除咗經典嘅「至尊批」同「超級夏威夷批」,仲有好多沙律、前菜、意粉、頭盤同甜品選擇,餐牌閒閒地有百幾樣嘢揀\r\n continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Kid-friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巴馬火腿特薄脆批 卡邦尼忌廉濃汁煙肉意粉 香橙京醬烤鴨薄脆批 超級至尊必勝批 超級夏威夷 黑松露汁野菇意粉
Review (63)
Level3 2011-09-04
woww! it was my first time to go to Kwai Fong as i always stay in HK Island. I know there are quite a few good dining places to try,but since it was almost like tea time when getting there, and lovely M and I hadn't tried Pizza Hut for ages, so here we go, waited for around 20mins~~~~~~We were arranged with a good seat that allowed us to chat and talk in comfy way.We both ordered two lunch sets:Starter - Veggie soup & Caesar salad (i couldn't imagine you could find a great and freshly-cut salad here. Bread crumbs are great and topped with parmesan cheese, well-done!)Main - Mushroom pasta in creamy sauce (well well well, we both loved it so much with the sauce and also al dente of the pasta) It wasn't cooked with too much seasoning and very nice indeed!)- Seafood pizza with island dressing (extra + cheese crust) - This was really excellent and best fit with cheese-lover as well. Drink - Lemon Tea & Latter (latte was not fit this time, not much to talk about the foam and not dense enough!!!!)I feel that this branch performs great than TST's.............but it's too far from meeeeee....... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-08-17
果日去葵芳搵女友, 心想葵涌麻場+葵芳新都會咁多食肆, 點都有一至兩間arm心水的, 便去睇睇.我先到, 由樓下至樓上, 差不多間間都睇勻, 有些太多人, 有些格局又不合心水, 最後我決定簡單之選, 就是Pizza Hut.我由6點9逛到7點, 去到Pizza Hut, arm arm好重有位唔駛等叫飛, 唔錯.雖然要坐入門口第一張台, 但係係卡位, 而且已經係成個counter後面, 都好privacy.侍仔的招呼唔錯, 主動添水, 我同女友先後出去買離誌, 攪左成半個鐘先落order, 佢地都無不悅的樣子, 很好.本來我想叫新口味餐的, 但女友話個優惠餐最抵, 平成三份一, 咁好啦, 一於叫呢個.個二人餐有湯(x2), 麵包, 兩個hot dishes, 一pizza, 餐茶(x2), 甜品(x2), 都似都好多野;先上的當然是湯, 女友要紅湯, 我要白的, 忌廉雞湯唔錯, creamy得來味道幾好;麵包都有Pizza Hut一貫水準, 好;hot dishes我地其中一個要左唔hot的 凱撒沙律, 有雞肉的, 味道幾好, d菜有一定質素;另一樣我地叫左 吞拿魚肉腸長通粉, 雖然上桌時我地以為攪錯, 因為唔多覺有吞拿魚, 但侍傑好耐心解釋是吞拿魚碎, 我地聽左才明白;雖然沒有想像是茄醬味的, 但其實都幾好食;pizza上場了, 特價餐的pizza是 海鮮大蝦特脆批, 上面的料好足, 亦好夠味;特脆批即是超薄脆餅底, 正好合我和女友, 普通批/芝心批個底厚一定over太飽, 而家幾好;何況女友食得唔多, 我一個男仔要ko三份之二個都無問題, 又唔會浪費;我地飲左 大杯百事可樂, 加埋朱古力雪糕as甜品, 簡直完美!食完我地都坐左半個多小時先走.呢度食飯又可以憑單有泊車優惠, 唔錯.個人覺得Pizza Hut未必一定間間都好食又舒服, 但呢間一定係! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-06-14
19:45拎左飛等位, 到20:30先入到位, 真係多人到...-->因為入左Pizza Club,所以有張免費coupon 送夏威夷風光.-->大批的, 要左厚批, 平時唔會叫呢個因為覺得無咩料, 不過原來唔錯的!-->必食小食, 要左一半辣雞亦, 一半唔辣.-->我發現左每隻雞亦煮之前都應該有切過一刀, 可能怕佢唔熟, 另外濕潤左, 無以前咁乾, 好!叫左個set有以下的湯, 意粉和雪糕-->忌廉湯無咩特別,如果熱d仲好! 海鮮闊條麵,好食, 好多人都鐘意食!vanilla ice cream 由於佢隻碟熱, 搞到個雪糕拎到台時,. 都融左好多 另外, 全場可口可樂叫一杯可以任添, 好多人飲呀!晚餐以呢個價錢, 其實算好好食架啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-05-28
Set 1 香蒜肉絲意粉+忌廉雞湯+凍檸檬茶: $49意粉:彈牙, 香蒜味十足, 用料豐富, 好味道.忌廉雞湯: CREAMY, 好味道.凍檸檬茶: 冇茶味.Set 2 原味雞翼+凍檸檬茶: $30原味雞翼: 太淡, 冇味道, 差.Set 3 芝士蛋糕+可樂: $0芝士蛋糕:CREAM溶了, 蛋糕一般. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Pizza Hut 近排因慶祝三十週年, 餐牌也較多選擇, 有個$148的二人套餐相當大件夾低食, order 滿$100, 仲可以加$3, 就可有超值小吃 / 主菜送添, 本人與老公剛於12/5 才於九龍灣德福品嚐過, 真是二人也吃不完, 所以諗住16/5(Mon) 帶亞仔到葵芳分店再品嚐一次, 我們一行三人, 諗住order 番個$148餐再加$3小吃就夠, 可惜搵均所有 Menu 都唔見果份$148二人套餐, 只有渣打優惠$243二人套餐. 結果我問waiter點解唔見左$148二人套餐張Menu 嘅, 佢答: [ 啊! 果個套餐, 你而家想要?] 我答: 老公對我說, 咁都問得出嘅, 唔係而家唔通出年咩!我發現佢哋嘅推銷策略係唔會比個平餐牌給客人, 除非你request, 周邊客人都係order $243+$3 優惠小吃為多.認真推廣手法狡猾, P.S. 如果order 汽水仲會不停為你添飲, 可惜葵芳分店啲服務真是差了點, 又唔會主動添飲, 追甜品又慢, 又答如換朱古力味要加$3. 我說冇理由, 我幾天前才試過, 明明2種口味任選 (香草味 & 朱古力味). 以我經驗, 九龍灣德福分店 : 服務好, 推廣手法正常.葵芳分店 : 服務差, 推廣手法狡猾得很. 不會再幫襯. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)