4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
肉絲炒麵 避風塘炒蟹
Review (15)
Level3 2017-11-15
平時返工冇機會係屋企附近食早餐,如果朝早買麵包作早餐總會經過新威然後去巴士站搭巴士返工。新威食晚餐我試過,早餐則是第一次。一如晚餐經驗,早餐時段員工都是有禮貌的。想過食老麥、海皇、一粥館、新發、大家樂。。。想吃點特別的,但早餐其實來來去去都是通粉+牛油方包等。最後決定到新威看看餐牌,居然發現十月醒神早餐B的通粉並非火腿通而是雞絲通,還有並非大部分茶餐廳的火腿奄列而是煙肉碎蘑菇,決定試試這個。雞絲通其實配以榨菜的,平常我不吃榨菜的,但因雞絲通的關係我要了這個餐,當然我食埋榨菜青椒紅椒等配菜啦,雞肉唔鞋,奄列也很滑,配埋杯茶走,perfect。員工勤快又有禮,值得再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-05-28
This is one of those unremarkable-looking neighborhood restaurants that I'm glad I finally got to try. The place looks warm and inviting, with huge glass windows looking out to the street, and always seems to be near capacity during dinner hour.  The menu is very diverse and contains very interesting and unique items.  For example, there's a full page menu offering just different types of steam fish--you can choose the type of fish as well as the type of spices. There's also a full page menu offering purely vegetarian options, and another full page listing different sichuan spice dishes. Also, half a page of different sandwiches and buns, among others. We ordered the sichuan spicy fish, which is a whole fish deep fried and then presented in a piping hot bowl of hot sichuan spices--the spices aren't too intense, and in fact err on the "baby hot" level, but very very delicious and goes perfectly with huge bowls of white rice.  *_* The beef was red wine sauce was a little tough and overcooked. The west lake beef chowder is very good--lots of tofu and beef and egg without being loaded with MSG.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-03-21
離公司行去都要大約8分鐘,所以一個月先去3,4次,不過佢d食物又幾好,水準keep得幾好,個碟飯一定夠飽,例湯少味精都夠味,上次去食,佢哋成個籠上,以唔洗$50梨講,有驚喜啦,份量好飽,如果女仔去,兩個叫一個餐都夠食,次次去食都滿意佢地d水準 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-01-20
舖頭有賊穿櫃桶十幾萬,唔報警已人至意盡!要急急搵個新師傅頂替,走到黎西環新威挖角。咁大個仔第一次黎西環差點盪失路,原來無咩街燈、無咩大招牌無咩霓虹燈,而且條條街都比較暗,光污染非常少,感覺舒服,行下行下最後都到達目的地。似乎差不多收工喇喎,食客剩得一兩個,眼看職員都開始收拾清場,部份已換好衫打咭離開,好采趕得切 last call 叫野食。地方光猛寬敞,感覺乾淨,求其係卡位坐下。一邊食、一邊等師傅收工。奇香雞煲,睇錯左係奇味雞添,以為係辣雞煲,原來係醬爆雞。無緊要,最緊要好食。非常靜態的演繹,侍應搵柔地將煲仔放下。沒有吱吱作響、沒有白煙輕飄,只瀰漫著香香醬爆雞氣味。用筷子左挑右撩,檢查下有咩配料先。只見大量青蔥、芹菜及薑片,就這樣簡單?不過就非常香噴噴喎。雞肉居然嫩滑多汁,雖然沒有激情,煲仔沒有熱到咋咋聲,但味道出眾,醃味香甜而豐富,溫柔含蓄地表現惹味。真材實料無欺場,有髀有翼有胸,唔會好似大埔常相聚次次都雞翼雞胸雞背脊。雞髀滑彈、雞胸滑腍,好味好味。搭上乾爽香噴噴白飯,真係食得乾乾淨淨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-07-28
第一次開post,因為真係不吐不快。今日約阿媽去西環山市街既新威飲下午茶,因為佢一早落左街所以佢去搵位坐住等我,我就推埋bb車去,入到去坐低有個女侍應好以不滿咁睇住我地,咁我問佢係咪bb車阻到而我可以抱起bb收車的,點知佢冇彩我就行左去,跟住我阿媽先同我講頭先呢個後生女侍應拎住碗熱湯面撞到,但佢完全無講對唔住,之後佢換去卡位坐,嗰個女侍應拎茶俾佢時好大力放低仲講左句'd人咁鍾意坐卡位'餐都唔落就走左去,聽完佢講我火都黎即刻同收銀阿姐講我想搵你地經理,佢問我咩事我照講佢聽,佢地一路都维護住嗰女侍應,又唔肯叫經理,嗰個女侍應知我投訴佢都冇同我地講唔好意思,仲繼續黑面,因帶住bb費事再嘈落去,但真係好想投訴佢高層但唔知可以去邊度反映,所以想俾西環友知道呢個女侍應的惡行,咁既服務態度真係好有問題!P.S 呢個後生女侍應係紥馬尾的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)