一間位於上環的印度餐廳,鄰近上環地鐵站.但本店不是在地舖,而是在一樓,不過有明確的招牌,不需費時找的。 continue reading
Opening Hours
星期一至日: 10:30-21:30 (Last Order為 21:00)
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛肉 串燒 沙律 咖哩 椰汁雞 磨荳飯
Review (27)
有無人知道以前間Solo印尼餐廳搬咗去邊? 好懷念佢地既辣椒醬!宜家間Solo係印度菜,完全唔同口味!希望可以搵返舊Solo, 食佢地既美味咖哩同辣椒醬!如果有人有聯絡電話,請分享! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-06-13
我最愛的加多加多, 花生味很濃, 帶點甜甜的, 必定要吃!! 燒雞肉串,外皮有點燋, 裡面嫩嫩的, 很好!! 加了辣的印尼炒飯, 是辣了點, 但很野味!!有個好像是叫 half moon的餸菜, 有雞,牛,蛋,什菜 , 像什錦鍋似的, 汁有點稀,味道淡淡的, 最底的飯團軟軟的, 非常好吃!!整體來說, 這是一家非常有水準的餐廳!!味道適合香港人口味之余, 又不失印尼菜的獨特氣息!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(For photos, please visit the original blog post - http://www.razlan.net/2010/08/the-one-with-the-awesome-roti-prata-gado-gado-solo-indonesian-restaurant/)It was the end of a long week. My mind was focused resolutely on one thing – beer. A pint of foaming beer in a chilled glass, sipped slowly with my eyes closed.Hmmmm….So as I ascend to the second floor where Solo Indonesian Restaurant is located at, to join my friends for a birthday dinner, you can say my mind was a little disengaged from my surroundings.Which happens more often than you think.When we were handed the menu by the decidedly local owners of the place (which was huge, by the way, with plenty of empty tables. I guess they make their money with the office lunch crowd), I looked not at the tempting array of Indonesian food but the selection of draught beer available.Ah! Carlsberg. Possibly the best beer in the world. That would be perfecto.It wasn’t until the first dish arrived that I realised I had no idea what was being ordered. Apparently this place is famous for its satays – beef and chicken – and I wasn’t disappointed. Granted, I wish the meat was a little juicier and they weren’t so reserved with their peanut sauce. But it was the best satays I had in Hong Kong.So there I was with the birthday boy to my left and the golden couple in front of me, we yakked away over pints of beer (not cold enough, I must say) and a delicious plate of gado-gado; a vegetable salad served with a peanut sauce dressing. The sauce was so good (it gotta be the peanut) that we slurped up every drop with the endless servings of keropok (prawn crackers) offered to us.My friend was entertaining me with his tale of visiting the Ocean Park under the extreme summer heat (he gotta be pretty desperate for a new tourist spot to explore) when I got distracted by a whiff of delicious, buttery smell . Ah, it was the roti prata, the Asian version of flour-based pancake, cooked over a flat grill. Dipped into the equally awesome beef curry, the combination was so tantalising that my attention was finally fully focused on the food.The table was by then boisterous with chatters as we caught up with each other, and the table heavy with plates after plates of Indonesian goodness. There was this platter of deep fried prawns with egg yolk that was very good (though can be a bit too salty for some) and worth the slightly more expensive price tag. Worthy of mentions for the night include mee goreng (fried noodles, Malays style) and curry chicken.I was telling my friends that it is not everyday you get to taste such authentic Indonesian food in Hong Kong. Just ask local foodies like Jason and Rita. Considering Solo Indonesian Restaurant was just a stone throw away from my place, I should really visit more often.You know… when I feel that need for a bit of home, and Indonesian food is close enough.With that thought a little heavy on my mind, we paid the bill (about HK$800 for a table of seven) and meandered into the night, looking for more beer. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
那天其實我們沒打算說要吃什麼的 , 反正大家都不是太肚餓 , 所以便邊走邊找吧 ! CWB的東西也吃悶了 , 中環的東西價錢又太高 , 不適合我們這剛剛出來工作的人仕 , 同事便提意到上環走走吧 ~出了上環港鐵站 , 走了不久 , 我們抬頭看到一家掛了很多星星(小燈泡)的印尼餐廳 , 他們便說 : 就這家吧 ! 我心想: 不要吧 ! 因為記得在N年前 , 和好友去吃過(在TST招牌勁大的這家)印尼餐 , 這次給我的印像是... ... 「印尼嘢好難食! 」= =" 哎 ~ 我其如3位同事也一至說好 , 那我便再給印尼餐一次機會吧 ! 我們一行4人 , 沒一人是熟識印尼菜的 ! 一打開餐牌 , 只懂點「沙爹」= =" ! 哎算 ~ 叫人來介紹好了 ! 4眼哥哥很有耐性地給我們介紹他們餐廳的招牌菜 , 最後我們都由他替我們點菜了 ! 他替我們點了... ... 沙爹 ( 豬雞 ) 6支 $ 45 - 他們的肉串真真是用炭燒的 , 外面燒得有點焦 , 很香 ! 肉質也不會乾 , 而且還很腍、很多汁 , 沙爹醬甜而不辣 , 有粗粒花生是我最愛 , 十分適合小朋友和老人家吃 ! 蕉葉辣燒魚 $ 65- 蕉葉包住無骨魚柳 , 加上一些特別的香料一併燒 , 嘩 ~~~ 好香、好好味呀 ! ( 因為我很愛吃辣 , 所以特別加分 ! ^^ )巴東雞 $ 65- 和咖哩雞的味道很似 , 香料很足 , 少少辣 , 撈飯一流 !參寶蛋 $ 55- 又是要加分的一味菜 ! 小小塊一口炸豆腐和炸雞蛋 , 伴隨有椰香的汁料 , 香而不辣 , 又是好好送飯的一味菜 !印尼炒通菜 $ 50- 雖然我不知道大廚放了什麼去炒 , 但是咸咸香香真一流 !炸雞 $ 85- 特別用新鮮雞炸的 , 並非一般炸雞喔 ! ( 不過我覺得有點貴 ! = =") 印尼炒飯 $ 50- 這個又是必吃的 ! 很夠鑊氣 , 很久沒吃過炒得一粒粒的炒飯了 !特別推介 : 記得叫他們給你一碟辣椒油 , 他們的秘制辣椒油 , 真是香 ~ 香 ~ 香 , 好正 ! 若你不愛吃辣真是一大損失啊 ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-09-20
禮拜五晚﹐7pm 打去話要 7:15pm 的檯﹐接線生話唔使等﹐都幾好丫。上到去服務都唔錯﹐想坐邊都得。點了個 2-3 人套餐﹐有串燒 + 沙律 + 椰汁雞 + 白飯 (任裝)。那個餐其實 3 個人食﹐一 d 都唔夠。所以另外再點了咖哩牛 + 蕉葉辣燒魚。串燒有雞肉﹑牛肉﹑豬肉﹐味道都唔錯。個 salad 就馬馬虎虎。椰汁雞好差﹐「水椰椰」﹐完全冇椰汁味。兩隻雞腿 (drumsticks) 煮到爛晒﹐但咩味都冇﹐我懷疑有冇醃過。咖哩牛尚可以﹐但香料用得唔夠。蕉葉辣燒魚真係唔錯﹐好夠味道。間餐廳好似係 family-run﹐丈夫應該係廚師﹐太太同個仔做侍應。人手唔多夠﹐問佢地拿杯﹐問0左 3 - 4 次都仲係唔記得。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)