3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
This local coffee chain is in the same group with caffè HABITŪ since 2012. It uses homemade roasted coffee beans to serve specialty coffee and hot Western-style dishes. You may enjoy casual dining here. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
08:00 - 18:00
Fri - Sat
08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level4 2021-09-09
Ordered this Masala chicken salad and the Asian salad for takeout. Both salad are quite fresh. With the Asian salad, they have a soba base so its very filling. Masala chicken salad is salad leaves base with a huge Masala chicken which is well seasoned and still juicy. The coffee is what you expect from the chain. I had the soy flat white which is aromatic and strong. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I ordered a flat white to go and a chocolate muffin.The coffee is good and the muffin is yummy. There are two levels in the shop. The views from the upper level can see the street of lkf which is great. The barista is very nice too which make a good day to me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-03-25
星期日的下午,竟然不多人。環境很不錯。來這裡當然要試比較特別的。香脆的朱古力雪糕筒載著的不是雪糕,而是matcha latte。雖然抹茶的味道算濃,但可惜奶的質感比較稀。朱古力筒也沒有甚麼特別。所以整體來說性價比不高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level8 2020-09-11
曾經食過「The Coffee Academics」嘅蛋糕,覺得甚具質素,不過,佢哋嘅其他產品就未試過。由於早前做咗個網上問劵,獲贈一張$50現金券,是日早上就專誠嚟到試試咖啡,再加個鬆餅,作為一頓輕怡早餐。晌門口望入去感覺會好細,其實餐廳佔地兩層,地下主要喺製作飲品、翻熱食物嘅地方,喺鋪尾入到篤有啲梳化椅。但上到樓上,可謂別有洞天,裝修摩登型格,木地板,配以帶點原始嘅灰色水泥牆,而牆上嘅掛畫就增加咗啲藝術感。最估唔到,話晒都喺早餐時段,但竟然一個人都無。推開落地玻璃門,出面仲有幾個露台位,雖然只喺普通街景,但感覺會開揚好多。食物方面,呢一間分店就以輕食為主,但有啲分店鋪位較大,可提供唔同嘅熱食。食物嘅種類,基本上就晌收銀旁嘅凍櫃一眼睇晒,都喺啲包餅、沙律、蛋糕、三文治……之類。飲品方面,頭上一個長方招牌就數得晒,款式唔算多,同大部分嘅連鎖咖啡店差唔多,但定價唔平,而且,亦無得揀唔同嘅份量,只喺分凍定熱而已。雖然早餐、午餐、下午茶有啲組合配套,但都需要以正價買咖啡,再用優惠價配唔同嘅食品。因為飲品本身嘅定價都唔平,所以,就算有啲咁嘅優惠組合,個人覺得性價比都唔高。鮮奶咖啡 $45始終呢度都喺主打咖啡,所以,質素應該唔使太擔心。拉花無太大驚喜,只喺最基本嘅心形,而且,線紋可以講喺唔細緻,亦未完全對稱,所以,觀感上個拉花喺有啲hea,唔應該喺呢度出品嘅質素。幸而,沖泡出嚟嘅咖啡,質素算喺唔差,味道醇香、口感平均,完全唔使攪,飲落每一口都一樣。 海鹽焦糖鬆餅 +$10鬆餅見有4款供應,除海鹽焦糖,仲有榛子朱古力、藍莓及雜莓,並可要求翻熱,如果散買單價要$28,真喺比出面一般嘅定價高。咪睇佢外表平平無奇,面頭只得啲果仁碎碎,重點喺「內涵」,一咬入心,原來裡面有啲焦糖漿,好有「流心」效果;而鬆餅本身有點鹹味,質感又帶微微濕潤,整體感覺唔錯。其實中環有唔少咖啡店,連鎖嘅或非連鎖嘅都多,而「The Coffee Academics」位處蘭桂芳上面,晌地理位置就蝕底啲,加上定價相對高,怪唔之得今早一個客都無。如果以同類型計,小弟會揀置地裡面嘅SimplyLife喇,因為又就腳,性價比又高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-27
這家coffee academics 看似是一家小咖啡店,原來別有洞天。樓下只是小小的咖啡外賣部,然而樓上的空間很有型又有格調。灰調的水泥牆配上金色sculpture 作飾,還有monochrome 的掛畫,配以黑色光面餐枱和微黃燈光,摩登又時尚。落地玻璃窗的那一邊,設有看街的半室外座位,看著熙來攘往的行人,室內播放著輕節拍音樂,份外悠然自得。Jawa $55 /soy milkJawa 的味道很討人喜歡。淡淡的椰糖甜香,輕輕的紺,誘出咖啡的醇香。再加埋豆奶的厚度,入口香滑,又沒有牛奶咁厚重,沒膩口的感覺,果然是signature!Cappuccino $45Cappuccino 的泡沫細密豐厚,令咖啡入口更順滑,同時也降低了咖啡的溫度,令味道格外甘香醇厚。及後還帶少少after taste, 口中迴盪著咖啡的bitterness ,不錯。呷一口靚啡,享受一下寧靜的空間。看到杯上印著70%house blend gives back to farmer through charity around the world, 除了享受了咖啡的美味,還讓忙碌的生活靜下來,也對辛勞的農夫多一份敬意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)