顆一點就好了!口味方面是固定的, 包括抹茶, 雲呢拿, 士多啤梨, 仲夏野莓, 曲奇雲呢拿, 藍莓, 比利時朱古力, 比利時朱古力夏威夷果仁 共8種味道! 除了雪糕外, 還有一邊是放有生果和糕點如棉花糖, brownie等! 當然少不了在蠟燭上加熱的香濃朱古力醬啦! 朱古力池裡還放了一碗碎杏仁呢! 喜歡杏仁的朋友可以沾上朱古力後再加一層杏仁碎可以增加口感和味道! 一個餐最基本的就是這幾樣東西, 另外可以隨個人喜歡加錢加配料, 例如可以有額外16球指定迷你雪糕 (加$130), 一盤生果和糕點 (加$80), 一盤碎杏仁 (加$80), 一份香濃朱古力醬 (加$80), 2杯飲品: 熱檸茶或桃茶 (加$30)!我們點了一個迷你餐沒有額外加東西, 雪糕各口味有2球, 剛好一人一球, 雪糕沾上熱朱古力醬後很快就形成了一層朱古力coating, 可能因為手不夠快, 朱古力醬乾了後, 再要沾上碎杏仁不太成功, 杏仁碎每次也會跌在碟上! 哈哈! 現在回想起來, 如果先沾杏仁碎再沾朱古力醬又會是怎樣呢? 雪糕其實不是很快溶化, 但可能因為我們一邊聊天, 吃的比較慢, 雪糕之後也溶得很快! 加上可能被旁邊的蠟燭影響, 加速了溶化! 而水果和糕點方面也是一般沒什麼特別, 水果有士多啤梨, 香蕉和青提子, 青提子不太好吃, 另外糕點裡的Brownie 個人覺得有點乾身! 整體來說也是雪糕比較出色!我覺得幾好食的, 但應該不會想吃第2次了, 寧願只吃雪糕球, 大大球比較過癮! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-10-08
吃過普通的川菜後,我們都在找甜點吃不想等位置也不知道走到哪裡才好,直到最後跑到Häagen-Dazs裡反正必定不用等待的啊,而且那時候正在做推廣沒記錯的話這個叫心花怒放,男生們喝咖啡而我們嘛當然就吃它嚕,一共有九球,都可以自選口味的當中的香檸雪菓最為清新 香濃的巧克力 甜美的藍莓 我最愛的夏威夷果仁我們愛紫色的女生當然也愛這杯,但聽朋友說這沒藍莓味只是奶味較重,比較可惜啊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-26
那天晚上,好幾位姊妹好友為我慶祝生日,嚐過位於銅鑼灣希雲街的 <富山麵家> 期間限定供應 Hello Kitty 拉麵後,只得半小時的飯聚實在太短!  大家仍意猶未盡!打算食甜品! 有朋友提議到希慎廣場 6 樓 Häagen-Dazs,真是好主意!  相信平日晚上不會那麼多人吧! 於是,我們一行 5 人一起走到希慎廣場 Häagen-Dazs!記得之前兩次來到這間分店,我都是出席試食活動!今次才是首次幫襯,意想不到我們 5 人行,竟然要等上 15 分鐘! 其實!我們看到有一、兩張 2 人桌是無人!可能店員不想打擾其他食客的興致!我們 5 個女人只好無奈地站在店外罰企! 終於有食客離開,男店員把兩張小圓桌拍在一起!我們才可入座! 大家急不及待翻開印刷精美的 Menu, 雪糕、甜品、飲品,應有盡有!  原來大家也情迷新出的紫色藍莓雪糕!  甜品款式實在太吸引嘞!  如果,share 的話,似乎不太滿足!還是各自叫一份吧! 落單之前,大家也有疑問,是否點指定甜品款式跟相中的指定口味雪糕呢? 甜品餐可視乎自己的喜好而選出心水口味雪糕!  甜品餐 $93 ( 甜品配飲品 )起初,我自己都心大心細,究竟選擇綠茶雪糕還是藍莓雪糕好呢?   最終選擇藍莓雪糕! 伯爵慕思蛋糕套餐 $93 (配藍莓雪糕)恐怕雪糕快溶,先食雪糕!藍莓雪糕紫色的賣相好誘人!  味道酸中帶甜!混合不少藍莓肉,真材實料!伯爵慕思入口軟滑濕潤!輕帶伯爵茶清香,甜度剛好!口味清怡! 濃香朱古力蛋糕套餐 $93 (配藍莓雪糕)表面舖滿朱古力慕思,令人想像到猶如一個小黑森林!充滿神秘感!  朱古力慕思軟滑細膩,可可味幾重,散發朱古力香,總算甜而不膩!配合藍莓雪糕,實在很夾!讓味蕾同時享受到酸與甜的口味! 岩鹽焦糖雪糕杯未嚐先有視覺享受!香滑的焦糖雪糕配合岩鹽焦糖醬及焦糖脆,岩鹽及焦糖配合恰到好處!前者可中和後者的甜膩,層次感與口感豐富!大家食完好滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)