4-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
*Last Order 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
🥢Personal Picks:STEAMED DIM SUM 🦐Shrimp Dumplings 圍爐蝦餃皇 🐷Crab Roe Siaomai 蟹籽燒賣皇🥟Shrimp and Spinach Dumplings 鮮蝦菠菜餃🥟Dumplings in Broth 上湯煨水餃🐮Black Pepper Steamed Beef Stomach 黑椒金錢肚🐔Steam Fried Chicken Feet 醬皇蒸鳳爪🐔Fish Maw and Chicken Roll 魚雞滑雞扎🐮Steamed Beef Balls 鮮竹牛肉球🌾Signature Fried Rice 圍爐招牌炒飯🥢Xiamen Fried Vermicelli 廈門炒米粉Fried Dim Sum🍄🟫Black Truffle Beancurd Skin Roll 黑松露山珍腐皮卷🐷BBQ Pork Puff香蜜叉燒酥🪷Shunde Fried Lotus Root Cake 順德煎藕餅Desserts 🍼Milk Fritter 大良炸鮮奶🥢Sesame Rolls 香滑芝麻卷🥢Steamed Red Date Cakes 養生紅棗糕🎋Whole Wheat Cake 粗糧糕🥢Fried Walnut and Red Bean Dumpling 合桃豆沙角Steamed dim sum were good overall. Desserts were really average. It would also be better to let diners know that some dim sum were not available instead of replacing it without letting them know. There’s also a nice view from the top 🏙️
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I come here, whenever that I am pass by Hong Kong fir more than 2 nights. As I need to book in advance to use the OpenRice discount. The services are excellent. Once that I purchased the Open Rice Coupon too late.(Must be 24 hours in advance), the lady boss was so nice to ask me to come back later on this evening to scan my Coupon. This is mean real customer relationship and services. Food is great too, but please only order what you can eat. Do not waste. The order also came quick. I do not know why others will give a bad review. I have been here 4 times over the last 12 months. Never get bad food or bad services. May me the one that give bad review is compare it with 6 stars restaurant. I will be back again and again.
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「食在廣州」呢句可能個個都聽過, 但係下一句唔知又有幾多人識?「廚出鳳城」,鳳城其實去子廣東順德一帶,順德擁有肥沃嘅土地及豐富嘅資源,漁農產物新鮮豐富。選擇多,令烹製亦變化多,難怪順德被稱為「世界美食之都」。講咗咁耐,無錯今日去食順德菜,去咗銅鑼灣嘅 圍爐順德菜,仲有幸見到「圍爐」嘅主理盧偉權 盧師傅👨🍳。位於Sugar+ 16樓嘅圍爐順德菜,樓底幾高,枱與枱之間距離適中,而且有落地玻璃可以盡覽維園景色😍。秘製鮑魚鮑魚口感軟滑彈牙,用玫瑰露及自家秘製豉油汁泡浸後,鮑味濃郁鮮味,滲出陣陣豉油的香甜味,令人回味😋。窩貼大明蝦蝦仁🦐大大隻覆蓋整快多士,多士炸得勁鬆脆又乾身,蝦肉味濃,鮮甜多汁,勁好食🤤。茶燻雞是日推介,點咗半隻🐓試下。一上枱已經燻香氣味四溢,令人食慾大增,雞皮香口唔肥膩,雞肉十分嫩滑juicy,雞味重燻香氣味濃郁,令人一試難忘😋。懷舊金錢蟹盒蟹盒材料豐富,有蟹肉、豬肉、馬蹄、冬菇、紅蘿蔔及芫茜,味道濃郁鮮香甜美🥰。包皮好特別,超鬆脆但口感軟綿中帶點爽脆😋。經店長介紹,才知道原來是一片超薄豬皮,難怪口感如此,有驚喜😍!大良煎藕餅一般中餐館或者酒樓會用豬肉做蓮藕餅,但順德出名魚米之鄉,用新鮮鯪魚肉來做藕餅🥰,藕餅鮮甜美味又彈牙,爽脆可口的蓮藕及提升香味的芫荽去煎,果然係絕配😋。菓液喼汁煎牛柳牛柳🐂質感軟腍嫩滑,表面煎至焦氣,酸甜喼汁香甜而不濃,令牛肉鮮味更為突出,加上清甜嘅洋蔥絲,十分醒胃又好食😋。荔枝蝦球新品推介當然要試下,荔枝外形的脆米球,炸得十分香脆🥰,内層蝦肉爽滑彈牙,最入面仲有粒鮮甜多汁嘅荔枝😋,繼鍋貼大明蝦後,另一出色炸物🤤。香滑雙皮奶上層奶皮甘香,下層奶皮香滑濕潤,奶香氣味濃鬱,入口嫩滑,食後唇齒留香🤤。焗西米蓮蓉布甸布甸味道濃郁香甜,口感綿滑軟糯😋,加上西米及香濃的蓮蓉,口感更豐富,味道更香🥰。鳳城酒家馳名嘅西米蓮蓉焗布甸,我响呢度都食到,感覺好滿足又幸福😍。
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