10-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
日本高級壽司店由來自北海道札幌壽司善的佐瀨聡主理,菜式以海產及手釣魚類為主,壽司吧枱後的木箱為擺放大冰塊的天然冰櫃,把魚冰鮮保持鮮味。另外VIP房亦設壽司吧座位,設最低消費。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level2 2019-09-14
成日見到人哋食呢間,所以今日都即刻自己book位去試。Sushi sase分別有兩間,一間係老闆自己開價錢都特別貴,一間就香港師傅主理,價錢就相宜一點點。整體來說壽司都非常新鮮,款式也很多,裝潢也十分漂亮,是高級日本菜的感覺。但竟然有一個壽司是三文魚,醋飯都比較細舊一點,適合想瘦又想食嘅女士們(包括我自己在內)。不知是否因為出名,壽司師傅也非常的cool不怎麼說話,但也有逐件介紹與的名字和來源。基本野也有做到足今次雖然是lunch set,但也想找個機會試試他們的晚餐,可能會有驚喜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-04-22
For 2000/head I was expecting something special. Honestly, it was just pretty mediocre. And some parts of it were kinda unprofessional. The toro was badly cut, like some dog bit through it. The salmon didn’t really have fat running through it. Nothing was especially good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-02-07
It was semi unexpected. My bf wanted to try this place and it is a work day for us so didn’t expect to go anywhere fancy though it was well worth it. I would come back for more. We both ordered the sushi set meal and it was $400 exclusive of tax and service fee. Yes might be a little costly for a casual lunch but hey if you want something special or want to take a client to a quiet but awesome lunch place look no further. The meal consist of an egg custard as a starter, top up of green tea, 7 piece of sushi first plate, 1 miso, 1 mini udon and 1 premium eel sushi, 3 mini fatty sushi rolls and 1 salmon roe sushi. There were a lot more than we had anticipated... and the quality was top. I have been to many places and I am very happy with this one. Thanks for a great meal! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-12-19
香港日本餐廳多到嚇死人,但係真正高級又正宗嘅壽司店,來來去去都係果幾十間。今日去試一間好出名嘅,唔知大家有冇試過。我叫左個10件壽司餐,面豉湯有少少太鹹,而且有點甘味。壽司件件都係最頂級嘅質素,就算係三文魚壽司,都食得出三文魚唔係嗰啲人工飼養嘅質素,而係好新鮮魚味嘅三文魚,至於立魚,toro同其他壽司嘅新鮮度,全部都係滿分,師傅已經落咗適當嘅日本豉油同埋wasabi, 基本上唔需要特別再調味。另外會有一張好細嘅濕布俾你,唔好以為係用來揉咀,是可以俾你俾你用手食壽司之後揉手,好正宗。朋友叫左懷石套餐,天婦羅件件被薄香脆,炸蝦天婦羅好鮮味,另外懷石料都有幾款刺身,不過吞拿魚就只係赤身。另外會有三件吞拿魚卷,同埋有大吞拿魚腩壽司同埋海膽,海膽會比吞拿魚卷更出色,大toro好肥美,但又不會太油。佢哋嘅蒸蛋同埋玉子壽司都係甜度適中,但味濃郁。另外懷石有一個燒立魚魚膠,唔太鹹,可以加少少豉油食。想食正宗日本壽司,一流推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
​ 好難得約到一個都好鍾意食日本菜嘅朋友去到中環一齊食廚師發板(Omakase) 由於餐廳唔算好大,都需要提早訂位, 因為咁難得食得咁高級如果嚟到walk in先發現冇位就慘啦。 首先坐低就飲一杯日本熱茶,之後選擇菜式。 廚師發板身為四種,有唔同嘅焦點, 其中有D就係重點壽司,有啲就重點刺身, 有啲就係比較高級類似全包宴。 一開始食三個前菜粟米忌廉、海鮮果凍、番茄牛油果。 三款都好少見,第一個嘅忌廉就好似食緊蛋糕咁嘅質感; 海鮮果凍清新開胃;番茄又甜又酸,仲有埋牛油果。 首先食咗一件白魚的刺身,口感彈牙無腥臭味。 之後就有兩款北海道海膽,唔同產地嘅海膽有唔同味道, 深色啲嗰隻就比較濃郁,淡色啲比較清淡。 同樣味道鮮甜,好似啱啱落飛機咁。 其他刺身還拖羅等,非常新鮮,吃下口感彈牙,鮮味十足。 蟹肉和蠔均為熟食,蟹肉有埋蟹膏沒有骨,味道清新。 已經調味左嘅生蠔都仲好有海水味。 今次這個鰻魚就唔係一般平時食到調左味的鰻魚, 係比較清新有海水味,係原本嘅味道! 忘記了這個是什麼卷,記得裏面有紫蘇葉, 配搭頗為新鮮,吃下去紫菜爽脆味道不錯。 幾款sushi包括個個都識嘅帶子壽司, 帶子壽司超級肥美,味道鮮甜又不會有多餘的油脂。 其餘嘅壽司都非常不錯。 魚子丼唔使擔心會好大份,食唔晒。 因為佢嘅份量係好似兩舊壽司左右, 只不過用咗呢個方法去上。 一般三文魚子都會經過「浸」呢個步驟, 會改變魚子嘅味道,咁佢調味都唔錯,非常清新。 大蜆湯真係超級大隻,味道比較清新而且有紫蘇葉,未飲過咁高質素嘅蜆湯。 玉子和Sushi清一清口腔,味道甜甜地,食完之後就開始到甜品。 選擇咗紅豆雪糕,都幾大球!味道不錯,完結了今天的@廚師發板。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)