2-min walk from Exit A2, Wan Chai MTR Station
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This modern French restaurant serves homemade dry-aged meat items, such as beef, lamb and pigeon. Besides, it offers international cuisine and more than 100 kinds of wines to bring you a new dining experience.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
💬好多人話fine dining 貴夾唔飽,但有時食得開心同滿足都係好重要❗️製作過程繁複,仲要係非常好味,價格係偏高,不過慶祝食餐好嘅都值得。呢間位於灣仔嘅高級餐廳,唔太顯眼,但食過一次就有可能喜歡上😎.———————————————————————————🍽️DRY AGED QUAIL LEGS 🦆💬賣相超級華麗,熟成法國🇫🇷鵪鶉腿果然係非常味美,淡淡嘅煙燻撲鼻,熟成處理令肉質鮮嫩,只怪鵪鶉腿實在太過纖幼,唔夠喉🥹.🍽️5 DAYS KOMBU-AGED SCALLOP WITH YAM BEANS💬呢款日式熟成帶子一樣有儀式感,擺盤都絕對係藝術,軟糯嘅帶子肉,加上特調醬汁,這樣嘅口感好驚艷🥹.🍽️THE VICTUALS LOBSTER BISQUE 🦞💬一碗極濃郁極醇厚嘅龍蝦湯🦞,真心口感非常,每過吞一啖都感受到充足材料熬製,滿足😌.🍽️MONTHLY SPECIAL SOUP☕️🍄💬本月精選湯係忌廉肝菌湯,但端上枱賣相係一杯Cappuccino 嘅感覺,揸住隻有耳杯當咖啡咁飲,啖啖都係超極濃滑,係絕對有驚喜,費盡心思😏.🍽️ FRENCH FREE-RANGE CHICKEN CARNAROLI RICE 🐔💬法國放養黃油雞,將雞肉去骨製成雞卷再香烤,中間包住雞肝醬,下面有香料同濃湯嘅米飯,製作繁複同有層次,非常滿意😀.🍽️30 DAYS DRY AGED "CAVINESS" PRIME STRIPLOIN 150G 🐮💬熟成30日嘅口感的確係非常腍身,但仍然好有牛肉味道,外面亦有好香嘅炭烤味,誠意之選🥹.🍽️ 14 DAYS CHICKEN OIL AGED "OMAHA" BEEFTONGUE 👅💬呢款係招牌菜式,將牛舌慢煮熟成14天,加埋雞油提升鮮味,無可能唔滿意😋
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老公生日,訂了一間環境,氣氛不錯嘅餐廳。前菜好可愛,似迷你雪糕。原來係八爪魚他他,口感複雜,好食。竹炭虎蝦多士卷造型好特別。面包外層薄脆,虎蝦爽口,蘸少許沙律醬增添味美。烤油封鴨腿配意大利米香噴噴,樸鼻而來。鴨肉保持嫩滑及柔軟又帶一點結實,好香。米粒圓胖,黏黏口感,吸收到臘腸,冬菇嘅精華,味道濃稠,超正。Catalans with Sabayon意式甜品沙巴雍,綿滑香甜,混合杏仁金寳,多重層次, 滋味。。
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朋友今晚有好介紹,去了一間有氣氛,又有美食嘅餐廳。餐廳位置於灣仔地鐵站附近,商廈內,方便。餐前小吃八爪魚他他,黑色小巧雪糕筒載着,一啖入口,十分豐富。Bamboo Charcoal Tiger Prawn Toast Roll賣相真係好似竹筒,有心思。薄薄嘅麵包外層包裹着大蝦,又爽脆又彈牙,好味。The Victuals Cutlet Pork LoinBean Curd / Spinach / Cuttlefish Paste / Prawn呢道菜巧手工。腐皮,豬肉,蝦膠,菠菜,一層一層,多重口感,配以豆蓉更味美。Catalans with SabayonPickled mix berry / almond Crumble輕盈的卡士達醬,口感滑順而帶點空氣感,令人心動。
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A hidden gem in wanchai where true foodies goHeartfelt services , well designed menu together with a Nostalgic and homie vibe -5 days kombu aged scallop with yam beanslet the scallops cure on the yam beans and umami of the kombu dressed it up with yuzu kosho butter sauce and salmon roe and it's a fun for parties !-Smoked Salmon tartareSimple but elevated version of the classic salmon tartareLip smacking charcoal cone filled with salmon and caviar , crunchy and chewy all at once!-14 days chicken oil aged Omaha beef tongueThe Nebraskans take their steak very seriously. You will definitely be satisfied with the succulent flavour. This specifically aged beef tongue is extremely tender and full of powerful layering texture.-The victuals wagyu bolognese fettuccine Crack the cheese ball open and mix them well with the bolognese and fettuccine in order to achieve its full potential I am really drawn to the texture of the pasta , a half fettuccine and half udon, slightly thicker and more spongy than the classic fettuccine. It’s Truly addictive!-Mango pomeloA French Chinese fusion dessert inspired by the classic Kong style mango pomeloTopped with a 10-layer bean curd mango gelato roll the mango selected is intentionally to be not too sweet to give you a more refreshing finish.-CatalansA French x Spanish fusion cream brûléeWhich is more liquidy Various fresh fruits are added to bring out the acidity
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突然想吃點優質的西餐,這裡就可以吃到了。Tomato Ham Roll,西班牙火腿的油脂很有鹹香味,法包烤得脆脆的不鎅口哽牙,還有陣陣的蒜蓉香味,蕃茄蓉的甜味也很突出。Bamboo Charcoal Tiger Prawn Toast Roll,用包及紫菜包裹著虎蝦,使蝦有特別的鮮味,虎蝦肉質彈牙,大廚做的醬汁酸酸甜甜使人很開胃。The Victul's Seafood Chowder with Puff Pastry,這個是值得推介,湯很鮮甜,大廚用上大量打碎海鮮熬製而成,每啖也有海洋的鮮味,而且有不同的海鮮粒粒如蝦+蜆+魚肉,酥皮更是有濃郁的油香,跟湯很配合。The Victul's Cutlet Pork Loin,用了熊本產的豬肉捲,大廚把蝦及菠菜跟肉捲在一起使味道變得有層次,肉捲外面包了腐竹使口感帶了脆口,配西梅汁酸酸甜甜味道不錯。Baked Confit Duck Legs Arborio Rice,油封鴨肶做得很好,肉質嫩滑,油脂的味道更是香濃,鴨皮是不可錯過,質地酥香,味道有點點焦香,飯用了意式白米,質地圓潤煙韌有咬口,加上了臘腸及潤腸增加油分使整體的味道很豐富。味道: 可以一試環境: 舒適優雅衛生: 整潔乾淨服務: 有禮殷勤價錢: 合理公道
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