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Review (24)
Level4 2017-01-11
平時經過海防道,就會看到一個凹位,看到有餐廳的水牌,幾次經過都想去試試。今晚就去試試,落到去看知原來係 Food court,有好多間食肆選擇,今次揀了這間。揀選了「鐵板和牛吉列蝦蛋包飯」$88落單時店員已說明要ORDER 這款需要等待15分鐘這個飯會跟麵豉湯,另外要飲品就要加$6,我有加。等了大概15分鐘就有得食!!不是鐵板,只是1個日式大盤,但看上去都算不錯!!和牛不算好熱,我已經係一見到佢就即取,而且呢款和牛漢堡扒比較鬆散,不夠實,而且牛味不算濃。蛋包飯方面,加左大阪燒汁、茄汁同芝麻醬係表面,味道甜甜的,我係幾喜歡,但蛋皮比較薄。吉列蝦方面,皮過厚,但蝦都算彈牙。總結:偏貴,質素只算普通,價錢調低會好D continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-22
一上碟個樣幾吸引,不過之後覺得麻麻啦。跟餐既麵豉湯味道好一般,唔夠熱。吉列豬扒蛋包飯:個蛋皮好薄,蛋味亦唔夠,如同無物。個飯上面分别加左大阪燒汁,茄汁同芝麻醬。個樣係好靚,不過三種味道咁強既醬加埋一齊,感覺好奇怪。個豬扒唔厚身,不過炸得香脆,算合格。總結一下,如果係40蚊左右都算合格。$62就有d唔抵啦。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-08
當新港呢個Food Court裝修完,諗住嚟試吓結果真係中哂伏。 漢堡炸蝦飯:飯底比較乾身亦唔夠汁,食起上嚟乾爭爭,結果我另外叫佢俾汁先好啲,而漢堡挑賣相好似唔錯但其實都有少少中伏,因為食落去好似粉團一樣無咩牛味,而炸蝦就凍咗少少之外都無問題都叫脆身食粉漿唔會太厚,但其實佢整體真係唔多抵食,結果快快食完就走了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
俠女俠男從八月開始已嚷著要看「賤熊30」,好,都依你的! 事前先去吃個快餐醫肚吧。原本打算試試戲院的熱狗餐,但又不想吃上火的爆谷,最後決定去新港中心的大食代。美食廣場的座位很多,食肆的種類也不少。從遠處傳來陣陣飄香,引得俠女口水直流,只管要吃Pepper Lunch的鐵板牛肉飯,可是俠女肚子還未好,在俠男力勸下,唯有乖乖另覓其他食物。俠女是個「飯桶」,之前數餐吃過粉麵,現在巴不得要吃兩碗飯!看到店頭那個「飯」字,已不顧一切點菜去。俠女選了「帆立貝雞排蛋包飯」,俠男的則是「饅魚雞排大碗飯」,套餐附送麵豉湯一碗。先喝喝麵豉湯,像味精湯多一點,不值一提。至於蛋包飯,看來很飽滿討好,怎知內裏只有白飯,不是茄汁飯,頗失望。雞排有點乾,飯亦是。比較好吃的是帆立貝,也可能是個人偏好這食材罷了。算了,反正滿足了吃飯的願望,可以開開心心看電影去!HEROFood Republic - 飯BOWL Fusion RiceAs we are going to see “Ted” in a rush, thus, we have to grab something to eat quickly and chose to eat in the food court “Food Republic” nearby Tsim Sha Tsui.The food court has a variety of restaurants for world’s delicacies. We had chosen “Bowl Fusion Rice” as we would like to have something that would make us full (such as rice) so as to cope with any hunger within the 1.5 hour time slot.The fusion rice restaurant specialized in Japanese style fusion cuisine and we chose 1) Omelet rice in chicken with scallops and 2) Grilled eel with chicken rice set. All sets come with miso soup. The meal is typically fast food and our expectation is not that much. Adorable was sort of disappointed knowing the omelet rice is ordinary rice instead of rice in tomato sauce. My eel rice is just below-average and the rice is quite dry, I just don’t expect food court food to be much of a delicacy really. Conclusion: Fast, below average fast food. After all, its food from food court but it’s not a value for money choice really. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-19
半個月前係個度行過下吃左間越式巳經差...今次試呢間..見有人叫d蛋白飯..本身一向有好感對蛋包住d飯...但第1次食過唔好食..先講落左單後唔夠兩分鐘就有..快到佢呀..睇賣相好普通..(忌簾咖哩牛肉蛋白飯)有個湯..不值一提..無乜特別...之後到個飯..食左啖蛋包飯..入面係口感極差既白飯...又唔係珍珠米..又要比較淋..失敗..之後到牛肉同汁..哇..又淡又冬又唔知攪咩名堂何來忌簾...真係平凡到無得再平凡..但就收成4x$...食食下巳經同友人講我又一次呢度食唔到好野..呢個飯真係又會諗起吉x家...係個度食好過la..輸幾條街都唔會係誇張.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)