4-min walk from Exit E2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The Japanese rice bowls in this restaurant are recommended, such as A5 Kagoshima wagyu rice bowl with sea urchin, Hokkaido Bafun sea urchin rice bowl and premium assorted sashimi rice bowl. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room Details
Phone Reservation Details
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (71)
Level3 2019-07-26
My friend who works in Sheung Wan recommended this place for me as they served quality Japanese food. Also the fact that their lunch menu is much more economical. The entrance of the place was a bit hard to find as I was coming from Central direction. Once found, you can press the lift to go up to the restaurant.The appetizer is quite cute, serving with a bento box with a lot of food. It taste quite good too.Couldn’t resist ordering uni for lunch. It was so yum! The bowl was quite big, I was so full after this meal.Would definitely come back for lunch again, and the quality is quite good! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-05
在中上環吃午飯都是每天的一大享受,平民化到精緻派任君選擇,這間威靈頓街走到上環盡頭的一間餐廳,價位稍高,由$118至$438不等,價格最高的是A5鹿兒島和牛海膽定食,而今次則選了【原條鰻魚飯定食 $198】。作為一名鰻魚發燒友,自然對鰻魚飯亦有一定要求。店中的鰻魚飯用上原條鰻魚,非常巨型,是繼和牛海膽飯,知名度緊隨其段的定食。臨上枱時,再用火槍炙,燒得邊位帶微焦,鰻魚有一定厚度,但質地較為軟腍,卻不失肉感,唯欠缺彈性,再添鰻魚汁時吃得到醬汁甜鹹比例調味恰到好處,稠身香甜,拌飯一流,面頭再撒上蔥米芝麻能為鰻魚飯增添風味;而鰻魚飯的飯質亦是非常重視的一環,米飯要粒粒分明不能過乾、圓渾有咬勁、黏糯而挺身,而這間做到了,白飯溫度能保持熱度會更好!以午市套餐來說非常豐富,有齊沙律、日式玉子燒、麵豉湯、水果,另配飲品,每款食味也不俗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日下午由老細帶領去上環食某位同事嘅散水飯,又係老細請 (但好似唔記得咗多謝佢!) ,由老細介紹同訂枱,去左中上環食URA。之前有響樓下經過時見到佢嘅「看板」介紹午餐,但就未上去食過,價錢大約係由百零至二百零蚊左右,算係中上價嘅日本餐廳啦。由於係訂枱,所以唔駛等位,一去到即刻入座。環境係哩個吧 + 壽司(我估係壽司吧,因為我見啲魚生飯係響哩度做起嘅) 佈置得幾靚噃。(不過老細話佢上次自己嚟食就要等,仲要只係坐吧枱;今次就咁睇只係坐在一半。)午餐餐牌係套餐,都主要係刺生丼同和食定食,以往去食日本菜大部分時間都會揀食魚生,但由於尋晚打邊爐實在太飽,到今朝都未食得嘢,唔係好想食魚生,所以"居然"揀左烤腹肉牛排牛舌定食 ($198) 。(前菜): 先來係前菜,精緻。個蒸蛋怪怪地,水得黎又無咩蛋味,左上角有兩位"釀肉" (其中一件似炸魚蛋、另一件係釀茄子) 我食嘢食得少,所以唔知佢叫咩名,味道其實唔錯;個家常薯仔沙律,幾好食。(主菜): 烤腹肉牛排牛舌定食: 牛舌認真有少少硬,腹肉牛排片嘅牛肉味幾濃,總括而言係好食嘅,雖然可以熱啲。麵豉湯唔錯,偏醎,加左大量洋葱,不過因為煮林哂,無左嗰陣好勁嘅洋葱味,都好味;個白米飯... 唔係好似珍珠米...散散地,無咩黏性。雖然唔係我食,但就影左同事嗰個 deluxe chirashi,佢話新鮮好食,好足料,不過好滯喎。最後每個定食都會跟一杯 “辻利茶舖” 熱綠茶,清清地消滯唔錯。平均而言質素係唔錯嘅,勝價比一般啦,不過以中上環黎講,算係中上嘅質素。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-17
上環食飯 有比較高的性價比, 好像這裏的a級肥牛 ,牛肉味濃郁,配上馬糞海膽 ,感覺有為牛肉 塗上了厚厚的牛油, 強化了味道 ,令口感更細緻。另外要一讚的是吞拿魚海膽飯 ,吞拿魚魚蓉混上了蔥花 間隔了馬糞海膽 ,味道新鮮可口。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-03-07
在網上見到呢間野d丼好似好正咁,於是過黎試試。首先叫了這個Wagyu, Uni and Ikura Don。d牛同海膽都好正,用紫菜加埋d飯包住黎食真係非一般嘅享受。不過碗野比想像中細好多,自己食晒成碗都應該唔會好夠飽。呢碟A5 鹿兒島和牛卷都唔錯。燒雞翼可以更juicy更肥美。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)