The Peak Lookout boasts a beautiful setting with both indoor and outdoor seating with a panoramic view of Aberdeen.The restaurant offers a menu with a wide variety of choices.The Peak Lookout offers fine food in an atmosphere of relaxation and elegance with a warm welcome and friendly service. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Garden Char-grilled Barbecue & Grill Items/Tandoori Oven Hainan Chicken Rice Seafood Platter Famous Bread & Butter Pudding Quesadillas
Review (356)
❤️情人節快到啦,準備好俾你嘅另一伴感受愛嘅滋味未呢?依家「太平山餐廳」推出情人節限定套餐,包括前菜、湯、主菜、甜品同埋茶/咖啡,只需$888/位!.一定要提提大家,只要每對情侶係2月14號嚟享用情人節套餐嘅話,就可以免費獲得Kuoca禮品一份!暫時係香港只有連卡佛先有售炸🙈不過要留意啊,數量有限,送完即止!快啲嚟抓緊時間Book定位啦!💑❤️.前菜 - 日式火炙生牛肉:真係好味到爆炸啊!色彩鮮豔,炙烤過嘅鮮紅色生牛肉,外層微微焦香,內裡保持住完全嘅生狀,一睇就令人垂涎欲滴。入口即化,肉質柔軟,搭配上酸甜開胃嘅柚子汁、大蒜、青蔥同芝麻,簡直係讓味蕾瘋狂舞動!.前菜 - 紅菜頭他他:融合咗蕎麥、酸青瓜、紅洋蔥、羊奶芝士、核桃同埋酸奶等多種食材,味道清新又適中!賣相十分精緻,色彩鮮豔,紅菜頭、羊奶芝士、松子等鋪在表層,相互交織,令人一眼就被吸引。入口清新加上蕎麥嘅脆脆口感相結合,作為開胃菜真係一流.海鮮拼盤:呢Set海鮮拼盤真係太出色啦,只需要額外加$288/位,就可以食到加拿大阿拉斯加長腳蟹、淡水龍蝦仔、愛爾蘭生蠔、鮮蜆同埋大蝦啦~再配上三款自家調製嘅醬汁,令味道同口感更上一層!長腳蟹口感豐滿又嫩滑,有彈性,食完真係讚不絕口,味道鮮甜,帶埋微妙嘅海洋風味。淡水龍蝦仔嘅口感鮮嫩,有一種脆脆嘅口感,帶濃厚嘅海鮮味同埋淡淡嘅甜味。愛爾蘭生蠔嘅口感滑嫩帶韌性,入口即化又帶濃厚嘅海洋氣息。鮮蜆口感細嫩,有一點嚼勁。大蝦口感彈牙,再沾上自家製嘅醬汁,味道更突出。.湯 - 啤梨大蒜薯仔湯:呢碗湯嘅獨特之處在於運用咗啤梨嘅清甜,融入經細火慢煮至濃稠嘅大蒜薯仔濃湯。湯嘅質地鮮滑,帶有一點粘稠感,鮮甜嘅啤梨同濃郁嘅大蒜薯仔湯相互融合,帶來一種深層嘅鮮美,最後再加上鮮甜蟹肉同香草油,將濃湯昇華至另一個層次。.主菜 - 香煎大西洋銀鱈魚柳:大西洋銀鱈魚柳以豐富嘅油脂同肉質細嫩而聞名,表皮煎至香脆,封住魚身嘅油香,魚肉質地柔軟鮮甜,帶有一點脆嫩嘅口感,加上自家調配嘅香草車厘茄醬汁,令人愛不釋口。.主菜 - 野菌千層麵:餐廳自家製嘅野菌千層麵,底層係馥郁嘅香草番茄汁,鋪上一層野菌同埋白汁,再層層疊上千層麵。表面芝士烤得鬆脆,啖啖芝士香,配合底部千層麵嘅煙韌,番茄汁既解膩,係我食過唯一唔會膩嘅千層麵。千層麵中嘅每一層都充滿咗番茄汁嘅鮮美,野菌嘅香氣同水牛芝士嘅濃厚,整體味道平衡.甜品 - 戀人甜蜜拼盤:有濃郁幼滑嘅脆脆朱古力,自家製嘅紅桑子蛋糕,仲有馬卡龍同冬甩.咖啡/茶: Latte, Mocha continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-03
就嚟到情人節,諗好去邊度食大餐慶祝未呢?💕擁有百年歷史既紅磚屋山頂餐廳新推出情人節套餐,可以品嘗特色四道菜晚宴☺️ 裝修以歐陸風格為主調,古典又有氣派😍 設有室內及露天座位,可以飽覽日落美景及夜景,滿載著浪漫氣氛,好啱約會慶祝❤️✨ Valentine’s Day Set Dinner ($888/ person)✧ Appertiser, Soup, Mains, Dessert, Tea/ Coffee ✧❀ Beef Tataki 🐮日式火炙生牛肉入口細嫩,帶微微焦香~以柚子汁、大蒜及芝麻調味,食落酸酸地好開胃😝❀ Hamachi Crudo 🐟薄切油甘魚油香豐富,搭配水瓜柳、芒果及檸檬等配料,酸甜清爽,食落好有層次感😍❀ Seafood Platter (+$288/ person) 🦀好豐富既海鮮拼盤❤️ 當中有齊五款時令海鮮:阿拉斯加長腳蟹、淡水龍蝦仔、生蠔、蝦及蜆✨ 長腳蟹肥美鮮嫩,龍蝦仔爽嫩又鮮甜😍 生蠔鹹鮮味突出,款款都好新鮮,配上三款自製醬汁食更滋味👍🏻❀ Pear, Leek, Potato Soup 🥣啤梨大蒜薯仔湯質感濃稠,加入蟹肉及香草油更顯鮮甜~❀ Roasted Atlantic Cod Fish Fillet 🐟銀鱈魚外皮煎至焦脆,魚肉細嫩又帶油脂香✨ 配上自家調配既香草車厘茄醬汁及火箭菜,令味道更豐富呢👅❀ Roasted Netherlands Veal Tenderloin 🐮荷蘭牛仔肉經烤至半熟,令肉質保持鮮嫩多汁既口感😍 旁邊伴以雜色椰菜花及野菌忌廉汁,香濃又惹味😚❀ Lovers Platter 🍰最後有精美既甜品拼盤❤️ 脆脆朱古力濃郁軟滑,紅桑子蛋糕酸酸甜甜中和膩感,旁邊仲有馬卡龍及冬甩,甜蜜可口☺️❀ Ginger Storm ($108) 🍸❀ Estate ($108) 🍸招牌cocktail✨ Ginger Storm入口香甜帶微微薑既清香,而Estate果香味較濃郁,酸甜又好易入口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-28
