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Review (7)
Level4 2019-10-29
來到遊客區很多東西都貴 看到這家下午茶不貴所以決定進去試試 這家像咖啡廳的西餐廳🤣🤣環境不錯挻大及涼快的 但坐最裡面沒有服務員看到·咖哩雞撈麵 HKD$30 ·花生西多士 HKD$18 ·單骨雞翼拼薯條 HKD$33 ·奶茶 HKD$0 ·珍珠奶茶 HKD$8(跟餐價)·Cuppchinno HKD$8(跟餐價)食物素質不錯 價錢/份量一般 要求不高的是不錯不過奶茶的顏色挻特別 茶底有點深色要加兩杯奶加兩杯之後味道不錯 不用放糖也有少少甜味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
台北小泉居是一間台式咖啡店,西式門面裝潢,多國飯麵主食。 滑蛋雞粒飯炒蛋賣相滑溜,食味與雞粒一樣嫩感達標。蘿蔔炆牛腩筋肉兼備,牛腩比預期炆煮得腍身,不俗。白飯淡口欠米香,不太滿意。 官也街一帶可算是遊客區,以手信小吃聞名。但從餐廳的食品供應來說,稍稍有欠地道特色。無論如何,這飯餐旨在打好基礎,輕裝上路,繼續官也街之行,繼續「掃街」之旅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-02-20
In my 2 days trip in macau, I came here for 2 times because of its delicious food at low price.Shredded meat with pork rice (魯肉豬扒飯)The porks are really delicious. The pork are tender and absorbed the sauce. The amount of pork are more than adequate.The presentation of the food is great when you consider the price is just $40 to $50.The drink taro milk tea is of average quality.The environment is okay. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-19
難得黎到Macau 想同FD 去玩下,但係乜research 都冇做,只好靠自己幾年前去澳門既記憶。去完官也街,冇諗過呢到竟然有當時我覺得最好食既餐廳,我一路都好擔心佢會執左or 搬左。點知佢冇,仲要成間舖靚左。個飽好正,有當年一樣既水準。豬扒夠大塊,size 會大過個包少少,唔會唔會細到睇唔到。食落有d 肉汁,唔會乾乾地咁。包底都落足心機,有用多士爐烤過下,唔太loan,唔會唔夠脆。相反當年話好出名個間舖已經執左…下次我黎澳門會再帶d fd 去食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-04
30-10-2010晚飯 (http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2127834) 後時間尚早, 想搵個地方坐吓飲杯嘢, 2 人唔知點解會撞了入嚟呢間門口叫 "Cafe Eskimo", 入面卻變了「小泉居」的呢間所謂 cafe. 入去後打算坐「入」一點, 行行吓卻漸漸聞到陣陣異味 (係垃圾味?), 坐到大梳化位落單後, 後面一檯疑似 90 後街童就開始大大聲講粗口及煲起煙來 但既然落了單, 頂硬上吧, 快快飲完快閃好了.先來朋友的珍珠奶茶, 色水「淡奶」色得很, 飲落幾甜, 味道亦幾似花奶水, 因為無茶味的; 珍珠係大家都討厭的細珍珠, 咬落無味及腍 bad bad, 打冷震. 結果杯嘢變得飲咗好似無飲, 剩返勁多 我飲 pot 裝的熱玫瑰蘋果茶... 飲落甜甜的, 亦的確帶蘋果及玫瑰花的清香味; 而因為本身已有甜味, 另提供一小杯蜜糖就完全無用武之地了. 雖然唔似其他花茶飲完有「身心舒暢」的感覺, 但正正常常的起碼比珍珠奶茶好吧.飲品麻麻, 環境則好唔掂, 單係異味已經難頂, 仲間中有小昆蟲飛來飛去; 招呼亦差, 女店員同後面檯死0靚仔一樣咁無禮貌, menu 係掟落檯的, serve 嘢飲則成杯 / tray「車」埋嚟「嘭」一聲, 餵狗? 每人丟低 20 幾 30 蚊, 真失策, 點解我哋唔調頭走呢. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)