Restaurant: | Wall Is Eat |
Offer: |
Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant ! Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
2-min walk from Exit C, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station
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This café is located inside a hotel in Yau Ma Tei. It is decorated with wood and greenery to create a relaxing ambiance. It serves European cuisine including salad, pasta and risotto. Special drinks and desserts like DIY Coconut Sorbet and layered drinks are their signature items also.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme

Restaurant: | Wall Is Eat |
Offer: | Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
位於油麻地M1 hotel 1樓嘅慢理牆城,真係一間好特別嘅餐廳🌳。佢哋嘅設計以森林為主題,採用原木同綠色嘅主調,感覺好自然同埋舒適🍃。餐廳入面仲有巨型嘅環保樹同架空嘅環保橋,真係好有心思🌿我哋嗌咗斑馬2人餐,真係超豐富😋。首先係前菜,牆城小食拼盤配自家製蛋黃醬,入面有美式甜辣香脆雞翼、德國腸、脆炸薯條、甜蕃薯條、Mozzarella cheese sticks同埋三角流心芝士🧀。每樣都好好味,特別係雞翼,外脆內嫩,配埋蛋黃醬真係一流👍主菜係慢落豬,係慢煮西班牙冰花酸梅黑毛豬串配甜蕃薯條🐷。串烤豬肉好嫩滑,酸梅嘅味道好特別,唔會太酸,反而帶出豬肉嘅鮮味。甜蕃薯條亦都好香甜,配埋豬肉一齊食真係好滿足🍠意粉方面,我哋揀咗明太子蟹肉扁意粉🍝意粉煮得啱啱好,唔會太硬亦唔會太軟,明太子嘅鹹香同蟹肉嘅鮮味完美結合,真係好好味🦀最後係甜品,西西里的檸檬向日葵🌻。呢個甜品真係貌相一流,酸酸甜甜嘅檸檬味道好清新,食完之後感覺好舒服🍋飲品方面,我哋試咗熱情果冰茶同士多啤梨接骨木花乳酸梳打🍹。熱情果冰茶好清新,唔會太甜,飲完好解渴。士多啤梨接骨木花乳酸梳打亦都好特別,士多啤梨嘅甜味同接骨木花嘅香味好夾,飲完之後感覺好滿足🍓總括嚟講,慢理牆城真係一間好值得推薦嘅餐廳,無論係環境定係食物都好有水準,絕對值得一試👍
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慢理牆城位於M1酒店1樓, 好多綠色植物同動物📸打卡位, 預約定隱陣d先會上蝶豆花檸檬水,紫紫藍藍除左吸睛仲好有營養價值, 有豐富青花素,可抗氧化斑馬二人餐 $698 (原價$928)牆城小食拼盤配自家製蛋黃醬(美式甜辣香脆雞翼、德國腸、脆炸薯條、甜蕃薯條、馬蘇里拉芝士條、三角流心芝士)小食拼盤幾用心, 超大碟,有2款炸芝士, 三角個款幾好食, 重cheese 香味有大量香脆蕃薯條同薯條,德國腸同炸雞翼都唔錯慢落豬+$20慢煮西班牙水花酸梅黑毛豬串燒配甜蕃薯條慢煮肉質肉質嫩而juicy, 表層帶焦香配埋個sauce 好惹味下面滿滿粉甜甜蕃薯條明太子蟹肉扁意粉上面大球蟹肉可以自己吉開做滿滿蟹肉明太子sauce 好creamy 濃郁, 略有點膩不過好食西西里的檸檬向日葵酸甜🍋 sorbet 好清新refreshing , 而且成幅畫咁好靚, 好啱食完炸/膩食岩岩好, perfect ending 菠蘿柚子話梅梳打士多啤梨接骨木花乳酸梳打 @walliseat油麻地砵蘭街28號M1酒店1樓
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This café offers a vibrant atmosphere that is matched by its imaginative menu. Upon arrival, guests are greeted with a refreshing complimentary drink: a stunning lemon butterfly pea water. This enchanting beverage, with its deep purple hue, not only delights the eyes but also provides a unique floral flavor that sets a positive tone for the meal ahead.The star of the show has to be the fig salad. Served in a generous portion, this dish is a feast for both the eyes and the palate. It features a delightful mix of dried and fresh figs, adding a rich sweetness that beautifully contrasts the tartness of cherry tomatoes. The yuzu jelly ball adds an unexpected burst of citrus that elevates the entire dish, while the cinnamon honey balsamic vinegar dressing ties everything together in a harmonious blend of flavors. It’s a salad that feels indulgent yet refreshing, perfect for any time of the day.Next up were the Grilled Spanish Berroco Pork Skewers. Cooked to perfection, the pork was juicy and flavorful, showcasing a delightful char. Paired with the homemade pickled plum sauce, the skewers offered a tangy contrast that complemented the richness of the meat. The side of sweet potato fries was equally impressive—crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, providing a satisfying crunch that balanced the succulent skewers.To wash it all down, I opted for the Cucumber and Lemon Chia Soda, which was as refreshing as it sounds. The cucumber provided a cool, crisp note, while the lemon added a zesty kick. The chia seeds lent a unique texture and a boost of nutrition, making this drink not only refreshing but also a bit of a health-conscious choice.
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好幾年前就曾經黎過依間餐廳到食飯,當時就已經因為餐廳食物嘅質素留下左好嘅印象。今次再次黎食,果然都冇令我失望,真係值得去再試下唔同嘅菜式。慢落豬(黑毛豬串燒)份量超級大,黑毛豬加入左個甜甜嘅醬汁去燒,每粒嘅黑毛豬都燒得好均勻,入口有咬口得黎唔韌,而且充滿肉汁同豬肉嘅香味,串燒仲加入左三色椒。另外炸蕃薯條都炸得好香脆,入口香甜。沙律菜新鮮,加埋黑醋十分開胃。牛油果蟹肉飯之前已經食過依個飯覺得好好食,今次決定要encore. 蟹肉份量非常多,成大球咁放左係牛油果上面,蟹肉充滿鮮味,牛油果都熟得剛好,入口軟滑。飯本身都煮得軟硬適中,有片片嘅芝士碎,食落濃而不膩,食落一切都好配合同完美。蜜蜂啓程之旅見到個名好特別而且係每日限量,所以就叫左黎一試。外表超級打卡,用左好清新嘅黃色,仲有花花蜜蜂等嘅裝飾,就好似一件藝術品。外面係用蛋白餅做成,切開就見到蛋糕同jelly,整個甜品外脆內軟,充滿蜂蜜嘅香甜。
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