Came here for wedding celebration with very high expectations given the price range of the place and its location.The exterior was the only thing that was good about the place, you gotta give them that. The service, however, was the worst one I have ever encountered in Hong Kong in the last 6 years.We were seated outside and we had to ask at least 5 times to turn the heaters on. Heaters weren’t working properly, I guess out of gas, so we were freezing for the rest of the evening (if you want to sit inside, sorry to disappoint but it is AS cold as outside).Waiters are extremely slow, they served the food before serving us the plates so we had to sit there and wait for 10 mins until the waiter brings us plates for us to put the food on. We waited and waited but waiter kept bringing 3 plates at a time. We asked for tea pot since there were lot of people who wanted to drink tea, but they brought only 1 cup of tea per pot. When we asked for more cups, we were refused as they have a policy of one cup per pot - ridiculous, right?We had to wait for mains after appetisers arrived for at least 40 mins. Again, we felt like begging for every little thing we asked from stuff, as if they were doing us a favor by serving us.We brought our own cake and they charged us a 100HK$ for cutting fee which is acceptable, but they didn’t even cut the cake or bring the knife - we had to ask them to bring the knife and cut it ourselves . What did we pay the cutting fee for?They called me prior to our arrival asking what should they write on our dessert to congratulate us with the wedding - but no dessert nor congrats were given by any staff members. When we left, no one said goodbye and we didn’t feel welcomed at all.There were 12 of us that evening and the bill was also impressive, but the service ruined everything for us. It’s the first time I felt so unwelcomed in such a high class restaurant.If administration is reading this - please, train your staff or get new ones. With the current service level, I am going to be discouraging everyone I know from coming to your place ever. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-27
每次上山頂,我都覺得依個建築好特別。於是今日特地黎依度同老婆慶周年紀念。餐廳係香港二級法定歷史古蹟, 外表係一間紅磚屋, 踏入餐廳裡面, 發覺保留著歐陸風格餐廳有室內和室外的座位, 由於室內正在佈置聖誕裝飾, 我們只可以揀室外坐。由室內推開玻璃門, 可以去到露天的雅座, ,綠意盎然,鳥語花香,令人心曠神怡。我地坐低之後, order 左幾樣野1.小食拼盤小食拼盤包括咖哩角、蝦春卷、水牛城雞翼、炸魷魚、中東包和鷹嘴豆茸,其下有些酸甜醬等供蘸點。其中要數咖哩角最好味, 咖哩角的size好大, 切開之後有咖哩同薯仔的香味, 滿滿的印式風味2.印度爐燒雞印度爐燒雞以鐵板盛上,滋滋作響已令人食指大動!燒雞件新鮮熱辣,肉質頗嫩,充滿印度香料味,惹味微辣,另有大量配菜如椰菜、生菜、蘿蔔和洋蔥等。3.慢煮西班牙黑毛豬扒黑毛豬扒表面烤得焦脆, 裡面保持倒本身的肉汁, 和著秘製果醬一齊食 味道清新而不膩值得一提的是, 侍應見我同老婆隻碟污糟, 會好主動咁過黎換碟, 值得一讚!價錢略微偏貴, 但餐廳的菜式和服務不錯, 於日落時份, 也可以係露天雅座欣賞日落, 整體值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
太平山山頂廣場的太平山餐廳香港以及的是建築,經修葺及翻身後,變成一間多國菜的氛圍感餐廳。Lamb Rogan Josh 印度喀什米爾羊肉咖哩$248羊肉咖喱味道濃郁,配上了大蒜、薑、辣椒羊肉醬醬汁調味,少少香辣感,和黃薑飯一起吃特別惹味!羊肉唔羶,肉質嫩滑、口感飽滿。USDA Sirloin Steak 美國西冷牛扒 $458沙牛扒四成熟的效果不錯,配上配菜薯蓉,把牛肉的味徹底帶出來!肉質鮮嫩多汁,肉質有質感!推介各位可以在6:00之後入座,如果遇上天氣好,更可以欣賞到黃昏日落時份的美景及晚霞。平日不需要訂座也有位置。大家可以在節日慶祝、周年紀念或生日來這裏感受儀式感滿滿的氛圍。絕對是一個難忘的回憶。太平山餐廳 (山頂)📍位置:山頂山頂道121號地舖😋味道:4/5🌿環境:5/5🌟推薦指數:5/5💰 :250+ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)