Tien Yi located in the newly renovated Peak Tower. It implies that Tien Yi is the best brand in the world. Tien Yi is renowned for its cuisine, such as bird's nests, shark's fins and abalone, as well as some traditional cuisine like roasted meats and dim sum. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
dried abalone from South Africa Boiled Shark's fins with thick soup grained beef from angus and scallops with Black Pepper Yue Chu Serenade
Review (20)
Level3 2015-10-11
有朋友至遠方來所以要登和他們上山頂食飲和看風景。心想他們在外地小飲茶所以就揀咗天一飲茶…地方、服務、環境可以!但食物真的非常一般如果以價錢來說絕對能到好吃很多的酒家和酒店吃好吃多倍的食物。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-02-23
自從出來做事,每年新正頭大年初三總習慣了到太平山頂走一圈,行個大運,難得今年新年天朗氣清,在暖和的陽光下走動特別輕快,行過大運找地方醫肚,今年選擇了「天一酒家」飲茶。酒家開在凌霄閣的二、三樓,入門的二樓只是接待處及小酒吧,用餐在三樓,兩層樓由一條半月形樓梯相連,旁邊牆身一道大水簾,頗顯高貴氣勢。由於天氣好,坐在靠落地玻璃旁,盡覽聞名維多利亞港的美麗景色,贊賞我們香港發展的成果。食物方面,估唔到為我們帶來驚喜,我們三人叫了六款點心: 蝦餃、燒賣、小籠包、叉燒腸粉、雞絲春卷及他們推介的「天下第一包」- 牛肝菌鮮蝦菜肉煎包。手工味道非常有水準,餃皮厚薄適中,腸粉爽滑,春卷帶鮮汁。天下第一包原來是包中包,先蒸後堂煎,色、香、味皆不錯。另點了燒味三拼,份量不大,賣相骨子,燒腩肉寓意紅皮赤壯,身體健康,能做到皮脆酥化,肥瘦合度,平常怕吃肥肉的我也吃多了兩件。鮑汁鮮蝦荷葉飯用鮮荷葉包著,飯粒汁料均稱,荷香四溢。最後的甜品藍莓香芒布甸,咖啡千層糕及杞子桂花糕也不錯,不太甜,但富咬口,給我留下深刻印象。招呼中規中矩,侍應會主動幫你斟茶、換骨碟、分菜等,可能內地假期關係,多了內地遊客,見各人都要快步走。埋單連加一茶芥$1.100多,雖然好像比一般旺區貴,但想想現今香港的地價,以太平山頂的租金皮費開支來比較是合理,難得與身住山上的上等人同Level嘛!靚景加美食,值啲! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-07-21
慶祝生日, 一行四人便到這裏用膳, 甫坐下部長便問order飲品, 我們便叫了鮮搾橙汁$55/杯, 我朋友再三詢問是否新鮮橙搾, 男部長點了頭...兩分鐘後拿來, 友人已搶先指明"這不是鮮搾", 男部長卻裝聽不到放下即走, 另一女友人說"由他吧", 怎料一喝, 濃縮開的, 很酸, 味道很假, 叫回那男部長回來質問, 他的理由是: 今天沒order橙看了菜式, 我們决定先下小食開胃,1.冰鎮鮮鮑魚仔: 僅四小隻, 真係很 "仔".....屬智利罐頭鮑加鮑汁, 雪凍了便拿出來, 談不上冰鎮及鮮...收$128, 被搶$$$, 2. 麻辣鴨舌: 分量適中(1人4隻), 麻中帶辣, 味道香濃 約$80, 算抵食3. 香辣海哲: 有沙不乾淨, 約$80, 千萬不要點再點主菜, 果然, 侍應是"狂sell" 套餐, 每位由千多元至三千多, 我們可不是內地人吧....下了四款(部份沒相,見諒)1.泰式老虎蝦: 共8隻, 連一泰醬, 把蝦炸了, 外層鬆脆及加了咸蛋黃, 蝦身鮮甜, 頭殼盡起, 醬汁像小辣海鮮醬, 醒胃之選, 收$168 價錢合理2. 響螺雞鮑翅: 原盅上,湯底有金華火腿, 響螺,雞, 豬肉, 非常清甜, 已隔油, 魚翅彈牙, 很"咬口" 建議不加醋, 原汁原味, 售$380/盅 必試3. 片皮鴨: 此鴨不用介紹吧, 但待應提供兩款切法, 淨皮及皮連肉, 兩款也試, 前者當然脆,後者啖啖肉...各有所需...值得一提, 鴨身可取回, 不另收費, 煲湯煲粥屬上品, 約$400, 合理至極4. 海鮮濃湯冬瓜浸蟹鉗: 濃湯超咸, 蟹鉗不鮮, 俾個湯搞渦咗 $198兩位, 敬而遠之後記:這店的部長似乎很hea,很嘆, 未收工便喝紅酒了, 兩位侍應忙不過來, 真辛苦, 面紅紅的男部長似乎忘了橙汁一事, 說甚麼我們是熟客, 跟某明星來過云云, 你真係醉了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-06-13
I went there for drinking tea. The food is quite tasty, but the service is really really poor. A waiter is extremely poor. We printed a coupon on the web of peak to get a discount of a bread called 天下第一飽, however, he rejected the coupon saying that the printed coupon is not acceptable and only original copy is accepted, which is provided in the leaflet. His attitude was very rude. He did not have intention to check and he only rejected our coupon. After his rude saying, one of us went to get the proof and want to find the "ORIGINAL" copy in the customer service deck in the Peak tower. And after a period of time, that waiter was back and said the coupon is now ok. That was the worst restaurant I've ever had. I seldom go to this kind of high-class restaurant and this experience is really unforgettable. If you want to have a happy meal, this restaurant should not be a good choice.No matter how good the hardware is, software is the key, which this restaurant could not provide. I do not think this restaurant deserves to be so high-classed.Don't trust this restaurant coupon from below website!http://www.thepeak.com.hk/122years/tc/122years.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
9 of us went to the restaurant located on Victoria Peak on Saturday Night and unfortunately had dinner in Tien Yi. The two sweet and sour fish we ordered we small and definitely not fresh – meat. The two plates of Char Siew and Roast Pork we ordered were not enough to go round – around 12 pieces per serving. The Two plates of Roasted Piglet had a total of 32 to 36 pieces measuring 1 cm wide and 4 cm long. We asked for cut chilli and chilli sauce which was served towards the end of the meal and we were charged for two serving of small cut chilli and a chilli sauce – we were served two dishes of cut chilli – HKD25 each. In addition, we had two servings of Kai Lan, one plate of chicken, 9 prawns, an appetizer of jelly fish and 11 bowls of rice – the meal cost us HK$3800.00. During the meal we were constantly, served food meant for other tables and our food ended up in other peoples table before arriving in ours. We had to tell the waiters that the fried duck meat was for a neighbouring table; he kindly removed it walked around with the dish and then served it to the next table pretending nothing happened. We had to wait for the rice and the after finishing our meal we checked with the Captain if we had any dishes and he No, all served – he took our orders and failed to realize that our prawns did not arrive. We waited for more than 20 minutes for the prawns!Terrible service and poor quality food – we left hungry! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)