6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
This seafood restaurant has honored by the MICHELIN Guide Selection for many times. It serves traditional Chinese dishes with high quality ingredients. It is suitable for family and friends gathering. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (123)
We brought our artists and crew here for a celebration dinner, it's Sunday night but the restaurant was surprisingly not packed. Our team of 14 was comfortably seated and the table was under one of the brass chandeliers at the room corner. Reservation is recommended if you would like to try the famous crispy fried chicken. The deep fried skin was ultra thin and the chicken meat was tenderly succulent. Two other signature dishes mentioned by the staff: sweet and sour pork with pineapple, and soy sauce stir-fried noodles. Both were scrumptious, and the noodles were top-notch, perfectly tossed with the basics: spring onions, bean sprout, soy sauce and sesame. Not gonna lie, their stir-frys are SUPERIOR. My favourite dish of the night goes to the four-delicacy fried rice served in casserole. This fried rice was BOMB, very fragrant and meticulously intertwined with dry-cured Chinese ham, dried shrimps, egg and scallion. Each spoonful was a sheer bliss. It's a feast and we ordered a lot more: chives stir-fried with cashews, squid, dried and fresh shrimps; salted egg braised tofu and shrimps; pan-fried lotus root pork patties; wasabi angus beef cubes and mushrooms in fried egg basket (one of our foreign guests liked this very much); garlic steamed baby squid (this was so FLUFFY and good); Chinese cabbage with salted and preserved eggs in chicken broth; Chinese yam with black fungus; braised egg plants; stir-fried longevity noodles with mushrooms; last but never the least- boneless spareribs baked with preserved plum and black olive (this is so incredible as well because the pork was full of flavour and very juicy). The grand finale: a hot bowl of sweet potato soup complimentary for everyone. Very gingery with ripe and soft sweet potatoes. Every dish was a satisfaction, this restaurant has honestly nailed a wide variety of staple Cantonese cuisines. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-25
同同事一齊諗吓中午食啲乜,決定食呢間星記海鮮飯店。我覺得佢餐牌中午嚟講呢都算係差唔多價錢啦,都算係中嘅。咁我哋就嗌咗一個炒飯啦,咕嚕肉,同埋呢個嘅椒鹽鮮魷咁樣我哋四個人share一個飯咁每人大概$100左右。個咕嚕肉同埋個肉餅都唔差嘅咁個炒飯都還可以啦。我見到隔籬位嗰啲食海鮮啊海鮮蝦都好似好正,下次一定要再試過! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上次試過食一次午餐,一直希望食晚餐,同朋友去中環食飯,呢度好full 㗎,一早就book咗呢間中菜🥢,仲可以預訂菜單📝菜單:🔸馳名鳳梨🍍生炒骨 生炒骨炸得酥脆,鳳梨🍍有甜又多汁,加埋個酸酸甜甜嘅醬汁,好開胃😍🔸杏汁花膠燉豬肺🥣 養顏湯水,個湯超足料呀!侍應會把好多湯料盛在碟讓客人享用,杏汁味非常香濃,花膠口肉彈牙,仲有好多雞腳同豬展,食湯料都可以食飽😅🔸薑葱炒膏蟹🦀好大隻蟹,啖啖厚肉蟹膏,薑葱炒得好有火喉,好出色👍🏻🔸豉汁蒸鮮魚頭雲🐟 大大個鮮魚雲頭,好有肉,啖啖滑嘟嘟嘅魚雲,用豉汁蒸味道非常濃郁🔸脆皮炸子雞🐔 炸子雞啲皮炸到脆卜卜,但係裏面嘅肉依然保持多汁嫩滑🥰,入味得來又唔太鹹😊🔸薑汁炒芥蘭芥蘭又綠又嫩,清清地用薑汁炒已經好好味🔸壽包 🍑大大隻壽包,熱辣辣做甜品👍🏻🔸番薯🍠糖水冬天食返個糖水,夠晒滋潤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-20
很久沒有外出吃晚飯,今天舊同事聚會,來到這家罩著米芝蓮光環的食店! 地方比較擁擠,食客很多,基本上是滿座,我想這麼多人捧場,肯定好吃吧!煎咸雞,紅燒豆腐,涼瓜燜班腩都很一般,到有名的生炒排骨,老友說用的是新鮮菠蘿,很有特色,但是一看就是罐頭的,排骨味道也不見得好吃,價格卻要$215一小碟,感嘆自己已經落伍了,不怎麼適應現在香港的物價!最後必須要說一件奇怪的事情,就是我們的姜汁炒芥蘭,菜一到,我是第一個去夾的,放到口裡是暖和的,我就奇怪,是不是廚房煮好,放太久沒有人上菜? 但是我再看看,菜還冒著煙呢!是什麼魔術?我的結論是,芥蘭是淥熟的,然後放一旁晾著,有客人下單,就拿到鑊裡炒兩吓,所以有煙但是菜不熱! 這樣的米芝蓮食肆是不是令人感到失望呢? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-30
今日同屋企人一齊黎到中環,上網搵食咩好,比我地意外發掘到呢間米芝蓮中菜廳,果然無令人失望,會再黎幫襯!我地坐低,即刻有員工招呼,上菜速度都快,餐廳員工很友善,有主動提及是日例湯款式同推介餐廳的招牌菜。當日晚飯時間,坐無虛席,好彩我地晚飯時間前已入座,如果唔係都無位了,建議朋友仔可以先同餐廳book台。我地點左例湯,湯料非常足夠,員工會幫忙撈起湯渣,都已經一大碟,我地4個人每人仲飲到2碗添。我地首先試左佢既招牌鳳梨生炒骨,甜甜酸酸的味道控制得剛好,不會太甜或太酸。即炸既甜炒骨值得加分。必點菜之一。另一款椒鹽鮮魷都好出色,脆卜卜金黃色,炸粉唔會同魷魚分離,香脆可口!小炒皇夠晒火喉,蝦仁、魷魚好大隻。最後叫多碟咸雞完成今晚美味的晚餐了。雖然叫鹹雞但係唔會死鹹,送飯一流。臨走仲有甜品添呀,正! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)