5-min walk from Exit E2, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (66)
Level4 2024-04-04
To support the local food businesses, my friend and I had lunch at this restaurant.Lunch sets of various choices are offered.Each set includes soup, a main, tea or coffee and a dessert.Onion soup and garlic bread are nice.Sirloin steak is of good quality and tasty. For the sides, baked potatoes are yummy.My friend enjoys the grilled chicken.Cappuccino and latte are very good.We upgrade our dessert to baked apple pie with ice cream. The dessert is very good.Service is friendly.We can enjoy beautiful view of the seafront which is a bonus.The building offers free parking of four hours for 4 cars for consumption of $400 or above. What a deal! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-12
I had the opportunity to dine at Tomahawk which is located right along the waterfront with beautiful ocean views. Stepping inside, the large windows provide a scenic backdrop as you can watch the sea while enjoying your meal. For the set lunch, I was greeted with a slice of hot garlic bread to start. The bread was fresh out of the oven with just the right amount of garlic butter spread. It was a nice light beginning to the meal. Next, a flavorful soup was brought out which I found the perfect starter. For my main dish, I ordered the Classic Baked Seafood Rice. While the seafood itself was fresh and cooked well, I found the rice to be rather average and lacking in complexity of flavors. It tasted fine but did not wow me with any unique or bold seasoning. The refreshing Ice Lemon Tea was a good complement to the food and helped quench my thirst on this sunny day. Finally, no meal is complete without something sweet, and the Haagen Dazs strawberry ice cream for dessert did not disappoint. It was a delicious treat to finish off the set lunch. However, for a total of 238 with 10% service charge, I felt the overall quality and creativity of the main dish especially could have been better given the price. While the scenic location and relaxed atmosphere make it a nice spot to enjoy the views over lunch, the dishes themselves seem more on par with a standard cha chaan teng rather than a higher end dining experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在金鐘上班的人都知道,金鐘的Lunch hour非常恐怖,四處都人頭湧湧,特別是價錢相宜的食堂,基本上都等不到堂食。想要舒舒服服與同事相處,吃一個「快靚正」的午餐的話,就必須犧牲價錢。今次小編在平日的中午十二時半去到這間金鐘無敵大海景的扒房,Lunch set的價錢正常,普遍都是大概200元上下,包括了蒜蓉包、餐湯、主菜、哈根大師雪糕(75ml)和餐飲。金鐘這個地段來說,價錢正常。前菜沒有選擇,清一色每人一片蒜蓉包和一碗南瓜洋蔥湯。蒜蓉包烘得香脆、塗滿蒜香牛油,沒有不好吃的道理。南瓜洋蔥湯不是打碎成糊狀的南瓜和洋蔥,而是可以吃到一絲絲的南瓜和一片片的洋蔥,食材的味道並不突出,但鹹味搭夠,正常發揮。主菜方面,小編點了Set D (Roasted Turkey & Ham),火雞大概有3、4片,已經去骨和切好,方便進食。火腿頗為厚切,吃起來有點像鴨胸,一點都不肥膩,很合小編的心意。配菜有薯蓉和西蘭花,配上醬汁,味道是頗好吃的。哈根大師雪糕有cookies & cream和mango raspberry,侍應隨機分發,沒有詢問客人想吃哪款,這點略為不足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
懷舊扒房裝修依然簡約,保留六七十年代風格疫情關係,餐廳當晚嘅客人唔多,我哋幸運地被安排坐到窗口位置睇住維港夜景✨附近嘅客人大部分都同老闆侍應們有講有笑,睇得出都係熟客,只係估唔到我哋第一次幫襯都得到老闆熱情嘅招待,喺香港已經好少有依種人情味嘅餐廳🥰蟹肉蘑菇湯 & 蒜蓉包平平無奇但有驚喜✨一上就已經聞到菇類嘅香氣 食落仲係啖啖菇粒 偶爾仲可以咬到蟹肉 鍾意菇菌類嘅朋友一定會很愛依個湯!白酒煮刀背蜆蜆肉非常肥美 啖啖肉而且口感清甜湯汁有少許蕃茄(?)嘅酸甜 幾得意唔錯嘅開胃菜👍🏻蒜蓉焗薯蠔本身我哋麻麻地食蠔 加上味道偏淡男朋友口味食得較重 一致認為可圈可點🫢Prime Rib Eye Steak牛扒煎得剛剛好 火候控制得很好易切 入口唔會韌 咬落都有彈性🥩牛扒本身嘅肉味很濃 輕灑些粗鹽已經能夠充分帶出肉味 配上少許芥末醬 算係原汁原味 不錯不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-25
屋企人生日,今年想食斧頭扒,早幾個月前已經訂定💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️餐廳環境清幽,好適合用嚟慶祝另外,餐廳見到維港,有時間黎chill下都唔錯架💁🏻‍♀️📍生蠔極鮮甜海水味!食完簡直bling bling 眼既😍加上自家製既醋汁,鮮味加倍!📍沙律沙律即席係我哋面前調倍,配以牛油果等材料!勁好食!📍pizza不得不提呢個pizza, 口感極佳!餅底又唔係特別薄,但特別的鬆脆,而且pizza食落口時真係要小心,都幾熱下架💁🏻‍♀️📍花膠扒特別推介呢塊嘅花膠扒!激到厚!再加上香濃既花膠汁,配以白飯,真係女性勁愛好既一道菜🥰🥰🥰📍斧頭扒斧頭扒味道好香,餐廳建議3成熟,我哋點左5成,肉嫩多汁唔在講,咁大塊既斧頭扒整得咁嫩滑都唔易 好考功夫架👍🏻整體餐廳嘅服務質素都好好,好細心聆聽客人嘅需要,讚呀👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)