Exit D3, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This izakaya is under Lubuds group. It uses traditional cooking methods and imported ingredients to serve high quality washoku, sushi and skewers. The shop is designed in a Japanese style with an elegant vibe, and it provides a bar seating area too. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
*Last Order: 2130
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Review (140)
Level2 2024-03-18
好耐冇幫襯"穴", 心思思去食個lunch .我哋選了迷你丼物餐($158)迷你餐可選擇2款迷你丼飯或1款迷你丼飯加2串燒再配上前菜、沙律、烏冬或喬麥麵和甜品🍮, 十分豐富.我哋揀了迷你生姜豚肉飯和迷你雜錦魚生飯加烏冬, 以及迷你鰻魚飯和天婦羅🍤加喬麥麵.生姜豚肉飯, 豚肉煎香配上滿滿的洋蔥🧅, 濃稠嘅鹹甜醬汁和米飯🍚攅·拌勻, 味道不錯😌魚🐟生飯, 魚生新鮮且份量足夠, 加酸姜片一齊食, 好開胃, CP值高.鰻魚飯, 鰻魚外脆內軟, 非常厚肉, 有微微炭香, 配上粒粒分明嘅米飯🍚和特製醬油, 甜而不膩, 真的超滿足!天婦羅🍤, 酥酥脆脆的炸衣內, 充滿著食材嘅風味, 味道更不用說, 墊住嘅紙幾乎沒有沾上油, 炸得香香脆脆嘅天婦羅🍤, 每件都係極品!丼餐包了烏冬或稠麥麵, 我哋各選一試試. 試後, 我哋都覺得烏冬比喬麥麵好食, 烏冬彈牙美味😋整體而言, 迷你丼餐, 份量足夠飽肚, 種類多元化, 不錯選擇. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-08
黎依度最少都一個月一次。每次無訂位都有位。我中意依度食物質素好,奧海城一二三期黎講得依間我會次次叫刺身食。平時散叫前菜主菜飲品,今次就試下二人餐!二人餐份量相當,基本上咩都有,前菜主菜串燒炸物甜品等等,係唔包野飲。不過我中意飲茶就無叫了。前菜蟹籽青瓜沙律,感謝fresh又健康。之後刺身四點,我一般都唔中意食魚刺身,但依間啲魚唔會點樣覺得好鯹,又咬得爛,仲要佢冰上感覺新鮮,帶子最正,好食到唔識形容。之後壽司三款加牛油果鰻魚卷全部都oyishii~~鬆軟度口感一流!再來炸物同串燒已經飽飽地,來多碗牛肉烏冬真係飽到加零一,烏冬係稻亭烏冬,牛肉亦有好多塊。最後我都食曬既。最後我相信好多人都有第二個肚係for甜品既,我都唔例外,叫左柚子同抹茶雪糕,抹茶食得多,柚子未試過感覺新鮮,食落夾雜啲柚子皮,又幾得意。服務依間不嬲都好好,keep住幫手加茶,野食都黎得快,餐具污糟亦主動更換,用餐體驗每次都好好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-27
~ Sushi Platter ~ Thin sliced Kanpachi sashimi with shrimp and black truffle~ Crab roe salad •As a Japanese food lover, I recently visited Yaki ANA to try out its Japanese food. I’ve ordered a sushi platter, which includes 10 different types of sushi. This sushi platter includes various types of fishes, like salmon, scallops, egg, and tuna, etc. The food was fresh and delicious. For the Kanpachi sashimi, I like how it pairs with shrimps and black truffle as they highlight the freshness of the fish itself 👍🏻. The crab roe salad was outstanding as well, with a large portion of crab roe on top of the veggies 🥗.Overall, the food was fresh and delicious! Would recommend this restaurant to any Japanese lovers 🍽️! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-03
以前放假都好喜歡去這家餐廳食lunch一來CP值過二來份量都好足夠。沒想到 事隔一年有多再來會有所不同從前這個刺身丼 碗 無而家咁細碗基本上 兩個迷你丼加一碗烏冬包前菜已好飽今次份量比之前細左小小。不過質素還是能維持著。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-15
係奧海城工作了幾年,仲未食過「穴」,今日有機會食😁Menu 花多眼亂,所有食物都好吸睛😍會有選擇困難症😂🥢迷你丼物餐 $178❇️燒霜海鮮丼 霜燒魚生飯❇️串燒x2(日本黑豚露荀、免治雞棒)❇️沙律、前菜、熱烏冬、甜品(一口泡芙)🌀食物整體味道幾好,係烏冬普通左D, 湯底只有鹹味,有少少失望。另外,飯,烏冬份量真係好迷你,好岩女仔,如果男仔食就唔夠飽啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)